Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System


Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System Ed Bilsky, Ph.D. Department of Pharmacology University of New England Phone 283-0170, x2707 E-mail: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System

Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Ed Bilsky, Ph.D.
  • Department of Pharmacology
  • University of New England

Phone 283-0170, x2707 E-mail
Autonomic Nervous System
  • A largely autonomous system that monitors and
    controls internal body functions to maintain
    homeostasis and meet the organisms demands
  • cardiac output
  • blood volume and pressure
  • digestive processes
  • Contains both afferent and efferent components,
    along with integrating centers
  • Drugs which modify the function of the autonomic
    nervous system can be used therapeutically for
    many disease states

Autonomic Nervous System
  • There are two efferent divisions that act
    antagonistically to each other
  • allows for a greater degree of control over
    various processes than one system would allow
  • Sympathetic branch (fight or flight)
  • increased cardiac output
  • redirection of blood flow from GI system and skin
    to skeletal muscle
  • Parasympathetic branch (rest and maintenance)
  • decreased cardiac output
  • increased GI motility and secretions

Autonomic Nervous System
  • Divisions of the ANS use a two neuron system
  • Preganglionic neuron
  • cell bodies in the spinal cord
  • nerves terminate in ganglion
  • Postganglionic neuron
  • cell bodies in the ganglion
  • nerves terminate on effector organs including
    smooth muscle and cardiac muscle

Ganglion aggregation of nerve cells in the
peripheral nervous system
Autonomic Nervous System
  • Preganglionic Cell Locations
  • Sympathetic
  • thoracic spinal cord
  • lumbar spinal cord
  • Parasympathetic
  • cranial nerves (CN III, VII, IX, X)
  • sacral spinal cord

Neurotransmitters of the ANS
  • Two primary neurotransmitters in the ANS
  • Acetylcholine
  • preganglionic cells of the parasympathetic and
    sympathetic branches
  • postganglionic cells of the parasympathetic
  • some postganglionic cells of the sympathetic
  • Norepinephrine
  • most postganglionic cells of the sympathetic

Neurotransmitters of the ANS
cranial parasympathetic nerves
visceral effectors
visceral effectors
sympathetic (thoracolumbar) nerves
visceral effectors
visceral effector organs
sacral parasympathetic nerves
Neuromodulators of the ANS
  • There are numerous other substances found in
    cholinergic and noradrenergic neurons, as well as
    other neurons of the ANS
  • These substances may modulate the actions of the
    primary neurotransmitters or have functions of
    their own
  • Examples
  • Substance P
  • CGRP
  • serotonin
  • VIP
  • CCK

Primary Receptors of the ANS
Muscarinic M1 M2 M3
Nicotinic NN NM
Cholinergic Receptors
  • Receptor Primary Locations Main Biochemical
  • M1 sympathetic post-ganglionic neurons,
    formation of IP3 and DAG --gt
  • CNS neurons increased intracellular Ca2
  • M2 myocardium, smooth muscle inhibition of
    adenylyl cyclase
  • open K channels
  • M3 vessels (smooth muscle/endothelial),
    formation of IP3 and DAG --gt
  • exocrine glands increased intracellular Ca2
  • NN postganglionic neurons increased Na
    conductance --gt
  • depolarization of neuron
  • NM neuromuscular junction increased Na
    conductance --gt
  • initiation of muscle contraction

Adrenergic Receptors
  • Receptor Primary Locations Main Biochemical
  • ?1 smooth muscle formation of IP3 and DAG --gt
  • increased intracellular Ca2
  • ?2 presynaptic nerve terminals inhibition of
    adenylyl cyclase --gt
  • platelets, lipocytes, smooth muscle
    decreased cAMP
  • ?1 cardiac muscle, lipocytes, CNS stimulation of
    adenylyl cyclase --gt
  • presynaptic ANS nerve terminals increased
  • ?2 smooth muscle, cardiac muscle stimulation of
    adenylyl cyclase --gt
  • increased cAMP
  • ?3 lipocytes stimulation of adenylyl cyclase --gt
  • increased cAMP

