Immune%20system - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Immune system By Zoe Kopp-Weber – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Immune%20system

Immune system
  • By Zoe Kopp-Weber

  • Over 500 million years ago, the immune system
    first appeared in porifera.
  • Based on phagocytic cells only.
  • Lampreys, jawless fish, were the first
    vertebrates to have a lymphocyte based immune
  • Jawed fish evolved and B and T cells appeared.

  • Once sharks and other cartilaginous fish evolved,
    the immune system of vertebrates was fully
  • Really only one noticeable difference between
    shark and mammal immune systems.
  • The antibody-encoding systems are arranged in the
    genome a little differently.

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  • 3 lines of defense
  • First, skin.
  • As it is the largest organ of the vertebrate body
  • Provides a nearly impenetrable barrier
  • Reinforces defense with chemical weapons on the
  • Oil and sweat glands
  • Prevents loss of air through evaporation

  • Second, cellular counterattack
  • Nonspecific cellular and chemical devices respond
    to infection without identifying invaders
  • Central location of collection and distribution
    lymphatic system
  • Lymphatic vessels and organs (spleen and thymus
    gland), and lymph nodes

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  • Macrophages - ingest microbes by phagocytosis.
  • Membrane-bound vacuole with bacterium fuses with
    a lysosome and oxygen free radicals kill the
  • Supplement phagocytic cells of the liver, spleen
    and bone marrow.

  • Neutrophils
  • Kill by phagocytosis but release chemicals that
    kill surrounding bacteria and neutrophils
  • Natural killer cells
  • Kills cells infected with the viruses by creating
    a hole in the plasma membrane, releasing proteins
    into the membrane, then sending granzymes in to
    initiate cell death (apoptosis)
  • Most potent defense against cancer.

  • Third defense, immune response
  • Best explained through experiments of Pasteur and
  • Edward Jenner studied immunology through smallpox
  • Milkmaids whod had cowpox rarely had smallpox
  • Tested observation by infection people with
    cowpox, in turn they became immune to smallpox.

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  • Why?
  • Those injected with cowpox built a defense
    effective against smallpox due to the similar
    surfaces of the diseases.
  • Vaccination - injection of harmless microbe to
    develop resistance to a dangerous one.

  • Pasteur studied fowl cholera
  • Isolated a culture of diseased bacteria, forgot
    it for two weeks, then injected it into healthy
  • Birds became slightly sick and recovered
  • Later, when injected with large amounts of live
    fowl cholera bacteria, the chickens wouldnt get

  • Why?
  • Bacteria can illicit imunnity if it doesnt kill
    the animal first.
  • Antigen - a molecule that provokes a specific
    immune response
  • Large, complex like proteins
  • Foreign to body, present on pathogens
  • Different parts stimulate different response
  • Different parts are antigenic determinant sites

  • Lymphocytes - receptor proteins on surface
    recognize an antigen direct a specific immune
    respose against the antigen/cell carrying the
  • B cells - produce proteins called antibodies
  • Antibody - protein secreted into blood and other
    body fluids providing humoral immunity
  • humor as in a bodily fluid

  • T cells - regulate immune responses of other
    cells and directly attack cells carrying specific
  • Cell-mediated immunity

  • Specific immune responses protect in 2 ways.
  • Acquired immunity (active) - gaining immunity by
    exposure, maybe be getting the disease
  • Ex. Chicken pox
  • Passive immunity - obtaining antigens from
    another individual
  • Ex. Antibodies we receive from our moms
    transferred across the placenta

  • 3 routes of entry by virus/microorganism
  • Digestive tract
  • Microbes in food killed by saliva while acidic
    stomach and digestive enzymes kill what makes it
    to the intestine.
  • Respiratory tract
  • Cells lining bronchi secrete mucus trapping air
    microorganisms before reaching the lungs
  • Cells with cilia sweep mucous towards the glottis
    where it can be swallowed

  • Urogenital tract
  • Acidic urine washes away pathogens from urinary
  • Vaginal secretion are also acidic and prevent
    foreign invasion
  • If a pathogen does get by any of these systems,
    the body has other defense mechanisms
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, secreted

  • Complement system
  • 20 proteins in blood plasma
  • Form membrane attack complex
  • Forms pore in foreign cell membrane, fluid enters
    and the cell swells and bursts.
  • Can amplify inflammatory responses, stimulating
    histamine responses
  • Or, phagocytes attracted to infection
  • Or, proteins coat microbes so phagocytes may
    attach more readily

  • Interferons
  • Alpha and beta
  • Made by almost all cells
  • Protect normal cells near infected cells,
    preventing viral replication and protein
  • Gamma
  • Made by lymphocytes and natural killer cells
  • Part of immunological defense against infection
    and cancer.

