Intertextuality%20in%20diverse%20classrooms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intertextuality in diverse classrooms. Why teachers increased awareness of intertextuality resulted in increased effectiveness for diverse students. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intertextuality%20in%20diverse%20classrooms

Intertextuality in diverse classrooms
  • Why teachers increased awareness of
    intertextuality resulted in increased
    effectiveness for diverse students.
  • Rebecca Jesson
  • SLP workshop
  • February 2011

But first, two tasks1 Story to be
recalled2 Problem to be solved
Story to be recalled (at a later time).
  • A general wishes to capture a fortress located in
    the centre of a country. There are many roads
    radiating outward from the fortress. All have
    been mined so that while small groups of men can
    pass over the roads safely, any large force will
    detonate the mines. A full-scale direct attack is
    therefore impossible. The generals solution is
    to divide his army into small groups, send each
    group to the head of a different road, and have
    the groups converge simultaneously on the

Problem to be solved.
  • Suppose you are a doctor faced with a patient who
    has a malignant tumour in his stomach. It is
    impossible to operate on the patient, but unless
    the tumour is destroyed the patient will die.
    There is a kind of ray that can be used to
    destroy the tumour. If the rays reach the tumour
    all at once at a sufficiently high density, the
    tumour will be destroyed. Unfortunately, at this
    intensity healthy tissue that the rays pass
    through on the way to the tumour will also be
    destroyed. At lower intensities the rays are
    harmless to healthy tissue, but they will not
    affect the tumour either. What type of procedure
    might be used to destroy the tumour with the rays
    and at the same time avoid destroying the healthy

How did you solve the problem?
  • 10 can come up with answer without any initial
  • 30 (of the rest) can come up with answer given
    story but not cued to use it (noticed it
  • 75 (of the rest) can solve it using initial
    story once they are told that it is relevant
    (applied it)

The traditional transfer paradox
  • Notoriously hard to get people to transfer in
    experimental situations learning does not seem
    to transfer
  • Theories of learning rely on learners basing new
    learning on prior knowledge

5 minute Discussion
  • What can we as teachers do to help children
    transfer / use what they know in the current
    situation? (transfer in)
  • What can we as teachers do to help children learn
    in ways so that they will use their knowledge in
    future contexts? (transfer out)

General conditions for transfer
  • Classrooms can either afford or constrain
    transfer of learning (Greeno, Smith, Moore,
    1993) (and learners need to perceive these
  • focusing phenomena (Lobato, Ellis, Munoz,
    2003) to cue relevant prior knowledge
  • framing (Engle, 2006) authorship / time
  • Knowledge that can be flexibly recreated in new
    contexts, rather than reproduced in form (Gee,
  • situated meanings (Gee, 1999)
  • Authoritative, connected knowing (Greeno, 2006)
    acting with conceptual agency

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • Component processes
  • Incorporation of students resources. That is
    Instruction that values and builds on student
    resources (Bishop, O'Sullivan, Berryman,
    2010 Lee, 2009 McNaughton, 2002)
  • Making what is implicit or assumed explicit and
    able to be controlled. Maori and Pasifika
    students identify the need for clarity and
    guidance around what is required and can be given
    directly (Amituanai-Toloa, McNaughton, Lai,
    Airini, 2009 Bishop, et al., 2010)

Processes imply transfer of learning
  • Transfer is
  • Preparation for future learning (Bransford
    Schwartz, 1999)
  • Students use prior knowledge to make sense of
    what is taught (transfer in) (Schwartz Martin,
  • Students use current learning to make sense of
    future learning (transfer out)

So how to achieve double transfer?
  • How can learners draw on their existing knowledge
    for writing?
  • Incorporation of the familiar
  • How can learners build knowledge for writing
    (that will be cued for future contexts)?
  • - Unlocking the unfamiliar

This implies building intertextuality
connections between texts
  • Texts drawn from multiple sources, an exponential
    network of connections.
  • References to other texts (either implicit or
    explicit) as an inherent feature of all texts
    (Bloome Egan-Robertson, 1993 Hartman, 1995
    Lemke, 1992).
  • Specific reference to an individual intertext
    (Lemke, 1992) or genre (Bloome Egan-Robertson,

Intertextuality and young writers
  • Therefore, writers use, could use or should use
    knowledge of a variety of texts as a resource for
  • carefully draw on such knowledge as a strategy
    for composing
  • acquiring increasingly flexible expertise as
  • Writers various sources of knowledge depend on
    individual intertextual histories
    Intertextuality is necessarily idiosyncratic
    (Cairney, 1992).
  • Because of idiosyncrasy, essential that
    childrens ways of meaning are understood and
    taken up (Harris Trezise, 1999).