  • Four Major Steps
  • 1. Synthesis and Storage of the neurotransmitter
    in the presynaptic neuron
  • 2. Release of the neurotransmitter into the
    synaptic cleft
  • 3. Interaction of the neurotransmitter with
    receptors on the post-synaptic cell
  • 4. Termination of the synaptic actions of the

Synthesis and Storage
  • Acetylcholine example
  • The precursor choline is transported into
    cholinergic nerve terminals
  • hemicholinums can block the transporter --gt
    decreased synthesis of ACh
  • Once synthesized, acetylcholine is transported
    into vesicles for storage
  • vesamicol can block the vesicular transporter,
    decreasing stores of releasable ACh
  • Because of the ubiquitous nature of
    acetylcholine, these drugs are not used in
    clinical pharmacology

Release of Neurotransmitter
  • Acetycholine example
  • Botulinum toxins are among the most potent
    pharmacological agents known
  • The various botulinum toxins are produced by
    distinct strains of Clostridium botulinum
  • The light chain of the protein exerts a
    metalloprotease effect that cleaves proteins
    involved in exocytosis
  • SNAP-25
  • syntaxin
  • VAMP-1 and 2

Clinical Correlate
  • Intramuscular injections of botulinum toxin type
    A are the most effective treatment for focal
    dystonia and may be used in a limited form in
    patients with segmental or generalized dystonia
  • Treatment is necessary every 3 to 5 months in
    most patients, and this therapy has been used
    safely in some patients for more than 15 years
  • some patients develop resistance to the clinical
    response, and antibodies to the A toxin may
  • if the dose is limited to less than 300 U per
    procedure and the treatment is given no more
    frequently than every 3 months, the risk of
    immunoresistance is minimized

Interaction of Neurotransmitters with Receptors
Ligand-gated channel
G-protein regulated
G protein
Termination of Neurotransmitter Effect
Enzymatic breakdown of neurotransmitter
  • Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is one of only a few
    enzymes that have obtained near catalytic
  • the rate of hydrolysis is close to the rate of
    diffusion to the active site
  • a single enzyme can hydrolyze 14,000 ACh
  • Blockade of acetylcholinesterase will rapidly
    increase synaptic levels of acetylcholine
  • neostigmine-reversible inhibitor
  • sarin, malathion-irreversible inhibitors

Termination of Neurotransmitter Effect
Reuptake of neurotransmitter
Reuptake of Catecholamines
  • Dopamine and norepinephrine are inactivated
    primarily via reuptake
  • specific transporters that transport the
    catecholamines back into the presynaptic terminal
  • The effects of cocaine and amphetamine are
    mediated in part through the dopamine transporter

Cholinomimetic Drugs
  • Ed Bilsky, Ph.D.
  • Department of Pharmacology
  • University of New England

Phone 283-0170, x2707 E-mail
Drugs that Increase Cholinergic Activity
  • Cholinergic agonists
  • muscarinic agonists (pilocarpine)
  • nicotinic agonists (nicotine)
  • Inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase
  • reversible inhibitors (neostigmine)
  • irreversible inhibitors (nerve gas, insecticides)

Direct Acting Cholinomimetics
  • Structure
  • Major differences exist between drugs in this
  • The choline esters have quaternary structures
    that possess positive charges (e.g., bethanechol)
  • water soluble
  • Other agents do not have have a charge (e.g.,
  • There is a strong stereoselective binding
    requirement for the muscarinic receptor
  • (S)-bethanechol gtgt (R)-bethanechol

Direct Acting Cholinomimetics
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • The quaternary amines are poorly absorbed and
    poorly distributed into the CNS compared to the
    tertiary amines
  • bethanechol versus pilocarpine
  • Some of these compounds are more resistant to
    cholinesterases than others
  • bethanechol gtgt acetylcholine
  • Modification of the structure can influence the
    affinity of the drug for muscarinic and nicotinic
  • bethanechol versus acetylcholine