  • Inflammatory response - localized, nonspecific
    response to infection
  • Injured cells release chemical alarm singals
  • I.e., histamine which dilates local blood
    vessels, increasing blood flow and making area
  • Also increase permeability of capillaries, tissue

  • Phagocytes go from blood to extracellular fluid
    to attack
  • Neutrophils spill chemicals killing nearby
    bacteria and other cells
  • Pus - dead/dying pathogens, tissues cells,
  • Monocytes engulf pathogens and dead cells

  • Temperature response
  • Macrophages release interleukin-1
  • Carried by blood to brain, direct neurons in
    hypothalamus to raise body temp.
  • Fever
  • Stimulates phagocytosis
  • Spleen and liver store iron, reducing bacteria
  • Temperatures 103 degrees F and up, dangerous
  • Temperatures above 105 degrees F, fatal
  • Denature enzymes

  • Cells of specific immune system
  • Leukocytes - white blood cells
  • Neutrophils, monocytes (phagocytic)
  • Lymphocytes, T cells and B cells
  • T cells - originate from bone marrow to thymus
  • Indentify pathogens by their antigens

  • 4 principal T cells
  • Helper T cells - initiate immune response
  • Memory T cells - provide quick response to
  • cell poisoning T cells - lyse the infected
  • Suppressor T cells - terminate immune response

  • B cells, however, mature in bone marrow
  • Released to circulate in blood and lymph
  • Recognize particular foreign antigens
  • Divide rapidly
  • Differentiate into plasma and memory cells
  • Plasma cells stick to antigens, flagging them for

  • Initiating immune response (example via
  • After viruses avoid first two lines of defense,
    macrophages initiate immune defense and inspect
    cell surfaces.
  • Most vertebrate cell surfaces have glyco (or MHC)
    proteins produced by MHC genes
  • Major histocompatibility proteins
  • Genes are polymorphic (many forms)

  • MHC proteins serve as self markers due to
    individuality like fingerprints.
  • This allows immune system to distinguish between
    foreign cells self-versus-nonself recognition
  • Antigen-presenting cells - cells that partially
    digest antigens, process and move them to surface
    of plasma membrane
  • Then complexed with MHC proteins so T cells can
    recognize them.

  • T Cells Cell-Mediated Immune Response
  • Macrophages secrete interleukin-1 when processing
    foreign antigens
  • Stimulating cell division and activating T cells,
    helper T cells secrete cytokines
  • Cytokines are regulatory molecules, lymphokines
    are secreted by lymphocytes
  • Cytokine is named according to biological
    activity but names can be misleading because of
    their different actions.
  • Interleukin followed by number to determine.

  • Helper T cells also secrete interleukin-2,
    activating cytotoxic T cells and B cells
  • Cytotoxic T cells destroy infected cells if they
    display the foreign antigen with their MHC
  • Also will attack any foreign MHC-I
  • This causes problems like graft rejection with
    transplanted tissues
  • The closer individuals are related, the less MHC
    proteins will vary, more likely tissues will be
  • Drug cyclosporin deactivates cytotoxic T cells

  • Tumors have surface antigens that can stimulate
    immune destruction
  • Initiate attack mostly by cytotoxic T cells and
    natural killer cells
  • Immunological surveillance - proposed in 70s,
    described role of immune system in fighting
  • Human interferons by genetically engineered
    bacteria made large amounts of substances for
    experimental treatment. Useful with certain

  • B Cells the Humoral Immune Response
  • Unlike T cells, these bind to free antigens as
  • Antigen particles enter by endocytosis and are
    processed by B cells
  • Helper T cells recognize specific antigen, bind
    to B cell and release interleukin-2 so the B cell

  • This divison produces long-lived memory and
    short-lived plasma B cells
  • Plasma cells produce antibodies
  • Antibodies are proteins called immunoglobulins
    (Ig), divided into subclasses
  • IgM - first one secreted in primary response,
    allowing antigen-containing particles to stick
  • IgG - secreted during secondary response, major
    form in blood plasma
  • IgD - receptors for antigens on B cells
  • IgA - major form in saliva , mucus, breast milk
  • IgE - promotes release of histamine (sometimes
    resulting in allergies)

