Theme C: Protecting Human Dignity in the Digital Age - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Theme C: Protecting Human Dignity in the Digital Age


Theme C: Protecting Human Dignity in the Digital Age Roundtable 4: Regional INFOethics Workshop Africa UN Conference Centre, Addis Ababa 14h30 16h30, Thursday ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Theme C: Protecting Human Dignity in the Digital Age

Theme C Protecting Human Dignity in the Digital
  • Roundtable 4 Regional INFOethics Workshop Africa
  • UN Conference Centre, Addis Ababa
  • 14h30 16h30, Thursday, 14th September, 2000
  • Dr Bob Day
  • Executive Director ICT, Unisa

Privacy - 1
  • Constitution(s) should be basis for protection of
    individuals privacy.
  • Right to Privacy relatively recent not one of
    original 17th century human rights.
  • Globally, this right is not yet well defined.
  • Some view OECDs 1981 Guidelines on the
    Protection of Privacy.. as an adequate basis for
    todays privacy policies.
  • Others argue that the world has changed beyond
    recognition since then hence the Economists
    question in 1999, are we witnessing the end of

Privacy - 2
  • Central issue is to what extent personal
    information may be used for purposes to which the
    individual has not consented
  • Suggested new Privacy Principles
  • The right not to be indexed
  • The right to encrypt personal information
  • The right to secure human checking of adverse
    decisions made on computer profiles
  • The right to be alerted to such decisions
  • The right of disclosure about the collections to
    which others have access and which may affect the
    projection of the profile of the individual

Privacy - 3
  • Suggested Data Protection Practices
  • Such practices should be entirely visible to the
  • Any feature which results in the collection of
    personal data should be known prior to its
  • The individual should retain the ability to
    disable the feature or application of choice
  • New technologies eroding privacy rights include
  • Video surveillance cameras
  • Identity cards
  • Intelligent agents
  • Genetic databases.

Privacy and Biometrics
  • Biometrics offer irrefutable evidence of ones
    identity, eg voiceprints body parts such as
    retina, iris, and hand.
  • The use of biometric technology by government,
    law enforcement and business will grow
    dramatically in the next decade.
  • The existence of stringent safeguards
    legislative, procedural and technical will be
    needed to prevent biometrics posing a threat to
    informational privacy.
  • By applying encryption to biometrics, systems can
    enhance privacy by putting its power into the
    individuals hands, not government or big

Approaches to Privacy - 1
  • The EU and USA differ significantly, especially
    on dispute resolution who will judge and
    enforce alleged breaches.
  • The EU wants binding protections with teeth,
  • An independent authority to investigate alleged
    violations and impose sanctions
  • Power to investigate complaints from EU citizens
  • Financial payments must be made to aggrieved.
  • The USA is much softer, asking only that breaches
    be punished by removal of a privacy seal from
    company web sites, despite their effectiveness
    having yet to be proved (possibly in breach of
    the OECD guidelines).

Approaches to Privacy - 2
  • Alternatives from New Zealand and Hong Kong
    favour a greater role for self-regulatory (or
    co-regulatory) initiatives, plus individual self
    help, plus regulatory and legal action. The
    model includes
  • Statutory requirements of compliance with data
    protection principles
  • Development of principles, but flrxible and
  • Provision for sectoral codes of practice which
    can vary the principles, and provide for sectoral
    complaint handling
  • Default complaints and enforcement machinary for
    sectors without codes of practice
  • Provision of appeals, providing a uniform quality
    control mechanism
  • Avoidance of any generic registration or
    licensing requirement

Approaches to Privacy - 3
  • Possible ways forward
  • No universal agreement yet exists on the
    regulation of information privacy.
  • African states should collaborate, and act
    together to decide on appropriate best practices,
    models and legislation to handle privacy issues
  • African states should have shared mechanisms to
    collectively stay abreast of international
    privacy developments - benefit from global
    experience, and customise in Africas context.

Consumer Protection - 1
  • E-commerce provides 24 hour shopping, wide
    choice, and outlets all over the world, BUT
    rights enjoyed via national consumer protection
    legislation do not apply.
  • Consumer rights will require international
    cooperation on best practices, and coordinated
    global oversight, including
  • Basic format of an electronic contract
  • Effective complaint mechanisms
  • Limits of consumer liability
  • Safeguards for the privacy of individuals
  • Recourse to specific courts
  • Cooperation between governments in support of
    legal redress.

Consumer Protection - 2
  • In the development context of Africa
  • Much of the population does not currently have
    access to banking facilities the unbanked
  • ICT provides an excellent solution in the form of
    electronic money and smart cards
  • BUT more emphasis/research will be required in
    Africa on consumer protection relating to these
    electronic payment instruments

Consumer Protection - 3
  • How does the developing world identify and
    respond to misinformation and the withholding of
    crucial information from their own governments,
    and from the multi-nationals?
  • What can we learn from such cases as
  • The tobacco wars
  • Blue Circle asbestos in the Northern Cape
  • Who retains credibility?

Freedom of Speech - 1
  • On a broader scale, for the Knowledge Society to
    flourish, it is important that society strikes
    the best balance between encouraging the free
    flow of information, including freedom of speech,
    and protecting the rights of those to whom that
    information may relate
  • Even in the most liberal societies, bodies within
    the establishment see some information as
    sensitive or potentially threatening to their
    area of influence (or power)
  • Historically, the establishment has established
    ways to control said information, but usually not

Freedom of Speech - 2
  • What is a maveric and do we need them?
  • They usually identify a major problem, want
    dramatic changes, are vociferous, tenacious, and
    often appear to be misguided (but later,
    sometimes, prove to be right)
  • The establishment prefers incrementalism
    building on what they believe, and usually
  • At some stage, most societies marginalise, even
    persecute maverics (conspiracy theory?) label
    their views as extreme or fundamentalism
  • BUT, where does innovation and entrepreneurship
    most often originate the developing world in
    particular needs to find alternative ways to
    manage maverics, rather than marginalisation..

Freedom of Speech - 3

Freedom of Speech - 4
  • Change and transformation are accelerating
  • More maverics more pressure on the
  • The web (together with other media) is being used
    to reinforce the establishment position
  • The web, however, is the first easily available
    medium to provide everyone, including the
    maverics with a global voice (providing
    alternative to more extreme outlets?)
  • Isnt this righting the balance between privacy
    and freedom of speech?
  • Isnt the openess and global availability of the
    web what makes it so uniquely valuable?
  • Isnt this what we should be trying to protect

Theme C Protecting Human Dignity in the Digital
  • Thank You

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