Starting a crystallography project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Starting a crystallography project


Starting a crystallography project (Traversing the mountain range of structure determination) crystallization structure determination protein purification – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Starting a crystallography project

Starting a crystallography project
(Traversing the mountain range of structure
structure determination
protein purification
protein expression
The method
1. Growing protein crystals Principles, methods
and optimization 2. Symmetry Symmetry elements,
point groups and space groups 3.
Diffraction Introduction to diffraction of
waves The reciprocal lattice Diffraction by
crystals Bragg equation 4. Obtaining the
diffraction pattern Instruments Data collection
strategy/quality 5. Deriving a trial
structure Methods for solving phase problem 6.
Refining the structure 7. Analysis of structural
parameters - quality

Growing crystals
Protein Crystallisation
  • Principles and practice in crystallising
    biological macromolecules

Learning objectives
  • Understand the principles that govern crystal
    formation and growth
  • Have knowledge of the different types of
    precipitant and how they work
  • Be familiar with a number of different methods of
  • Be able to choose a suitable method for the
    crystallisation of your macromolecule and to
    design a crystallisation strategy
  • Make decisions about screening results and
    selecting the best leads to follow
  • Develop and/or modify existing methods to assist
    the crystallisation of your macromolecule

  • Basic principles of crystallisation
  • Supersatutation
  • Solubility
  • Nucleation
  • Crystal growth
  • Factors that affect crystallisation
  • Methods in crystallisation
  • Precipitating agents
  • Practical methods
  • Microbatch and other methods using oils

Introduction to the principles of crystallisation
  • 3 steps in crystallisation nucleation, growth
    and cessation of growth
  • Macromolecule Crystallisation is a multi
    parameter process
  • The differences between protein crystallisation
    and the crystallisation of small molecules are
  • The physico-chemical properties
  • Conformational flexibility and chemical
  • Origin of biological macromolecule
  • To grow crystals molecules have to be brought
    into a supersaturated, thermodynamically unstable
    state, this may result in a crystalline or
    amorphous phase when it returns to equilibrium

  • An unstable condition where more solutes
    (protein) are dissolved in a solvent that can
    normally be held in solution under given
    conditions of temperature and pressure.

It can also be defined as when the chemical
potential (change in free energy) of the solute
is greater in solution than in the crystal
  • Supersaturation can be achieved by evaporation of
    the solvent or by varying any parameter that
    affects the chemical potential of the solute e.g.
  • Protein concentration
  • Salt concentration
  • Temperature
  • Pressure

Supersaturation is the driving force for
crystallisation as such it is a key parameter
in optimisation
  • Solubility is defined as
  • the amount of compound dissolved in a solution in
    equilibrium with an excess of undissolved
  • There are different ways to define solubility
  • concentration values may be measured before
    complete equilibrium is reached
  • solubility may be measured in the presence of
    precipitate or crystals

Macromolecular structure
  • A biological macromolecule is a polymer of amino
    acids or nucleotides, which is folded into
    tertiary or quaternary structure held together
  • mainly by dipole-dipole interaction, H-bonds and
    van der Waals interactions
  • by some covalent bonds (S-S bridges)
  • occasionally by salt bridges
  • Water soluble proteins have mostly hydrophilic
    side-chains on their surface

  • Solubility is additionally defined by the
    characteristics of the solvent
  • The additional chemicals contained in the solvent
    can affect the solubility of macromolecules by
  • interacting with the different functional groups
    of the protein, perhaps modifying the
  • modifying the properties of the solvent e.g.,
    altering the pH or disrupting salt bridges

Solubility and the solid phase
  • Crystallisation is
  • The transfer of molecules from the liquid phase
    (aqueous solution) to an ordered solid phase
  • Thermodynamic factors govern the solubility
  • This is where the supersaturation becomes
    important, as only in the supersaturated state
    will the equilibrium be shifted in favour of the
    formation of intermolecular bonds.

Solubility and temperature
  • Entropic effects - An increase in temperature
    increases the disorder of solvent molecules
  • During a temperature rise vapour will distil away
    from a drop increasing the degree of
    supersaturation - shower of xtals
  • Decreases in temperature result in vapour
    condensing on the drop diluting it and increasing
    the volume (use microbatch or sitting drop)

Solubility and pH
  • pH changes affect both solute and solvent but
    have a greater effect on the solute, potentially
    protonating or deprotonating the macromolecule
  • Charged groups on the surface of the molecules
    may be affected by protons and different ions in
    the solution

Solubility and ionic strength
  • Salts are responsible for the ionic strength of a
    solution and affect macromolecular electrostatic
    interactions by charge shielding
  • This is achieved by acting in the following ways
  • Forming direct electrostatic interactions with
    charged residues
  • Forming interactions with dipolar groups (e.g.
    peptide bonds, amino, hydroxyl or carboxyl
  • Non-polar interactions of hydrophobic residues
    with organic salts
  • Association with binding sites

