The Rise of Christianity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Rise of Christianity


The Rise of Christianity The Rise of Christianity Some Christians went to extreme lengths to avoid persecution, such as at Cappadocia. This was a labyrinth of caves ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Rise of Christianity

The Rise of Christianity
  • Objectives
  • Know the basic path of Jesuss life.
  • Also, for what reasons he was executed.
  • Know the importance of Paul to the spread of
    Christianity (and what he did that was so
    important to the spread).
  • Know what factors helped the faith spread (both
    logistical, like the Pax Romana, and why the
    faith was appealing to people).
  • Know why Christians were persecuted for their
  • Know the importance of Constantine to the rise of
    Christianity and the effects of what he did.
  • Also, what led him to legalize it.
  • What were the downsides of Constantine?

  • By 63 BC, Rome rules Palestine.
  • By around BC 6 AD 6, Caesar Augustus is emperor
    and this is the world into Jesus is born.

  • Regardless of ones belief in Jesuss divinity,
    its hard to deny that he was probably the most
    influential person to have lived.
  • He lived just 33 years and his main ministry
    lasted only 3 years. Yet he had a mind boggling
    effect on world history.

  • For somebody so important, we dont have any
    contemporary accounts of his appearance.
  • He certainly wasnt the Caucasian-looking fellow
    that gets portrayed a lot in Western culture.

  • Being a Semitic man from the 1st century, he
    likely had a tawny skin tone, dark hair and eyes.
    These are facial reconstructions from a skull
    from that time period.
  • Bear in mind that this is just a random skull the
    face is based on. You cant say this is Jesus
    any more than if you took George Bushs skull and
    came up with my face.

  • This is based on the image from the Shroud of

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  • Interestingly, just as the West portrays Jesus as
    white, other cultures portray him in their own
    ethnicity Arab, African, etc.

  • Anyway Jesus was born in Bethlehem anywhere from
    6 BC to AD 6. Theres disagreement about when it
    was based on astronomical events, King Herods
    death, and other factors.
  • The AD 1 year mark is based on a system devised
    by a 6th century monk named Dionysius Exiguus.
    He miscalculated.
  • Raised in Nazareth, he didnt begin his public
    preaching until he was 30. Then he shook the
  • Preached a message of forgiveness (divine and
    interpersonal), a personal relationship with God,
    and love.
  • Became rather popular with the hoi polloi and was
    hailed as the Messiah Israels savior.

  • Neither the Romans nor the Jewish authorities
    were too comfortable with Jesuss popularity.
  • The Romans didnt like the idea of somebody
    gaining power and prestige. They were a
    potential threat.

  • It didnt help that people were thinking of him
    as the messiah.
  • The Christian conception of that term is
    different from the Jewish conception at the time.
    For 1st century Judaism, the messiah would be a
    political and military leader a new king that
    would reunite Israel and defeat its enemies
    (specifically the Romans). Naturally, the Romans
    didnt like such talk.

  • The Jewish leaders, the Pharisees and the
    Sadducees, saw him as a threat because he was
    continually preaching against them.
  • Thus, both major powers wanted him out of the

  • Accordingly, Jesus is crucified due to trumped up
  • Crucifixion was actually a uniquely painful way
    to die.

  • Different theories as the actual cause of death
    asphyxiation from being stretched out, embolisms
    from blood clots, dehydration, and others.
  • It was definitely painful, however. Hence
  • And Crucio!
  • The cruciatus curse.

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After his death, his apostles carry on his
mission. Primary spreader of the faith was Saul
of Tarsus, aka the Apostle Paul.
  • Was originally a persecutor of Christians, but
    then became its main supporter after a conversion

Paul visited a number of locations, starting
churches in different cities.
  • He would also write letters to many of these
    churches supporting them and giving advice.
  • Many of these letters are now books of the New
    Testament. They have the names of the cities or
    people to which/whom they were address, e.g.
    Galatians was to the church in Galatia, Ephesians
    was to the church in Ephesus, 1 and 2 Timothy are
    to a disciple named Timothy, etc.

  • Paul even visits the acropolis in Athens and
    argues with some Stoic and Epicurean philosophers.

  • Hes eventually executed in Rome, beheaded around
    64-67 by the Emperor Nero.

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  • Persecution
  • Christianity slowly started spreading around the
  • Aided by the Pax Romana and the fact that Romans
    tended to be tolerant and accepting of other
  • They wanted to make sure they werent missing any
    gods after all.

  • The Roman tolerance, though, was that you could
    worship your own gods, but you had to recognize
    Roman ones too, including worshiping Caesar.
  • This wasnt too big a deal for most polytheistic
    religions. For the monotheistic Christians, it
    was a non-starter.

