Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner


Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner 1. To which Paradigm does Skinner belong? 2. What is the difference between radical and methodological behaviorism? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner

Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner
  • 1. To which Paradigm does Skinner belong?
  • 2. What is the difference between radical and
    methodological behaviorism?
  • 3. Which kind of behaviorist was Skinner? Pavlov?
  • 4. What was Thorndike's law of effect?

  • 5. What is the difference between punishment
    and negative reinforcement?
  • 6. Why did Skinner say he never wrote or
    developed a theory?
  • 7. Is God a behaviorist?
  • in actual practice a threat to bar from Heaven
    or to consign to Hell is contingent upon sinful
    behavior, while virtuous behavior brings a
    promise of Heaven or a release from the threat of
    Hell. B.F Skinner, Science and Human Behavior

Skinners Beliefs
  • 1. Neonates are born with "Species specific
  • 2. Infants are born "Tabula Rasa"
  • 3. The infant immediately begins to fill up the
    "blank slate" (This is the primary assumption)
    PROACTIVE emit or give out responses to the
    environment not to simply react to stimuli.
    Operant behavior is emitted rather than elicited
    (This is the difference between mechanistic and
    radical behaviorism)

Problems for Study
  • Discover the laws which relate behavior to
    environmental forces acting upon it -- This
    theory does not account for mental phenomena--
  • Laws of Operant Conditioning
  • 1. Past Learning
  • 2. Present Conditions
  • 3. Behavior

  • Wanted to explain, for example, why a child
    misbehaves in a classroom.
  • 1. Past Learning - Runs around at home - Daddy
    says "he's all boy"
  • 2. Present Conditions - School is like home -
  • 3. Behavior - Run around at school - Teacher will
    approve, just like Daddy.

Internal Principles
  • Differential /Contingent Reinforcement
  • favorable consequences to behavior increase
    the likelihood that behavior will be more common.
  • Occurs after a behavior has been emitted (based
    on past experiences,
  • not due to other paired stimuli as the classical
    behaviorists would have us believe)

  • telling jokes at parties,
  • driving on the right side of the road,
  • smiling at strangers,
  • answering questions from teachers,
  • doing housework for your spouse.

Internal Principles (cont.)
  • Primary reinforcers - biological needs
  • Secondary reinforcers (most important) are
    learned and have different meaning to different

Internal Principles (cont.)
  • Discriminative Stimulus - Signals the conditions
    under which some behaviors will be reinforced and
    others will not
  • Tell a joke at a party, but dont tell one in
    class, or.
  • Daddy is watching football he wont read me a
    story, but Daddy is helping Mommy with the dishes
    - ask him to read the story now.
  • S(d)-----------------gt R -----------------------gtS
  • I like pizza, do I pull into every Pizza Hut I

Internal Principles (cont.)
  • Shaping - (principle of successive approximation)
    reinforcing behavior when it begins and when it
    changes toward the appropriate end. Put the
    trash in the trash can.
  • 1. Reinforce when they look at
    the trash
  • 2. Reinforce when they pick up
    the trash
  • 3. Reinforce when they move
    toward the trash can
  • 4. Reinforce when they put the
    trash in the
  • trash can

  • How do you shape the behavior of others?
  • How do teachers use shaping

Bridge Principles
  • Schedules of Reinforcement - (Contingencies of
  • Continuous Reinforcement - produces faster change
    in behavior (sit in your seat)
  • Intermittent Reinforcement - on the basis of a
    ratio (either number of instances, or time)
  • Random Reinforcement Occasionally (produces the
    slowest change in behavior

Bridge Principles (cont.)
  • Generalization - behavior in a situation will be
    generalized to other situations. Children talk
    to everyone who responds, parents, strangers but
    not to squirrels, chairs, etc.
  • Call Daddy daddy and call all males

Bridge Principles (cont.)
  • Chaining -
  • behaviors combined into complex strings of
    behaviors. It is the effect produced by the last
    behavior which produces the reinforcement for the

Change Mechanisms
  • Positive and Negative reinforcement
  • Both positive and negative reinforcement increase
    the likelihood that behavior will reoccur
  • positive reinforcement - to achieve the
  • negative reinforcement - to avoid the negative

  • Punishment - extinguishes a behavior
  • Spanking, scolding, frowning or removal of
  • Skinner is against punishment because
  • Short term
  • In the proximity of the punisher

Behavior Modification
  • Step One - Identify the Reinforcer
  • If the reinforcer does not produce significant
  • then it is the reinforcer which must be changed.
    If MM's don't work try money

Behavior Modification
  • Step Two - Establish the Final Form.
  • Describe the behavior to be learned. (observable
    and measurable)
  • Specify the presence of a specific operant (what
    behavior is desired) Billy does not run around
    the room is not correct (denotes absence of a
  • Billy sits in his seat is correct (denotes
    presence of the appropriate behavior).

Behavior Modification
  • Step Three - Establish a Reinforcement Schedule.
  • Begin with continuous reinforcement - this
    produces the fastest change of behavior.
  • One could then switch to the intermittent
    schedule of reinforcement

Behavior Modification
  • Step Four - Design a Learning Environment.
  • Set up the circumstances for which the behavior
    will be reinforced

Behavior Modification
  • Step Five - Shape the Final Form.
  • First reinforce gross approximations
  • successive approximations reinforce closer
  • Using law of successive approximations, reinforce
    appropriate behavior

Behavior Modification
  • Step Six - Implement the plan
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