Xray Crystallography Workshop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Xray Crystallography Workshop


... positional parameters such that they are not allowed to deviate as much (from ... The RMS deviations from ideal values are a bit misleading, since you use them to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Xray Crystallography Workshop

X-ray Crystallography Workshop
  • DAY 4
  • Recap PHASER job with search_model_2.pdb
  • Lecture electron density maps, model building
  • Run one cycle Refmac refinement for rigid body
  • Open maps and models in COOT
  • Learn basic COOT tools
  • Manual adjustment of model
  • Lecture on refinement
  • Run refinement to 1.5 A with Refmac
  • Look at maps again, find waters etc.

The goal of model building and refinementis to
fit the model (the set of atomic coordinates
from whatever source) to the real experimentally
measured diffraction data.
  • BUT, with the caveat that this should not produce
    unreasonable protein structure.
  • Sources of error in the model
  • The model used for molecular replacement is not
    exactly homologous to your real protein, either
    because of sequence differences, or bound ligand,
    or point mutations.
  • The model generated by heavy atom phasing is not
    correct or not complete, due to various reasons.
  • Sources of error in the data
  • Measurement error due to
  • Detector other set-up problems
  • Crystal decay or absorption
  • Unknown

Here are some links for you with (I hope)helpful
  • Protein structure basics
  • A series of articles in Acta Cryst. on basic
    practice and recent developments
  • Link to a refmac tutorial
  • I will also download two tutorial documents on
    the blackboard, one on COOT, one on Refmac, by
    the people that wrote these programs, e.g.
  • coot_tutorial.pdf

What does an electron density map look like?
  • This is some near-perfect electron density from a
    refined model that I recently did for a UNC

What does an electron density map look like?
  • This is some not-as well fit electron density
    from a step earlier in the process of the
    previous model.

What does an electron density map look like?
  • This is what I would call un-interpretable.
    There are no recognizable features - and lots of
    disconnected density

What happens if you calculate an electrondensity
map from a bad molecular replacementsolution?
  • See many breaks in this helical region - many
    atoms not in density and some unaccounted-for

What happens if you calculate an electrondensity
map from a good molecular replacementsolution?
  • This is from our data set and our PHASER
    molecular replacement solution

Before we go on, lets talk about several
typesof electron density map that are important
  • a. Using phases from a model
  • i. 2Fo-Fc or 3Fo-2Fc (think of as Fo (Fo-Fc))
    uses phases calculated from the model and
    amplitudes from the measured data minus the
    calculated data. Gives you the model electron
    density PLUS the differences between the OBSERVED
    data and the CALCULATED data
  • ii. Fo Fc (difference map) uses phases
    calculated from the model and amplitudes from the
    OBSERVED minus the CALCULATED data. Tells you
    where you either need atoms (positive difference
    density) or where you need to get rid of atoms
    (negative density).
  • b. Omit maps Like a, except leave out some
    atoms from the phase calculation that may be
    biasing your phases in a region of the maps where
    the density is poor then the good parts of the
    model should help bring back the density in the
    bad parts of the structure if there really is
    density there.
  • c. Using experimental phases (from heavy atoms
    and solvent flattening and NCS averaging - we
    will talk more about this next week). Fobs maps.

Look at electron density mapsfrom the PHASER
  • If I open ccp4i, and click on the view files from
    job, I can look at the output .mtz file from the
    PHASER molecular replacement (using

We can look at the contents of a binary mtz file
using the GUI like that it runs a program
called mtzdump - dumps the contents of the
mtz to the standard output
  • The columns labeled FWT and PHWT are the
    amplitudes and phases for a 2Fo-Fc map the
    DELFWT and PHDELWT are for Fo-Fc. Fc is
    calculated structure factors, F_karen is our
    original measured data. See that phases are just
    like they should be - angles that describe the
    offset of the reflections wave from the reference
    wave. So they run from
  • -180 to 180 or 360.

