Title: Leticia CunqueiroINFN Frascati
1Tecniche Monte Carlo per la fisica dei jet
- Leticia Cunqueiro INFN Frascati
2Jets in pp
- A jet is produced in a hard elementary
interaction with high virtuality Q2 (
) - Its perturbative cross section can be factorized
into short/long distance terms -
- A proton-proton jet is a well defined
- perturbative object and can be used
- as a reference in HIC.
3Jets in HIC
How does the QGP modify jets? Very
schematically -High virtuality interaction
means early in time time 1/Q -So
jets are produced at the early stages of the HIC,
long before soft interactions leading to QGP
It is the parton evolution encoded in the
Fragmentation Function that will be affected by
The PDFs and the elementary cross section are
not affected by the QGP.
4Jets in HIC
How does the QGP modify jets? Very
schematically -High virtuality interaction
means early in time time prop 1/Q -So jets
are produced at the early stages of the HIC,
before soft interactions leading to QGP
Jets probe the medium medium properties can be
studied from the modification in the cross
section compared to the pp case. Complications
Nuclear initial conditions?
5quasi Jets _at_RHIC
Slide from S.Salur, QM09
6Jets in experiment
Complications measuring jets in a HIC is an
experimental challenge.
In a HIC a jet is no longer what you can see
-Need to have a jet definition ?well defined
algos so measured quantities can be
compared to theory. -Need of powerful
background subtraction techniques.
7Fragmentation Function how does matter affect
A parton with virtuality t traveling in
vacuum will radiate gluons to become onshell.
The gluon radiation will be modified when the
parton traverses medium Medium induced gluon
Note that for sufficiently boosted jets the
medium modifies the perturbative evolution and
hadronization happens in vacuum.
8Fragmentation Function how does matter affect
The gluon radiation will be modified when the
parton traverses medium Medium induced gluon
9Medium-induced gluon radiation
No analytical solution for the path integral
expresion above approximations have to be used
-BDMPS-Z or multiple soft scattering
approximation (brownian motion)?
Assume the elem. interaction to be of short range
This defines the transport coefficient
It encodes all the information of the elementary
interaction and it represents the average
transverse momentum given by the medium to the
parton per unit path length.
10Medium-induced gluon radiation
11Medium-modified Fragmentation Function old
12New modeling of the inmedium splittings
13Medium-modified splittings
Slide from C.Salgado at QM09
14Medium-modified sudakov factor
Medium enters here
The probability of radiation is enhanced in
medium. The Sudakov form factor is the main tool
for our MC implementation.
15Medium-modified fragmentation function new
Our new method -energy-momentum conserved at
each splitting. -medium and vacuum treated in the
same footing.
Medium enters here
16The need for a Monte Carlo
- 1 Previous DGLAP procedure allows just to
compute single inclusive high pt observables like
RAA (we are just following the evolution of the
leading parton). However RHIC has taught us that
RAA is biased and not so good to discriminate
between models. -
Matter is opaque at RHIC and measured high pt
particles are produced in the corona low
sensitivity to transport coefficient.
17The need for a Monte Carlo
- 2 At LHC a full unbiased jet reconstruction
will be possible. - This will give acess to new observables such
as - fragmentation functions, intrajet
correlations, jet shapes,jet multiplicities -
The rate of high energy jets will be high. Signal
will be disentangled from background.
DEnterria 2008
18The need for a Monte Carlo
- 3 Jet Quenching will be well constrained, not
only a single high pt observable!! -
- ?But to go beyond single
inclusive and access exclusive - and differential observables a
Monte Carlo is needed. - A Monte Carlo for the Jet Quenching is thus a
needful tool. -
- However any probabilistic interpretation of
medium induced gluon radiation - relies on assumptions (i.e. time ordered
induced gluon emissions) - ?are there assumptions that cannot be
tested experimentally?? -
- . MCs will hopefully allow to discriminate
between energy loss models and to - understand the mechanisms of energy loss.