Intertextuality and transfer
  • Intertextuality provides a basis for
  • making reading/ writing links in classrooms
  • prior knowledge links to texts from students
    other contexts.
  • Drawing on prior knowledge requires that reading
    and writing perceived and framed as
  • Theories of intertextuality show teachers that
    they are
  • Knowledge of and about texts (Lemke, 1992)
  • Composition strategies for writers (Cairney,
    1990, 1992)
  • Interaction intertextual agendas of teachers and
    their poly-contextual students may diverge
    (Harris, Trezise, Winser, 2002).

What would Instructional design look like?
  • Explicitly teach students to seek intertextual
  • expanding students intertextual histories,
  • identifying existing knowledge of texts,
  • building discourse knowledge.
  • Enable identification of intertextual connections
    to cue the prior learning necessary to make
    meaning in the current text (incorporation)
  • Develop a common intertextual history guide
    learners in developing intertextual connections

What would teachers need to be aware of?
  • the divergent intertextual histories of the
    poly-contextual participants in lessons.
  • the intertextual positioning created by teaching,
    and ones own intertextual agendas.
  • reading and writing as dialogic

What would instruction need to provide for
  • Permission to draw critically from other texts as
    an aid to composition and comprehension
  • Shift from writing as creating and inspiration
    to writing as appropriating tools for own

Research question
  • Theoretical ideas compelling but as Wilkinson
    Son (2011) note very little evidence of
  • GIVEN a demonstrably effective intervention with
    Pasifika and Maori children
  • which accelerated progress in writing to double
    that expected within a year
  • WHICH USED (inter alia) intertextual theories as
    a basis for building teachers Pedagogical
    Content Knowledge

Research question cont.
  • THEN selecting effective teachers
  • CAN WE identify their instructional practices
    with an intertextual focus using the
    instructional design principles

Observed intertextual teaching practices of case
study (primary) teachers
  • Four recurring practices identified
  • Borrowing from reading to writing
  • Making tools (e.g. writing frame) for future
    application to writing
  • Layering knowledge across multiple texts
  • Embedded discussion and uptake

1 Borrowing -the reading / writing links
  • So well have a look at the difference between
    the descriptions of that setting, and look at how
    it changed, and hopefully youll be able to take
    some of those ideas.

1. Borrowing (not emulating)
  • Reading for borrowing (incorporation, situated
    meanings, shared intertextual history)
  • Teaching of awareness through meta-language
    (unlocking the unfamiliar)
  • Permission to borrow (appropriation, agency)
  • Potential for critique, therefore repositioning
    of writers (only borrow the best bits)

Transfer to secondary?
  • Should a case to be made for borrowing from
    texts in secondary contexts?
  • (mismatch between texts students read and those
    they write?)
  • What features of texts can be borrowed in the
    different content areas?
  • Which texts offer resources for borrowing?

2.Creating tools to make texts
  • Teacher
  • We did something about a limpet sticking to a
    rock I cant remember what.
  • (The teacher reaches back to the workbook and
    chart made during that previous lesson)
  • Child I stuck to my position
  • Teacher like a limpet sticks to a rock
  • __________________________________________________
  • Teacher And a little challenge up there as well
    to try and use the checklist that we developed
    last week for a narrative
  • __________________________________________________
  • Teacher Do you remember doing the data chart
    with me last week? It was this one, right ?
  • (flicks back through teachers workbook)

2. Tools to make texts cont
  • Teacher
  • Just behind the boardthere is a big huge, orange
    sheet of cardboard up there.
  • So as I walked around yesterday, I had a look at
    some of your highlighted words, words that you
    identified, were really amazing, from that text.
  • Okay and we are going to put them up there.
  • And what we are really going to try hard to do
    this term, we are going to try really hard to
    understand the vocab and use the vocab again.
  • Even though its not the words that we thought
    of, because we didnt come up with any of these
    words, the authors came up with them, but that
    doesnt mean we cant use them.
  • Ok we can borrow some ideas and put them into the
    stories that we write

2. Tools to make texts cont
  • Authorship of tool (framing)
  • Making generalisations using meta -language
  • Texts charts, frames, checklists and posters
    created by students
  • Charts etc used as the link
  • displayed in the environment
  • some learning resided in these charts
  • Theoretically, charts cued relevant prior
    knowledge (focusing phenomena)/ framed learning
    as relevant for future application

Transfer to secondary?
  • What tools would be useful for secondary
    students to create based on texts?
  • Would tools differ between content areas?
  • Which texts would be useful as a basis for
    creating a tool?

