Title: Lunar Science and Exploration
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2Lunar Science and Exploration In NASAs Science
Mission Directorate Presented to US Chamber of
Commerce August 14, 2007 Kelly Snook and James
Green Planetary Sciences Division
Lunar Science and Exploration In NASAs Science
Mission Directorate Presented to US Chamber of
Commerce August 14, 2007 Kelly Snook and James
Green Planetary Sciences Division
- Introduction
- New and ongoing lunar activities and
opportunities - Recent studies, meetings, and workshops
- Recommendations
- NASA responses to recommendations
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
4SMD Lunar Research Opportunities
- Research Opportunities in Space and Earth
Sciences (ROSES) - LASER - Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration
Research program - Joint SMD/ESMD
- Basic and Applied lunar science
- Proposals due Sept. 20, 2007
- Up to 4-yr awards, 100K/yr average
- LRO Participating Scientist program
- Research using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
instruments or data - Proposals due Sept. 7, 2007
- Up to 4-yr awards, 100K/yr average
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
5SMD Lunar Research Opportunities (cont.)
- Research Opportunities in Space and Earth
Sciences (ROSES), continued - Planetary Instrument Definition and Development
program - Several lunar-focused instruments selected in
2007 - Augmented in 2008 for lunar instrument
development - Up to 4-yr awards, 250K/yr average
- LSSO - Lunar Sortie Science Opportunities
- One-year concept studies
- Selected Spring 2007
- 14 studies selected, 100K average
- Span geology, geophysics, physics, astronomy, and
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
6Lunar Sortie Science Opportunity Selections
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
7Lunar Sortie Science Opportunity Selections
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
8Lunar Mission Opportunities
- Discovery Program
- Currently Selected
- Moon Mineralogy Mapper (MMM) - Mission of
opportunity - Instruments aboard Indian
Chandrayaan mission - Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)
- Selected for Phase A (one of three mission
concepts to be considered for full mission) - Future Opportunities
- Announcement of Opportunity for new Missions of
Opportunity (MOOs) released FY09 - New Frontiers - 800M missions - early FY09
- Yearly MOO call for proposals starting late FY08
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
9NASA Advisory Council (NAC)Lunar Activity
- Workshop on Science Associated with the Lunar
Architecture - Held Feb 27- Mar 2 in Tempe, AZ - Joint NASA ESMD
/ NAC - 35 Recommendations forwarded to NASA Advisory
Council for deliberation at KSC on April 19, 207
by Science Committee and full Council - Three high-level messages developed by the
Outreach committee - The Moon is witness to 4.5 billion years of Solar
System history and human exploration of that body
will contribute greatly to discovering the origin
and evolution of the Earth and of life. - The Moon is a unique location from which to
gather, analyze and fuse information about the
ever- changing nature of the Earth, Sun, and
Universe. - The Moon is a fundamental stepping-stone to the
human exploration of Mars and the rest of the
Solar System. - Full synthesis report, individual subcommittee
reports, and outreach committee reports are
available online (Released April 19, 2007 at
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
10NASA Advisory Council (NAC)Recommendations
- Submitted to NASA April 19, 2007
- 16 cross-cutting recommendations
- Science as a priority and active partner in the
architecture - Regular reviews of major architecture decisions
that would affect science - Flexibility in architecture enabling early
sorties and/or alternate outposts - Importance of early investigation and development
of key capabilities - Sample collection, documentation, curation
- Ability to drop off instruments in orbit
- Mobility for wide-area access to sites of key
scientific importance - Space suits and gloves
- Crew selection and training
- Dust characterization and mitigation
- Lunar data co-registration and mapping
- Nineteen recommendations from subcommittees
- Three astrophysics science recommendations
focused on orbital capabilities - Four heliophysics science recommendations focused
on space weather and solar wind studies - Six planetary protection focused on forward and
back contamination and Mars prep - Four planetary science focused on specific
sampling and mobility needs
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
11NRC Lunar Study
- National Research Council (NRC) - Scientific
Context for the Exploration of the Moon ( May
2006 - May 2007) - Primary Tasks
- Identify a prioritized set of scientific goals
that can be addressed in the in the near term
(2006-2018) by robotic lunar missions and in the
mid term (2018-2023) by astronauts on the
Moon.(2018-2023) by astronauts on the Moon. - Suggest which of the identified scientific goals
are amenable to orbital measurements, in situ
study, or terrestrial analysis via the return of
lunar samples to the Earth. - Secondary Tasks
- Comment on those areas where there is a
synergistic overlap between measurements
addressing scientific goals and measurements
required to ensure human survival or resource
utilization. - Collect and characterize possible scientific
goals that might be addressed on or from the Moon
in the long term (i.e., after 2023) and deserve
further study.
