Title: The Rope of Life Model
1The Rope of Life Model
- Objective
- To illustrate how things we learn as a child
affect our adult life and our decision
making - To illustrate what occurs when the
emotional subconscious takes control -
Developed by
2Rope of Life Model
The outer Blue strands are the Conscious,
Rational, Adult mind
This is where the Emotional mind takes control as
an Adult
- The White inside strands are the Emotional
mind and each strand is an Emotion, - Early Life Decision, or Habit
3When We Are First Born
- We have only an Emotional mind
- It takes about six weeks to two months before the
Conscious mind begins to reason - As the Conscious (Adult) mind develops, the
Emotional mind becomes part of the also
developing Subconscious - The Conscious mind bases all decisions on
rational learned information that it can remember - The Subconscious mind bases all its decisions on
emotion, habit and Early Life Decisions (ELDs)
4Early Life Decisions
Make each of us what we are today
5Early Life Decisionsare
- 1. made mainly between the ages of one and three
- 2. the Childs attempts to make sense of the
Adult world - 3. based on emotion and not rational thinking
- 4. part of our Adult Subconscious
- 5. part of all our decision making
- 6. sometimes like a filter to reality
- 7. what makes each one of us different
- 8. difficult but not impossible to change
9. strong influencers of our Adult behaviour
6Early Life Decisions
Provide each of us with a map of life as we
see it Provides each of us with our values Are
the basis for our attitude Makes each of us what
we are today
7Whos Takes Control?
Conscious or Subconscious?
Rational or Emotional?
8E.L.D. for Road Rage?
9Rational versus Emotional
Is a part of all decision making.
Is a part of all decision making.
Controls your emotions, happiness ability to
enjoy life
Born with a finite amount
Born with a full range of emotions
Can improve only within a very limited range
Can be increased, massaged or squelched - limited
only by one's wiliness to apply
Environment has a great influence on it
Environment has little influence on it
Is developed mainly by learning
Is developed mainly by experiences
Very difficult to measure
Will help determine what you do in life
Will determine how well you do in life
Can do everything with it if willing to make
the effort
Can do little about it
10AlwaysKnow Who is Making The Decision