3. Layering of multiple texts
  • I want show you yesterdays groups work, but
    what they came up with
  • They brainstormed some clothes that Dan wore,
    some personality traits, of their own Dan.
    Attitude of their own Dan, and physical
    appearance (teacher records this on own
  • So think of some words that would describe your
  • They talked about personality. They talked about
    the clothes that their character liked to wear.
    They talked about physical appearance, and
    attitude Culture you might think about your
    Dans culture.
  • If you think back to the description of Miss
    Trunchball, we got lots and lots and lots about
    her physical appearance. They talked about the
    size of her legs. I wonder what Dans legs are
  • If you think back to Foolish Jack. Try to use
    some of those ideas that you came up with. We
    talked about his socks and his hair and his ears
  • Just build the character, hes your character...

3. Layering of multiple texts
  • Teacher Ok so a complete narrative, how are we
    going to be successful at that WALT. What do we
    need to be able to do?
  • Student Plan
  • Teacher What could we use to help us plan?
  • Student The checklist
  • Teacher Ok, what else? When we read stories,
    what do we use
  • Student Use the authors techniques
  • Student Conferencing
  • Teacher We could use the conference checklist
  • Teacher What else can we use?
  • Student Old stories
  • Teacher Old stories? For guidance?
  • Student Other ideas
  • Teacher Your imagination
  • Teacher What else can we use to help us plan
    this out?
  • What type of mapping have we used before?
  • Student Story maps
  • Teacher Have you all done a story map before?
  • Teacher What else do we do.?
  • Student Brainstorms

3. Layering of multiple texts
  • Multiple examples (resituating, awareness)
  • Systematically varied experience
  • Comparisons/ links between texts
  • Generalisations about texts
  • Links to created texts (multiple layers shared
    intertextual history)
  • Students writing (via books/ sharing)
  • Tools (e.g. charts and signs)

Transfer to secondary?
  • How might Secondary classes be organised to
    facilitate the layering of texts for students?
  • Would this differ across content areas?
  • Which texts could be layered in this way?

4.Embedded discussion
  • Student Its a ti-gon.
  • Student Thats what we said
  • Teacher- A ti-gon?
  • Student -A ti-gon
  • Student - Whats a ti-gon?
  • Student - Its a type of half lion
  • Student -Is it real?
  • (discussion continues)

4.Embedded discussion
  • Teacher Ok , any other words on there that you
    dont know?
  • Student 1 Yes miss
  • Student 2 that, El Dorado
  • Teacher What do you think that El Dorado
  • Student 1 a city, or a village
  • Teacher like a city, or a placelike a village?
  • Student 2 Miss, its a place of gold.
  • Teacher its a place of gold?.where does
    that give that away? (referring to the
  • Student 2 Miss, Ive seen the movie

4. Embedded discussion
  • Intertextual links affirmed through uptake
    (Bloom Egan Robertson, 2003)
  • Discussion as the main pedagogical tool for
  • Opportunities for true discussion (compared
    with class discussions which are teacher led
    QA sequences)

Transfer to secondary?
  • What are the opportunities for embedded
    discussion in Secondary classes?
  • How might different content areas embed
    discussion around texts and tasks?
  • Discussion about which texts?

So effectiveness of explicit intertextual focus?
  • Framing (conceptual agency)
  • Students as appropriators of knowledge resources
  • Creators of tools based on own experiences with
    texts and created for students future use
  • Situated meanings
  • Inter-contextuality of reading and writing
  • Multiple examples re-contextualising

So effectiveness of explicit intertextual focus?
  • Agency and situatedness in classrooms
  • By incorporating the teaching of composing
    strategies which explicitly draw on situated
    textual knowledge
  • giving permission to investigate and appropriate
    the features of texts that work to achieve
    authorial purpose.

Conclusion intertextual theory repositions
writing instruction to be more culturally
  • Intertextuality as incorporation and unlocking of
    textual knowledge
  • Textual inquiry (by students, with authority to
    talk) as building situated and authoritative
    textual knowledge
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