The effect of salts on solubility
  • The change in protein solubility with increasing
    salt concentrations is described in terms of
  • Salting-in increasing solubility at low salt
  • Salting-out protein solubility is decreased at
    high ionic strength

How can we take advantage of these factors?
  • In order to initiate crystallisation we need to
    achieve supersaturation, effectively reducing the
    solubility of the protein.
  • This can be done practically in a number of ways
  • Increase the concentration of protein
  • Alter the ionic strength of the solvent
  • Alter the pH of the solvent
  • Change the temperature

The phase diagram
  • Basic principles of crystallisation
  • Supersaturation
  • Solubility
  • Nucleation
  • Crystal growth
  • Factors that affect crystallisation
  • Methods in crystallisation
  • Precipitating agents

  • the creation of a new (solid) phase the
    formation of ordered aggregates.

It is essentially the coming together of solute
molecules within a solution and requires that the
energy barrier the activation energy is
overcome before the formation of intermolecular
bonds can occur.
  • Nucleation is the first step in crystallisation
  • To achieve nucleation supersaturation must be
  • At supersaturation spontaneous nucleation is a
    dynamic process
  • There is a lower energy requirement in adding to
    an existing crystal surface than in creating a
    new nucleus

Types of nucleation
  • There are different types of nucleation
  • Homogeneous occurring within the solution
  • Heterogeneous occurring on solid particles or
  • Primary within a system containing no
    crystalline matter
  • Secondary when new nuclei originate from an
    existing nucleus (to produce twinning or bunching)

Epitaxial nucleation
  • Epitaxial nucleation is where the regularity of
    the surface facilitates nucleation.
  • Glass although siliconised can act as an adhesion
  • The strength of interaction with the glass can be
    stronger that the forces that bond the
    crystalline lattice
  • Crystals or micro-crystals can also be nucleated
    on cellulose fibres which are accidentally
    present in the protein/precipitate drop
  • The nucleation of crystals from aggregates and
    oils can be considered a case of epitaxial

The results of nucleation
  • Crystallike precipitate
  • the nuclei form regular 3-dimensional structures.
    (Shower of tiny crystals too much nucleation
    but ordered)
  • Non-crystalline precipitate
  • the solute molecules associate in a random
    fashion by non-specific van der Waals forces.
  • Can be either gel-like precipitate or an
    amorphous precipitate - there is nucleation in
    both cases, but it is random

The phase diagram
Methods to induce nucleation
  • Alter the protein and/or precipitant
  • Use an additive or add a nucleant
  • Use evaporation techniques
  • Use methods to separate nucleation and growth
    (e.g. transfer methods)

Methods to reduce nucleation
  • Slowing of equilibration
  • with dialysis set-ups
  • by altering the major parameters of the vapour
    diffusion technique
  • Use of silica based gels
  • Use methods that involve dilution of protein
    and/or precipitant solutions
  • Seed into the metastable zone

Factors that affect nucleation
Factor Effect on nucleation
Seeding Limit/reduce nucleation
Epitaxy Induce nucleation
Charged surfaces ??
Magnetic/electric fields ??
Mechanical e.g. vibration, pressure Induce nucleation in the metastable zone
Precipitant/protein/additive concentration Effect control on nucleation
Container walls Induce heterogeneous nucleation
Kinetics (rates of equilibration) Induce or reduce
  • Basic principles of crystallisation
  • Supersatutation
  • Solubility
  • Nucleation
  • Crystal growth
  • Factors that affect crystallisation
  • Methods in crystallisation
  • Precipitating agents

Principles of crystal growth
  • To bring the system gradually into a state of
    supersaturation by
  • modifying the properties of the solvent
  • altering a physical property such as temperature

Crystal growth
  • Diffusion and convection play a major role - use
  • Kinetic factors govern crystal growth
  • Events of crystal growth are quite different to
    nucleation - uncouple growth from nucleation
    seeding is one such method
  • To promote growth use an additive, add a nucleant
    or a seed crystal
  • Crystal quality is affected by rates of growth,
    internal order of the initial nucleus, purity of
    the sample

Optimising crystal growth
  • Knowledge of the growth sequence is important
  • The time span for the first crystal to become
  • Rates of equilibration and nucleation
  • An idea of an approximate growth rate
  • Exert some control of the kinetics of
    supersaturation and nucleation
  • Choose supersaturation conditions just above the
    border between metastable and nucleation

Cessation of crystal growth
  • There is a limit to crystal growth
  • Cessation can be caused by
  • growth will naturally cease as the protein
    concentration drops to the solubility limit
  • the random accumulation of defects as the crystal
  • adsorption of impurities or denatured protein
    onto the surface poisoning of the surface

  • Basic principles of crystallisation
  • Supersatutation
  • Solubility
  • Nucleation
  • Crystal growth
  • Factors that affect crystallisation
  • Methods in crystallisation
  • Precipitating agents

Factors that affect crystallisation
  • What are the parameters that affect the
    thermodynamics of interactions between molecules?
  • What factors affect the stability of proteins?
  • Which biological parameters are involved?

