Preliminaries/ Chapter 1: Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preliminaries/ Chapter 1: Introduction


Homomorphism Isomorphism Homomorphism Isomorphism Homomorphism Isomorphism Homomorphism Isomorphism Homomorphism Let A be some set. An equivalence relation on A is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Preliminaries/ Chapter 1: Introduction

Preliminaries/ Chapter 1 Introduction
Definitions from Abstract to Linear Algebra
  • Let A be a set, with a binary function ? A? A ?
    A defined on it.
  • 1. ltA, ?gt is a semigroup if ? is associative
  • (a?b)?c a?(b?c)
  • 2. ltA, ?gt is a group if also
  • (i) there exists some ? such that for all
  • a a?? ??a
  • (ii) for all a, there is some -a such that
  • ? a?-a -a?a
  • 3. ltA, ?gt is an abelian (or commutative) group if
    also a?b b?a

  • Let ? be another binary function defined on A.
  • 4. ltA, ?, ?gt is a ring if ltA, ?gt is an abelian
    group, and also
  • (i) ? is associative (a?b)?c a?(b?c)
  • (ii) a?(b?c) (a?b)??a?c), and
  • (a?b)?c (a?c)??b?c)
  • 5. The ring ltA, ?, ?gt is a field if ltA, ?gt and
  • ltA-?, ?gt are both abelian groups, the
  • with identity element, where ? ? ?.

  • Let V be a set, and let F be a field. Let V? V
    ? V and ? F? V ? V be two binary functions
    defined on them.
  • 6. V is a vector space over the field F if ltV, gt
    is an abelian group, and for all a, b ? F, u, v ?
  • ?????a?(u v) (a?u) (a?v)
  • (a?b)?u (a?u) (b?u)
  • (a?b)?u a?(b?u)
  • ??u u

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  • (p. 8) Homomorphism f sends empirical domain A
    into R in such a way that and preserve the
    properties of ? and ?
  • Isomorphism a 1-1 homomorphism.
  • (N.b. These defs are a little different from
    logic, which differ from logic.)

Homomorphism Isomorphism
Homomorphism Isomorphism
Homomorphism Isomorphism
Homomorphism Isomorphism
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  • Let A be some set.
  • An equivalence relation on A is any (binary)
    reflexive (aa), symmetric (if ab, then ba),
    and transitive (if ab, and bc, then ac
  • Let a b ? A ab
  • The quotient set of A wrt is A/ a a ?
  • Proposition. The following are equivalent
  • (i) a b
  • (ii) a n b is nonempty
  • (iii) a b

  • A partition of A is any collection P pi i ?
    I of nonempty subsets of A such that (i) UP
    A, and (ii) pinpj ??(i ? j).
  • Proposition. Any partition P is the quotient set
    of the relation ab iff a, b ? pi, for some pi ?
  • Proposition. The quotient set of any equivalence
    relation is a partition.
  • Proposition. There is a bijection from
    equivalence relations on A to partitions of A
    that maps the former onto their quotient sets.

  • Let q(a) a
  • Let f A ? R be such that
  • (i) if a b, then f(a) f(b)
  • Proposition. There exists a unique surjection
  • ? A/ ? Range(f), where f ??q. ? is an
    injection iff f also observes
  • (ii) if f(a) f(b), then a b

  • . . . . a ? b ? c d e ? f ? . . .
  • Weak Order ? is transitive and connected (total)
  • Allowed c d e but c ? d e
  • Simple Order antisymmetric weak order
  • . . . . a ? b ? c d e ? f ? . . .
  • If x y, then x y

  • . . . . a ? b ? c ? f ? . . .
  • When order is preserved, a ? b iff f(a) f(b),
  • weak orders may be treated as simple orders by
    using quotient sets
  • a a b a b
  • Order is then given as
  • a ? b iff a' ? b' for some a' ? a, b' ? b
  • iff a' ? b' for every a' ? a, b' ? b
  • a ? b iff a' ? b', for every a' ? a, b' ? b
  • a b iff a b

Three ways to assign numbers to things
  • 1. Ordinal measurement
  • a ? b iff f(a) f(b)
  • 2. Counting of units
  • Standard sequences
  • 3. Solving inequalities
  • b a?a, and c ? a?b might imply
  • f(c)/f(a) 3
  • f is ordinal, additive

Chapter 2 Construction of Numerical Functions
1. Ordinal Measurement
  • a ? b iff f(a) f(b)

Ordering Theorems for a simple order ltA, ?
gtDesideratum fA ? R such that
a ? b iff f(a) f(b)
  • Theorem 1. If A is countable, we have such a f.
  • Def. B ? A is order dense in A iff for any a ? b
    there is c ? B a ? c ? b
  • Theorems 2, 3. There is a denumerable order dense
    B ? A iff f exists and is 1-1. f is unique up to
    monotonically strictly increasing

2. Counting of units
  • Additive representations
  • f(a?b) f(a) f(b)

Ordered Semigroup
  • ltA, ? , (B A), ? gt
  • 1. ltA, ? gt is a simple order
  • 2. ok
  • 3. If a ? b, then c?a ? c?b
  • 4. If a ? b, then a?c ? b?c
  • 5. (a?b)?c a?(b?c)
  • 6. a?b ? a pos.
  • 7. If a ? b, then for some c, a ? b?c reg.
  • 8. n b ? na is finite Arch.