The electron density map is calculated from the
equation using the absolute value of the
F(thats our FWT or other) times the two
So, we have everything we need in the file, the
f, h, k, l, x, y, z, Fhkl. All we need is a
fast computer to do all the sums
Before we look at our maps, we are goingto run a
rigid body refinement on our PHASER output
  • Open the ccp4i GUI, and go to your project for
    this lysozyme Molecular Replacement
  • Start the Refmac program by clicking on the
    Refinement menu, and then Refmac
  • Fill in the blanks that I tell you - we will talk
    more about refinement later

Ccp4 can calculate electron density maps(in a
program called FFT Fast Fourier Transform, but
COOT does it for us
  • So lets DO IT
  • Open COOT

Refinement Links
  • A slide show on Refmac from the CCP4 people
  • An online lecture from one of the CCP4 authors
    no theory
  • Another online lecture from Randy Read - a really
    really smart crystallographer

Refinement is the automated partof adjusting
the model to fit the data
  • What do we mean by the model ?
  • Here is a line from a coordinate file in pdb
  • ATOM 1 N LYS A 1 -20.428 45.403
    9.798 1.00 15.98 A N
  • There are four parameters (x,y,z, and B-factor
    15.98) about the atom that describe its position
    and average disorder B-factor includes thermal
    motion and crystalline disorder of unspecified

At lower resolution, (2.5 - 3 Å)
  • The way that the ratio of observations to
    parameters is increased is to add observations
    as bond lengths, bond angles, van der Waals
    contacts, deviations from planarity or chirality,
    non-crystallographic symmetry - these are called
  • These are weighted with respect to the
    positional parameters such that they are not
    allowed to deviate as much (from their standard
    values in known, well-refined small molecule
    structures) when the resolution is lower this
    prevents us from overfitting density that does
    not have the detail we need to REALLY say where
    an atom is, for example
  • You will see this graphically when you look at
    your higher resolution refinement maps.

So, the parameters are shifted and optimized in
some way,while some target function is
evaluatedthat measures the fit of model to data
  • Examples of optimization methods
  • Gradient descent methods calculate shifts for the
    parameters, and then, using differential
    equations, re-calculate shifts based on trying to
    make the gradient zero (to be at a minimum of the
    target function
  • Search methods generate a random set of models
    (e.g.simulated annealing uses molecular dynamics
    to generate these models applies kinetic energy
    to atoms to move them) and then - require more
    computer power but have larger radius of

Examples of target functions
  • Empirical energy - something like using the model
    with the lowest conformational energy. Not very
    realistic because it doesnt lend itself to error
  • Least squares residual - sum of squares of the
    difference between the observed minus predicted
    parameter divided by the standard deviation -
    suffers from the bad assumption that errors in
    the observations have a normal distrubution
  • Maximum likelihood - Allows for more arbitrary
    distributions of errors in observations - uses
    Bayesian statistical methods (beyond my current
    ability to understand well enough to try and
    explain) to create models of this error that
    supposedly make it a better target than least
    squares, which was used routinely before the

Optimization methods and target functionsof
commonly used refinement programs
  • Refmac - uses gradient descent method to minimize
    maximum likelihood OR least squares
  • CNS - Uses simulated annealing search method to
    minimize maximum likelihood
  • Others - see Tronrun paper Table at the end

Checking the success of refinement
cross-validation by R-free
  • Equation for conventional R-factor residual
    agreement of model with data
  • R S Fo - Fc / S Fo
  • If refinement is done incorrectly - this number
    can be deceptively low, which we want, but the
    model can be extremely inaccurate (low
  • What if we set aside a small percentage (e.g. 5)
    of the data to calculate an Rfactor for, but NOT
    to use in the refinement itself - a more unbiased
    R-factor (Brunger, 1993).

Rfree should drop along with Rworkingduting the
refinement, and stay within somethinglike 4
percentage points of each other
Refinement is finished when you decideyou
cant flatten the difference map any more, or
you get the lowest possible Rfree
  • Ususally, you cant ever flatten the difference
    map, and you stop when you cant stand it any
    more, or, really, when you dont drop the Rfree
    by doing anything reasonable
  • You will see papers where Rfree is as high as say
    29 - but these are usually hot structures at
    fairly low resolution, like membrane proteins or
    enormous complexes (ribosome e.g.) where
    publication often happens before refinement is
    really finished
  • But, how do you know your structure is correct???

COOT has a nice set of tools for lookingat areas
of the structure that are unusualor bad
  • If we go to the Validate menu in COOT and
    select Ramachandran plot, we will see residues
    that are in preferred areas of PHI/PSI backbone
    angles, (pink), in allowed but less preferred
    by energetics and known structures (yellow), and
    dis-allowed (for all by Gly)
  • Can click on the residues and COOT takes you to
    it so you can take a look!

Also, Refmac prints out (in the pdb file) a set
of error measures that are usefuland required
for deposition
  • The RMS deviations from ideal values are a bit
    misleading, since you use them to restrain the
  • Coordinate error is always lower at higher
    resolution, of course
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