  • So the problem wasnt that Christians had their
    own god, its that they didnt recognize or
    worship the Roman gods.
  • This was viewed as undermining Roman authority.
    It was also seen as dangerous that people werent
    worshipping the Roman gods because then the gods
    could turn their backs on Rome.
  • As Roman society started frowning on Christians,
    the Christians started meeting in secret in
    catacombs, sewers, caves, etc.
  • This only increased the misconceptions of
    Christians rumors swirled that they engaged in
    depraved acts sexual depravity, child sacrifice,
    even cannibalism due to misunderstanding

  • So the Romans were naturally suspicious of these
    strange folks.
  • The first big persecution comes after the great
    fire in Rome in AD 64.
  • Emperor Nero blames it on the Christians (they
    were good scapegoats).
  • Nero proceeds to round up and execute some
  • The succeeding emperors such as Vespasian and
    Trajan dont worry themselves too much about the
    Christians, though the Romans still didnt like

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  • As the Roman Empire starts its decline,
    persecution steps up as Romans blame the
    Christians for their woes.
  • Some were crucified, others burned alive, still
    more killed in the arena.
  • Christians disapproved of the arena and
    gladiatorial sport in general it was too easy to
    get hooked on the bloodsport.

  • When put in the arena, a popular method was for
    them to be killed by wild animals.
  • A problem the Romans faced is that the Christians
    welcomed death and the chance to be martyred.
    They took joy in death which the Romans found
    unfathomably bizarre.
  • They would even taunt the crowd to kill them.

St. Ignatius
  • Case of Saints Perpetua and Felicity

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  • Some Christians went to extreme lengths to avoid
    persecution, such as at Cappadocia.
  • This was a labyrinth of caves Christians carved
    into a mountain and down into the ground.
  • It was 18 stories deep and had miles of tunnels.
  • The complex housed around 20,000 people who
    rarely left the underground system.
  • Was complete with living quarters, grape juicing
    rooms, churches, ventilation shafts, and wells.
  • Was complete with secret doorways that closed
    tight from the inside.

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  • Despite the Roman attempts to use brute force to
    stamp out the Christians, the religion continued
    to spread.

  • Spread due to 5 main factors as put in the book
  • Embraced all people men, women, slaves, poor,
  • Gave hope to the powerless
  • Appealed to those who were repelled by Roman
  • Offered personal relationship with a loving God.
  • Promised eternal life after death.

  • As the faith spreads, it takes on an
    organizational hierarchy.
  • There are local priests and then regional
  • Eventually, the bishop of Rome becomes the pope.

  • Official Religion
  • In 313, Emperor Constantine (the same guy who
    moved the capital to Byzantium/Constantinople)
    ended all persecution and legalized Christianity
    in the Edict of Milan.
  • His mother was actually a Christian and he
    credited God with helping win a major battle.

  • The Labarum chi rho
  • Used the first two letters of xristos. Christos.
  • Accompanied by the words, ?? t??t? ???a. With
    this, you win. Or In this sign, conquer.

  • Also replaced crucifixion with hanging.
  • Kept some aspects of paganism and doesnt
    actually officially convert until shortly before
    his death.
  • Speculation that the only reason he converted to
    Christianity is because it was the only religion
    that would offer him forgiveness for his grievous
    sins (although late life baptism wasnt
  • Sins such as having his eldest son tried and
    executed because of rumors he was having an
    affair with his second wife Fausta.
  • Then he had Fausta executed because she was the
    apparent source of the rumors.
  • Marks a pivotal joining of church and state,
    although it doesnt become the state religion
    until 390 under Emperor Theodosius.

  • To his great discredit, Constantine also starts
    persecuting the Jews.
  • Put restrictions on them, makes it illegal to
    convert to Judaism. Unfortunate considering the
    recent treatment of Christians.
  • It was, in the first place, declared improper to
    follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration
    of this holy festival, because, their hands
    having been stained with crime, the minds of
    these wretched men are necessarily blinded. ...
    Let us, then, have nothing in common with the
    Jews, who are our adversaries. ... avoiding all
    contact with that evil way. ... who, after having
    compassed the death of the Lord, being out of
    their minds, are guided not by sound reason, but
    by an unrestrained passion, wherever their innate
    madness carries them. ... a people so utterly
    depraved. ... Therefore, this irregularity must
    be corrected, in order that we may no more have
    any thing in common with those parricides and the
    murderers of our Lord. ... no single point in
    common with the perjury of the Jews.
  • Starts a tragic trend in Western culture towards

  • Constantine also called the Council of Nicaea
  • Sought to settle some religious disputes and
    provide some standard Christian doctrines.
  • There were all sorts at the time.
  • Upside is that Christianity starts getting some
  • Downside is that pagans and heretical Christians
    start being persecuted.
  • Persecution of the Jews, pagans, and heretical
    sects was much greater than anything the Romans
    forced on the early Christians.

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