Ordered Local Semigroup
  • ltA, ? , B, ? gt
  • 1. ltA, ? gt is a simple order
  • 2. If a?b exists, and a ? c, b ? d, then c?d
  • 3. If c?a exists, and a ? b, then c?a ? c?b
  • 4. If a?c exists, and a ? b, then a?c ? b?c
  • 5. (a?b), (a?b)?c exist iff (b?c), a?(b?c) do,
    in which case (a?b)?c a?(b?c)
  • 6. If a?b exists, then a?b ? a pos.
  • 7. If a ? b, then for some c, b?c exists, and a ?
    b?c reg.
  • 8. n na exists and b ? na is finite Arch.

  • Theorem 4. Let ltA, ?, B, ? gt be a positive,
    regular, Archimedean ordered local semigroup.
  • There is a f A ? R such that
  • (i) a ? b iff f(a) f(b)
  • (ii) if a?b exists, then f(a?b) f(a)
  • If f' A ? R also satisfies (i) and (ii), then
  • f'(a) ßf(a),
  • for some ß gt 0, and all nonmaximal a in A.

  • Theorem 4'. Set
  • f as in Theorem 4.
  • ? the l.u.b. of Range(f),
  • A' the nonmaximal elements of A, and
  • B' the set of nonmaximal concatenations.
  • Then f is an isomorphism of ltA', ?, B', ? gt into
    ltR, , R? , gt.

  • ltA, ? , ?gt is a simply ordered group iff
  • ltA, ?gt is a simple order
  • ltA, ?gt is a group
  • If a ? b, then a?c ? b?c and c?a ? c?b.
  • ltA, ? , ?gt is also Archimedean if (with the
    identity element e) a ? e, then na ? b, for some
  • Theorem 5 (Holder's Theorem) An Archimedean
    simply ordered group is isomorphic to a subgroup
    of ltR, , gt, and the isomorphism is unique up to
    scaling by a positive constant.

Ordered Local Semiring
  • ltA, ? , B, ???????? gt
  • 1. ltA, ?, B, ? gt is a simple order
  • 2. ltA, ?, B, ? gt is a simple order, using the
    weaker associativity axiom
  • If a?b and b?c exist, then (a?b)?c exists iff
    a?(b?c) does, in which case, they are identical.
  • 3. If (a?b)?c exists, then so does (a?c)?(b?c),
    and they are identical.
  • If a?(b?c) exists, then so does (a?b)?(a?c),
    and they are identical.
  • 4.For any a, there exists some a?(b?c)

  • Theorem 6. Let ltA, ? , B, ???????? gt be a
    regular, positive, Archimedean ordered semiring.
    Then there is a unique f A ? R such that
  • 1. a ? b iff f(a) f(b)
  • 2. If a?b exists then f(a?b) f(a) f(b)
  • 3. If a?b exists, then f(a?b) f(a)f(b)

Archimedean Ordered Ring
  • ltA, ? , ???? gt
  • 1. ltA, ???? gt is a ring with zero element ?
  • 2. ltA, ? , ??gt is an Archimedean ordered group
  • 3. If a ? ?, and b ? c, then a?b ? a?c and b?a ?
  • Corollary. An Archimedean ordered ring is
    isomorphic to a subring of lt R, , , ? gt. This
    isomorphism is unique.

3. Solving inequalities
a1?a5 ? a3?a4 ? a1?a2 ? a5 ? a4 ? a3 ? a2 ? a1
Ax gt 0
x1 x5 x3 x4 gt 0
x3 x4 x1 x2 gt 0
x1 x2 x5 gt 0
x5 x4 gt 0
x4 x3 gt 0
x3 x2 gt 0
x2 x1 gt 0
1 0 -1 -1 1
-1 -1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 -1
0 0 0 -1 1
0 0 -1 1 0
0 -1 1 0 0
-1 1 0 0 0
  • Ax 'gt' 0, Bx 0
  • Theorem 7. There is a solution x to the above
    inequalities iff the polyhedron (in Rn) whose
    corners are the m' row vectors of A does not
    intersect the subspace spanned by the row vectors
    of B.

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  • Theorem 7. Let A and B be m' by n and m'' by n
    matrices, respectively. There exists an x ? Rn
    such that Bx 0 and the m' elements of Ax are
  • if and only if
  • there does not exist a pair ? ? Rm', µ ? Rm''
    such that (i) AT ? BTµ, (ii) ?i gt 0, and (iii)
    1T? 1.

  • Lemma 7. Suppose the m row vectors of A are
    linearly independent. Then for any t ? Rm, there
    is some x ? Rn such that Ax t.
  • Lemma 8. There exists an x ? Rn such that (i) the
    m elements of Ax are nonnegative, and (ii) zTx lt
  • if and only if
  • There does not exist a y ? Rm such that (i) the m
    elements of y are nonnegative, and (ii) ATy z.
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