  • Antibodies dont kill pathogens directly, but
    activate the complement system and target the
    pathogen for attack by phagocytic cells.
  • Antibodies are made up of 2 identical short
    polypeptides (light chains) and 2 identical long
    polypeptides (heavy chains) forming a Y-shaped

  • Stem is formed by constant regions of heavy
  • Most variation occurs in the variable regions of
    each arm.
  • Variable amino acid sequences causes specificity
    of antibodies for antigens that reside in the arms

  • How can B cells detect millions of foreign cells?
  • Somatic DNA arrangement - when an antibody is
    assembled, different sequences of DNA form a
    composite gene
  • More sequences generated by the shifting of the
    reading frame during transcription and mistakes
    during replications as lymphocytes divide.

  • Somatic mutation - mutations that change amino
    acid sequences in a somatic cell
  • 19 million different possible antibodies without
    the possibility of mutations, 200 million with.

  • Immunological Tolerance - acceptance of self
  • Colonial deletion/suppression
  • Embryo, fetus, newborns lymphocyte clones have
    receptors for self antigens that are eliminated
    or suppressed as they mature. Cells learn to
    identify self antigens.
  • Only clones that survive are those directed
    against foreign cells
  • Sometimes B or T cells recognize their own
    tissues as antigens
  • Autoimmune disease

  • The first time the body encounters a pathogen,
    few B and T cells recognize its antigens
  • Binding of the antigen to its receptor causes
    division and produces a clone (colonal selection)
  • Primary immune response - a person is sick
    because few cells can make an immune response so
    the response is weak

  • Clones of memory cells develop after the primary
    response so should a second infection come, the
    response is stronger (secondary immune response)
  • Memory cells can survive for decades
  • Reason vaccines are effective

  • Blood type indicates the class of antigens found
    on the red blood cell surface
  • Tolerance to those of own antigens (I.e., type B
    to B antigens)
  • Should they be mixed, cells clump which can cause
    inflammation and organ damage.

  • Rh-positive allele is more comon
  • In the case of Rh-negative mothers, they arent
    exposed to the Rh antigen of the fetus during
  • During birth, exposure may occur and mother may
    produce antibodies against it
  • These can cross the placenta in future
    pregnancies and cause hemolysis of Rh-positive
    cells of the fetus
  • Baby is born anemic with erythrblastosis fetalis

  • Monoclonal antibodies - exhibit specificity for
    one antigenic determinant
  • Hybridoma - secretes identical, monoclonal
  • Modern pregnancy tests covered with monoclonal
    antibodies produced against a pregnancy hormone.
  • Antigen is present, reaction (agglutination)

  • AIDS
  • The retrovirus (HIV) mounts an attack on CD4 T
    cells (helper and inducer), leaving the immune
    system open to any foreign antigen
  • CD4 T cells make up 60-80 of circulating T
    cells but HIV cells replicate before dying and
    infect entire population
  • HIV causes these cells to also secrete a
    suppressing factor that blocks other T cells from
    attacking the HIV antigen
  • Finally, blocks transcription of MHC genes so
    recognition and destruction of infected cells is

  • Renders person defenseless from infection
  • AZT inhibits the enzyme needed for the virus to
    produce DNA
  • Mutation rates are high, however, so its
    difficult to make an effective vaccine

  • Antigen shifting - to mutate frequently so the
    nature of surface antigens vary
  • Process of evolution by natural selection
  • Happens with African sleeping sickness and
  • New vaccine based on DNA may help by injecting a
    gene from the pathogen that doesnt change,
    fragments sticking to cell membrane and marking
    it for destruction.

  • Autoimmune diseases - produced by failure of the
    immune system to recongize and tolerate self
  • Self antigen may be hidden until exposure later
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Antibodies to nucleoproteins made
  • Immune attack triggers inflammation and organ
    damage. Must be suppressed through
    corticosteroids and drugs like aspirin

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  • Allergy
  • Immediate hypersensitivity - abnormal B cell
    response to allergen produces symptoms quickly
  • Delayed hypersensitivity - abnormal T cell
    response produces symptons within 48 hours after

  • Immediate results from IgE antibodies. Allergen
    binds to mast cells and basophils when exposed
    and histamine is secreted
  • Excessive release causes anaphylactic shock, a
    uncontrollable fall in blood pressure
  • Delayed results from secretion of lymphokines,
    must be treated with corticosteroids.
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