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
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18NASA Response to Recommendations
- Integrated agency response to NAC recommendations
through written response package and development
of integrated study plan - Workshop on Architecture Issues Associated with
Sampling held June 25-26,2007 - CAPTEM (Curation and Analysis Planning Team for
Extraterrestrial Materials) study on sample mass
completed April, 2007 (resulting report available
on CAPTEM website http//www.lpi.usra.edu/captem) - Strong Science Mission Directorate participation
in second phase of Lunar Architecture Team study
completed August 2007. - Establishment of the Outpost Science and
Exploration Working Group to ensure integration
of science in all phases of lunar architecture
development - New looks at to achieve early robotic scientific
return from the Moon which may lead to
competitive missions (I.e Discovery New
Frontiers) - Major lunar mapping and data standards definition
effort underway
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
20Summary of NAC Recommendations
- C-1 - Scientific analysis and input should be
integral components of the decision-making
process for a lunar exploration. - C-2 - Science activities enabled by lunar
exploration should continue to be evaluated and
prioritized within the science community. - C-3 - The lunar architecture should enable the
highest priority science. - C-4 - Regular reviews of Lunar Exploration
Architecture decisions should be conducted
through the NAC. - C-5 - The Crew Exploration Vehicle should have
the capability to deploy payloads from lunar
orbit (SIM Bay). - C-6 - NASA should study options for non-polar
outpost sites. - C-7 - NASA should keep open the possibility of
human sortie missions prior to establishing an
outpost. - C-8 - The lunar architecture should maximize
payload return mass and diversity of samples.
300kg return payload mass per flight suggested. - C-9 - NASA should establish well-documented
protocols for the collection, documentation,
containment, and curation of lunar samples.
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
21Summary of NAC Recommendations
- C-10 - The selection, roles, and capabilities of
astronauts in the deployment, operation, and
servicing of science activities, sampling,
instruments, should be clearly defined and
supported. - C-11 - Development of crew selection criteria and
a program of astronaut exploration training
should be initiated. - C-12 - A vigorous program is needed to
significantly improve astronaut capabilities in
EVA suits, specifically suit agility and glove
dexterity must be significantly enhanced relative
to Apollo and current ISS EVA suits. - C-13 - Lunar orbital data sets should be
geodetically controlled and accurately
co-registered to create cartographic products
that will enable fusion, integration, and
manipulation of all past and future data relevant
to lunar exploration. - C-14 - Instruments and procedures should be
developed and used to understand the in-situ
electro- magnetic and charged-dust environment at
a potential Outpost or other lunar site. - C-15 - Lunar surface operations should include
precise, documented sampling of the surface
regolith and regolith strata. - C-16 - NASA should assess options for large-area
lunar-surface emplacement of high priority
science experiments
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
22Summary of NAC Recommendations
- APS-1 - A radio- quiet environment can be
maintained on the lunar far side at a site
suitable for deployment of a low frequency, meter
wavelength (10-250 MHz) radio observatory - APS-2 - NASA should investigate ways in which the
exploration architecture can be enabling for
astrophysics science - APS-3 - A study should be conducted to determine
the feasibility of future use of the
Constellation Program?s heavy lift capability
(Ares V) to deliver large Astrophysics payloads
to space - ESS-1 - The lunar architecture should be enabling
for continuous or near-continuous observations of
the Earth from an Outpost - ESS-2 - The architecture should include
provisions for mobility to access a suitable
location, such as the slope of an Earth-facing
terrain feature, which provides a full-disc
vantage point of Earth - HPS-1 - Early in the human exploration program,
space-weather predictive capabilities should be
developed to enable safe, sustained operations on
the Moon - HPS-2 - NASA should locate real-time space
weather monitoring measurements as close to solar
sources as feasible.
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
23Summary of NAC Recommendations
- HPS-3 - Consideration should be given to
deployment of relevant sensors as drop-off
satellites - HPS-4 - Improved measurements should be
accomplished on the lunar surface of solar wind
composition and fluxes, the composition and
fluxes of interplanetary and interstellar grains,
and high-energy x-rays and gamma rays. - PPS-1 - Contamination control technologies should
be developed to the extent feasible before human
missions are sent to Mars - PPS-2 - Technologies and experimental equipment
to perform planetary protection assays should be
investigated for relevance to human exploration
requirements - PPS-3 - Containment technologies for preventing
contamination of lunar samples or containers
should be developed - PPS-4 - In-situ investigation of lunar sites
using highly sensitive instruments designed to
search for introduced, biologically derived, or
other organic compounds should be given high
priority. - PPS-5 - NASA should make use of the opportunity
of lunar exploration to develop planetary
protection protocols that will be needed for
exploration of Mars. - PPS-6 - The International Space Station and the
facilities on the Moon should be used as test
beds for advanced life-support systems for Mars
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
24Summary of NAC Recommendations
- PSS-1 - The lunar architecture should be enabling
for understanding the record of impacts in the
Solar System with access to and sampling of many
large impact basins and craters on the Moon and
return of samples to Earth for age dating. - PSS-2 - The Lunar Architecture should include
plans to place a long-lived geophysical
measurement station at every lunar landing site
of a sufficiently capable human or robotic
lander, including an outpost site. - Such packages should contain a seismometer, a
heat-flow probe, a magnetometer, and possibly an
optical retroreflector. - Efforts should be made to coordinate with
international partners on the emplacement and
standardization of geophysical stations at
landing sites established by other partner space
agencies. - PSS-3 - To maximize scientific return within the
current lunar exploration architecture, systems
and operational options should be defined for
local (up to 50 km), regional (up to 500 km), and
global access from an outpost location. - PSS-4 - A lunar instrument and technology
development program is needed to provide focused
technological development for applications on the
lunar surface.
August 14, 2007 NASA Science
Mission Directorate
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