Direct Acting Cholinomimetics
  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Muscarinic receptors are coupled to G-proteins
    that activate phospholipase C (M1 and M3) or
    inhibit adenylyl cylase (M2)
  • increased production of IP3 and DAG, decreased
    levels of cAMP
  • These second messengers produce a number of
    intracellular effects
  • increase intracellular Ca2 levels and activation
    of protein kinase C
  • opening of K channels --gt hyperpolarization of
    the cell
  • Activation of nicotinic receptors produces an
    influx of Na ions and depolarization of the cell
    --gt action potential

Organ System Effects
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Primary effects of muscarinic agonists are a
    decrease in peripheral resistance and changes in
    heart rate
  • Direct effects of the heart include
  • increased K current in atrial muscle, SA and AV
  • decreased Ca2 current in cardiac cells
  • a reduction in hyperpolarization-activated
    current that underlies diastolic depolarization
  • net effect is to slow the pace maker cells and
    decrease atrial contractility
  • the ventricles are less densely innervated than
    the atrial tissue

Organ System Effects
  • Cardiovascular system (continued)
  • The direct effects of muscarinic agonists on the
    heart are usually opposed by reflex sympathetic
  • elicited by the fall in blood pressure
  • Muscarinic agonists can produce marked
  • generation of EDRF from endothelial cells (NO
    main contributor)
  • Respiratory system
  • Muscarinic agonists produce smooth muscle
    contraction and stimulate secretion in the
    bronchial tree
  • can aggravate symptoms associated with asthma

Organ System Effects
  • Genitourinary tract
  • Stimulation of muscarinic receptors increases
    tone of the detrusor muscle and relaxes the
    trigone and sphincter muscles of the bladder
  • promotes voiding of urine
  • No major effects on uterine contractility

Organ System Effects
  • Eye
  • muscarinic stimulation leads to contraction of
    the smooth muscle of the iris sphincter and of
    the cilliary muscle
  • responsible for miosis and accomodation,
  • Both effects promote the outflow of aqueous humor
  • decreases intraoccular pressure
  • Miscellaneous secretory glands
  • muscarinic agonists stimulate the secretory
    activity of sweat, lacrimal and nasopharyngeal

Organ System Effects
  • CNS effects
  • The CNS contains both muscarinic and nicotinic
  • Nicotine has important effects on the brainstem
    and cortex
  • stimulant type effects, addiction liability
  • high doses can cause tremor and convulsions
  • Muscarinic receptors play a role in movement,
    cognition, learning and memory, and vestibular
  • potential therapeutic applications to CNS
    diseases, though side-effects limit the clinical
    use of these agents

Organ System Effects
  • PNS effects
  • Activation of nicotinic receptors produces action
    potentials in post-ganglionic nerves of the ANS
  • The activation of both branches of the ANS
    results in complex effects on the organism
  • cardiovascular effects are primarily
  • GI and genitourinary effects primarily
  • Neuromuscular junction
  • nicotine receptors initiate muscle action
  • fasciculations to strong contractions of an
    entire muscle possible
  • can produce depolarization blockade

Indirect Acting Cholinomimetics
  • Structure
  • Three major classes of compounds
  • simple alcohols bearing quaternary ammonium group
  • carbamic acid esters of alcohols bearing
    quaternary or tertiary ammonium groups
  • organic derivatives of phosphoric acid
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • The quaternary derivatives are poorly absorbed
    and poorly distributed into the CNS compared to
    the tertiary amines
  • physostigmine gt neostigmine
  • Differences in insecticide absorption and
    metabolism can affect the safety of these
  • malathion metabolized quickly in mammals and
    birds, not insects

