Title: Why do we have Hurricanes ?
1Why Do We Have Hurricanes ?
Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and
full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower,
and is cut down he fleeth also as a shadow, and
continueth not. Job. 141-2
2Why Do We Have Hurricanes ?
ATHEIST One who holds there is enough evidence
to conclude that God does not exist
THEIST One who holds there is enough evidence
to conclude that God does exist
3Problem of Evil
1. God is all powerful 2. God is all good 3. Evil
exists in this world
4Problem of Evil
4. Good is opposed to evil in such a way that it
eliminates all evil. 5. No limits to what an all
powerful being can do. 6. A good all powerful
being would eliminate evil completely.
5Problem of Evil
Conclusion reached by ATHEIST GOD DOES NOT EXIST
God is all powerful God is Good Evil exists
Logical contradiction
6Problem of Evil
There is suffering all around... Questions Is
God willing but not able ? Is God able but not
willing ? Why do we have suffering ?
7Problem of Evil
1. If suffering exists then God does not exist.
2. Suffering exists. 3. Therefore God
does not exist.
The Conclusion of atheists
8What is Evil ?
Sin is the only real evil... 1 Jn. 34
transgression Gal. 519-21 works of flesh
9What is Evil ?
It is not evil that Evil Exists !
Impossible to create a man who could not sin
! Free Moral agent. Choice Responsible for our
own sins.
The Only Real Evil is sin !
10Limits to what an All Powerful Being Can Do
Some Logical impossibilities 4 sided triangle
- Round square
Impossible to create an intelligent free moral
agent and place him in a situation in which he is
beyond all possibility of sinning !
11Limits to what an All Powerful Being Can Do
God Wants man to Love Him John 1415 Must be
free moral agents Love is voluntary
12Limits to what an All Powerful Being Can Do
Mans choice to sin brought death ! 1 Cor.
1521 Death brought disease/suffering John
1633 tribulation Job 141-2 full of
13Limits to what an All Powerful Being Can Do
It is true that God made man with the possibility
that he could sin. It was necessary that God
make us this way so we could love him. But God is
not responsible for the sins committed by man !
14Not the case that a Good All Powerful
Being Eliminates evil completely
God cannot make a man who is a free moral agent,
without giving him the liberty to choose right or
wrong !
15Not the case that a Good All Powerful
Being Eliminates evil completely
Impossibility to create a man who could not
sin. Not that God is not good Not that God is
16Not the case that a Good All Powerful
Being Eliminates evil completely
Only real evil in the world is sin ! But what
about hurricanes, floods, earthquakes ?
17Could this world be Improved ?
This world is as good as any possible world could
be in serving as mans temporary abiding place.
Natural calamities are not in Themselves evil !
18What kind of world is suited for man ?
Not a pleasure paradise Allows man to be free
moral agent Provides basic physical
needs Challenges man to follow God Small in
comparison to eternity
19God is all knowing - omniscient
God knew man would fall into sin God desired to
save man from sin God knew man would need a place
to develop so he could come back and obey
God. God created the world for this purpose !
20What about Hurricanes?
World not created as mans permanent dwelling
place. Good for man to realize that life on earth
will be brief and the exact time it will end is
21Calamities help remind us of..
Jas. 414 life is short, vapour Matt. 2444 -
exact time of ending is unknown Things of earth
are temporary Matt. 619-20 1 Tim. 67-8
22Why Do the Righteous Suffer ?
1. If automatically removed all problems then
many would obey for that reason. - Jn. 1415 2.
God did not promise we would be exempt from
suffering - Jn. 1633
23Why Do the Righteous Suffer ?
3. Without suffering the righteous could not
sympathize with men 4. Pain humbles us - 2 Cor.
127 5. Ps. 11971 It is good for me that I
have been afflicted ...
24Small in Comparison to Eternity !
Suffering and pain are really small when we think
about Blessings of heaven Punishments of
hell 2 Cor. 417, 18
25What is Evil ?
- Anything that interferes with our life as a child
of God is evil - Rom. 623 Sin - Pain, suffering, hurricanes are not evil
- God knew the kind of world that would be best for
man! - Sometimes that includes hurricanes !
26God has prepared a better Place