Factors affecting crystal growth
  • Protein purity and homogeneity
  • Precipitating solution
  • The pH of the crystallisation solution
  • Crystallisation temperature
  • Chemical or biochemical modifications to the
  • Stability of the protein or macromolecule
  • Surface charge of the macromolecule

  • Basic principles of crystallisation
  • Supersatutation
  • Solubility
  • Nucleation
  • Crystal growth
  • Factors that affect crystallisation
  • Methods in crystallisation
  • Precipitating agents

Methods in protein crystallisation
  • Batch
  • Microbatch (by hand and by robot)
  • Vapour diffusion
  • hanging drop
  • sitting drop
  • Equilibrium dialysis
  • Free interface diffusion

Batch crystallisation
  • The method involves mixing the biological
    macromolecule and the crystallising solution to
    achieve supersaturation instantaneously.
  • Since experiment starts at supersaturation
    nucleation tends to be too large
  • Large crystals can be obtained when working close
    to metastable

Microbatch crystallisation
  • A batch method where crystallization samples are
    dispensed as small drops (can be less than 1ml
    final volume) under oil.
  • Enables systematic studies on very small
    quantities ml scale, of both protein and
    crystallizing agents.
  • Applications include
  • Screening
  • Optimisation
  • Control of nucleation and equilibration

Dispensing Drops Under Oil
Chayen (1997) Structure 5, 1269-1274
Phycocyanin crystal by microbatch
Vapour diffusion
  • A good method for screening large numbers of
    crystallisation conditions
  • Evaporation of water from the sample droplet
    accompanied by net condensation into the
    reservoir solution so as to equalise the
    concentrations of the two solutions
  • This migration of water from the droplet results
    in concentration of both the protein and the
    precipitating agent lowering the solubility of
    the protein and if the condition are right
    inducing the formation of crystals

Vapour diffusion by hanging drop
  • The macromolecule and crystallising agent
    equilibrate against the reservoir which is at a
    higher - generally twice - concentration than
    that of the drop
  • Equilibration proceeds by evaporation of the
    volatile species (water or organic solvent) until
    the vapour pressure in the droplet equals that of
    the reservoir

Schematic diagram of a hanging drop
Vapour diffusion by sitting drop
  • The same principle applies in the hanging drop as
    in the sitting drop the difference is in the
    experimental set-up

Schematic diagram of a sitting drop
Crystallization by vapor diffusion
Crystallization by vapor diffusion
Sitting drop
Hanging drop
Phase diagram for vapor diffusion(no crystals)
Airlie J McCoy, Protein Crystallography
course http//
Phase diagram for vapor diffusion(crystals!!!)
Airlie J McCoy, Protein Crystallography
course http//
  • In dialysis the biological macromolecule is
    separated from a large volume of solvent by a
    semi-permeable membrane which allows small
    molecules (such as ions, additives, buffer etc.)
    to pass through but prevents the passage of the
  • The kinetics of the equilibrium will depend on
    the membrane cut-off, the ratio of the
    concentration of crystallising agent on either
    side of the membrane and the temperature and
    design of dialysis set up

Free interface diffusion
  • Also known as the liquid/liquid diffusion method
  • Equilibration occurs by diffusion of the
    crystallising agent into the biological
    macromolecule volume
  • To avoid rapid mixing
  • Less dense solution is poured on more dense (salt
  • Crystallising agent is frozen and protein layered
    on top
  • Use tubes of small inner diameter to reduce

Diagram of a liquid/liquid set-up
Revisiting the Phase Diagram
  1. Batch
  2. Vapour diffusion
  3. Dialysis
  4. Free interface diffusion

Precipitating agents
  • Chemical precipitants are used to achieve
    supersaturation in order to induce
    crystallisation, they can be divided into the
    following categories
  • Salts
  • Straight chain polymers (e.g. PEG)
  • Organic solvents
  • The highest numbers of macromolecular crystals
    have been obtained using
  • Ammonium sulphate, PEGs, Na/K phosphate, sodium
    chloride, MPD and magnesium chloride

Salts as precipitants
  • Salts work by disrupting the hydration shell of
    proteins minimising the attractive
    protein-solvent interactions and maximising the
    attractive protein-protein interactions

Organic precipitants
  • Organic precipitants function primarily by
    lowering the dielectric constant of the solution
    to reduce the electrostatic shielding of charged
    and polar functional groups on proteins
  • Most commonly used organic solvents are
  • 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD)
  • Polyethylene glycols (PEGs)

Poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs)
  • PEGs are very large polymers produced from a
    mixture of ethylene
  • Like other organic solvents PEGs lower the
    dielectric constant of the solution but they also
    affect the structure of water
  • PEGs may be contaminated with things such as
    aldhydes and peroxides use crystallisation
    grade PEGs
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