Indirect Acting Cholinomimetics
  • Pharmacodynamics
  • The affinity of the drug to acetycholinesterase
    determines the duration of action
  • edrophonium and related quaternary alcohols
    interact weakly (electrostatic and hydrogen
    bonds) --gt 2-10 min interaction
  • carbamate esters (e.g., neostigmine) form
    covalent bonds --gt 30 min to 6 hr interactions
  • organophospahtes can form very strong covalent
    bonds that are basically irreversible --gt
    hundreds of hours
  • An aging process can strengthen the
    organophosphate bonds making treatment of nerve
    gas poisoning very difficult to manage

Organ System Effects
  • Cardiovascular system
  • These drugs exert negative chronotropic,
    inotropic and dromotropic effects on the heart
    --gt decreased CO
  • Limited effects on the vasculature
  • Net effect of moderate doses is modest
    bradycardia and a fall in CO, with only minimal
    effects on blood pressure
  • higher doses produce marked bradycardia and
  • Respiratory, GI and GU systems
  • Similar to effects produced by direct acting

Organ System Effects
  • Neuromuscular junction
  • Low (therapeutic) doses prolong and intensify the
    effects of physiologically released acetylcholine
  • Higher doses can lead to muscle fibrillation and
    fasiculations of an entire motor unit

Therapeutic Applications Myasthenia Gravis
  • Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that
    attacks the nicotinic ACh receptors at the
    neuromuscular junction
  • leads to profound muscle weakness
  • Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors increase the
    amount of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular
  • neostigmine is frequently used for this disorder
  • If muscarinic side-effects are prominent,
    anticholinergics can be administered (e.g.,
  • tolerance usually occurs to the muscarinic
  • Why are the direct acting cholinomimetics not
    used for myasthenia gravis?

Therapeutic Applications Reversal of NMB
  • By increasing levels of acetylcholine in the NMJ,
    the compounds are able to facilitate recovery
    from competitive neuromuscular blockade
  • restores neuromuscular transmission
  • Edrophonium has a more rapid onset of action than
    neostigmine, and shorter duration of action
  • Neostigmine is preferable to other agents when
    gt90 twitch depression is to be antagonized

Therapeutic Applications Glaucoma
  • Constriction of the ciliary body promotes aqueous
    humor outflow --gt decreased intraoccular pressure
  • Direct and indirect cholinomimetics can be used
    to treat glaucoma
  • pilocarpine is the most commonly used agent
  • typically formulated as eye drops

Therapeutic Applications Atonic GI/GU
  • The smooth muscle of the GI and GU systems can
    show depressed activity in certain states
  • post-operative ileus
  • congenital megacolon
  • Bethanechol and neostigmine are the most widely
    used agents
  • increases secretion and motility in the G.I.
  • can be given orally or by injection

These agents can not be used if there is a
mechanical obstruction of the GI or urinary tract
Therapeutic Applications Other Uses
  • Physostigmine is rarely used for reversing the
    effects of anticholinergic poisoning
  • has many side-effects of its own that are
    difficult to control
  • The use of edrophonium for treating
    supraventricular tachyarrhythmias has been
  • newer agents that act at adenosine receptors and
    calcium channels have replaced its use in this

  • Neuromuscular receptor antagonists
  • Tubocurarine (nicotinic antagonist)
  • Ganglionic receptor antagonists
  • hexamethonium
  • Muscarinic receptor antagonists
  • atropine and scopolamine (belladonna alkaloids)
  • pirenzepine

  • Structure
  • Atropine is the prototypic drug in this class
  • found in Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)
    and Datura stramonium (Jimson Weed)
  • tertiary amine structure allows passage across
    the BBB
  • Other drug classes possess anticholinergic
    activity by virtue of their similar chemical
  • many antihistamines, antipsychotics and
  • Anticholinergics that are quaternary amines have
    been developed for limiting CNS effects
  • ipratropium for asthma
  • propantheline for GI use

  • Pharmacokinetics
  • The quaternary amines are poorly absorbed from
    the GI tract and poorly distributed into the CNS
    compared to the tertiary amines
  • atropine gtgt propantheline
  • Metabolism is drug specific
  • atropine has a relatively short half-life, with
    the majority of the drug being eliminated in the
    urine unchanged, some metabolism in the urine
    (hydrolysis and conjugation)