19Recent MC developments
- JEWEL K.Zapp et al induced gluon radiation
modelled by a multiplicative increase of the soft
splitting function. - YAYEM T.Renk enlargement of the QCD evolution
by giving aditional virtuality to the partons. -
- MARTINI McGill group HT corrections to the
splittings. - PYQUEN I.Lokhtin et al radiation collisional
effects supreimposed. - QPYTHIA LC,Santiago group modelling of the in
medium splittings. -
- QHERWIG LC,Santiago group,G.Corcella same
phylosophy as QPYTHIA but in a different shower
angular instead of virtuality ordering,
different radiation phase space, cutoffs and
hadronization mechanisms -
20QPYTHIA comercial break
- QPYTHIA Armesto-Cunqueiro-Salgado,
arXiv08094433 - is a Monte Carlo for the Jet Quenching based on
the ideas in - Armesto-Cunqueiro-Salgado-Xiang, JHEP
0802048,2008 - It is a tuning of the final state routine PYSHOW
in PYTHIA. - It can be downloaded from
- http//igfae.usc.es/qatmc/
21QPYTHIA implementation
22Qpythia formation time effects
23QPYTHIA geometry
- Generate centrality, impact parameter b.
- Build transverse overlapping almond for that b.
- Generate production point for the hard scattering
(x0,y0) acording to Glauber. - The transverse path length to scape the medium as
well as the integrated qhat along that pathlength
are computed like in PQM A.Dainese et al
24List of ingredients
- Energy-momentum conserved at each splitting.
- All procesess, not only QCD, included.
- At qhat0, default pythia.
- Space-time evolution of the shower, mapped.
- Energy loss transverse broadening dynamically
related through the transport coefficient. - New Realistic Glauber like collision geometry is
defined. Given the position and direction of each
parton in the reaction plane, qhat and L are
computed locally like in PQM. - Eikonal approach?elastic corrections not included
yet. - No change on the color flow.
25Intrajet distributions for the hardest jet in
the pp event
- Increase of the total multiplicity.
-Suppression/enhancement of high/small z
particles. -Suppression of high pt particles
(pt broadening screened by energy
conservation). -Broadening of the distribution
with respect to jet axis.
26Jet shape distribution
27Hardest pt distribution
28Subjet structure
Subjet analysis Take the hardest jet in the
event clustered with maximum resolution Rmax. Rec
luster its constituents with decreasing R. When
RRmax ?P(1subjet)1 When R?0, P(6subjets)?1. Th
e jet structure is changed by the quenching at
the same R the jet algorithms split the jet into
more (and smaller) subjets than in vacuum.
29Quenching and the jet area
antikt is not affected by soft particles on the
border of the jet the area remains unchanged
by quenching.
kt is soft adaptable and the area increases up to
a 10 with quenching.
Key point under study can this be observed with
If so (very speculative) why not take area
increase as a legitimate signature for the
quenching? How to relate Area and qhat?
30Open/ongoing issues
- Color structure of the shower. Role of
hadronization. - Finite-energy corrections to our eikonal BDMPS
approach - ?include elastic
scattering effects. - Interplay between virtuality and length
- -Space-time picture of the shower.
- -Ordering variable in the medium?
- any probabilistic description
of gluon radiation in medium needs assumptions.
i.e.virtuality being the ordering parameter in
medium is not theoretically proved. -
- Energy flow from/to the medium
- Study all previous effects in a realistic
detector environment. -
31Role of hadronization
-The medium modifies the perturbative evolution
of the jet. Hadronization happens in vacuum for
sufficiently boosted partons. -However medium
modifications in the evolution affect further
hadronization - The interaction of
the gluon with the medium is a color exchange
that modifies the color flow and affects
further string formation and
32Space-time evolution of the shower
- -Interplay between the evolution of the jet
the evolution of the medium. - -Bjorken/Hydrodynamical evolution of the
energy density. - -but Background models should be
accordingly developed!
Work by Konrad Tywoniuk
33Space-time evolution of the shower
-To include formation time effects in the shower
allows us to have a Chronography of the jet
evolution. -Looking to external/internal coronas
of the jet is selecting old/recent particles of
the shower (poster at QM by I.Dominguez,E.Cuautle,
34Space-time evolution of the shower
I.Dominquez et al
Particles at external coronas are created first
in time, soon after the hard scattering they
face the same medium as the leading particles but
they have lower energies ?the quenching is
expected to be strong.
36Jet definition
Slide by G.Salam 2008
37Other MCYaJEM
38Other MC JEWEL
40Slide stolen to T.Renk (QM 2009)
42Schematic representation of previous/new
Slide from T.Renk at QM09
44kt jets are bigger than antikts
45Kt jets are bigger than antikts
46Jet areas
47Jet reconstruction
I merge my pp jets in a PbPb 0-10 central
backround generated with HIJING (with its
quenched minijets). Area based subtraction
method -Cluster the whole event into
jets -Compute an average pt density -Your
correction is then
48Jet reconstructionat LHC