  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Atropine produces reversible blockade of
    muscarinic receptors
  • very selective for muscarinic receptors
  • does not differentiate between M1, M2 and M3
  • Other anticholinergics possess subtype selective
  • pirenzepine M1 gt M2 gt M3

Organ System Effects
  • CNS
  • Clinical doses of atropine typically produce
    minimal CNS effects
  • scopolamine has greater CNS effects (sedation,
  • higher doses of these agents can produce
  • Blockade of muscarinic receptors has been used to
    treat tremors associated with Parkinsons disease
  • newer agents have replaced anticholinergics as a
    primary treatment, sometimes used as an adjunct
  • Vestibular disturbances, especially motion
    sickness, appears to be mediated by CNS
    muscarinic receptors
  • scopolamine can be given orally or by transdermal

Organ System Effects
  • Eye
  • Tertiary anticholinergics produced marked
    mydriasis due to unopposed sympathetic activity
  • Decreased contraction of the ciliary muscle
    produces cycloplegia and a loss of accommodation
  • These effects are useful for certain
    ophthalmology procedures
  • contraindicated in patients with glaucoma
  • Cardiovascular effects
  • Moderate doses have pronounced effects on the SA
    node to increase heart rate
  • low doses can cause bradycardia due to
    presynaptic muscarinic receptor blockade

Organ System Effects
  • Respiratory system
  • Blockade of muscarinic receptors in the bronchial
    tree produces bronchodilation and decreased
  • Older class of agents used for treating asthma
  • largely replaced in the treatment of asthma by
    beta-2 agonists
  • Ipratropium is sometimes used in asthma and COPD
    as an inhalational drug
  • decreased systemic distribution compared to
  • Anticholinergics can decrease secretions during
    intubation procedure and during the delivery of
    volatile anesthetics

Organ System Effects
  • GI effects
  • Decreases secretions and motility in the GI
  • dry mouth and constipation are frequent
  • infrequently used for treating peptic ulcer and
  • better agents available that have produce less
  • selective M1 blockers are being developed
  • Decreases spasms of the bladder and ureters is
    useful in treating some inflammatory conditions
    where incontinence is a problem (M3 antagonists)
  • Sweat glands
  • thermoregulatory sweating is inhibited by
  • sympathetic nervous system effect
  • Large doses of atropine may increase body
    temperature in adults
  • infants and children are much more sensitive to
    this effect

Cholinergic poisoning
  • A number of insecticides and nerve gasses can
    produce cholinergic toxicity
  • Many of the signs and symptoms can be reversed by
    administering atropine
  • There are several compounds that can hydrolyze
    the phosphoryalted acetylcholinesterase and
    reverse organic phosphate poisoning
  • need to be administered soon after the exposure
  • pralidoxine (PAM) regenerates the
  • Atropine can be used to treat certain types of
    mushroom poisoning (Inocybe genus and others)

Anticholinergic poisoning
  • High doses of belladonna alkaloids can produce
    their own toxic syndrome
  • dry as a bone, blind as a bat, red as a beet, mad
    as a hatter
  • Typically associated with accidental poisoning in
    people seeking the hallucinogenic actions of the
  • long-lasting agitation and delerium
  • Overdose is typically treated symptomatically due
    to problems with the antidotes (physostigmine)
  • temperature control and diazepam for seizures

Ganglion Blocking Agents
  • The lack of specificity with these agents limits
    their clinical use
  • hexamethonium and others are used in preclinical
  • The specific response elicited depends on the
    predominant ANS innervation
  • cycloplegia and loss of accommodation and usually
    dilation of the pupil
  • cardiovascular effects include significant
  • marked decrease in GI activity and loss of sexual
  • These compounds (e.g., trimethaphan) were once
    used to treat malignant hyperthermia
  • replaced by other drugs (e.g., nitroprusside)
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