Title: Collaborative%20Care%20Messages
1Collaborative Care Messages
- For people who care
- Max Walker
- Co-Chair CBHS SIG
- DHS (Vic) Australia
2Who Care?
- General Practitioners
- Hospitals
- Primary Care Providers
- Allied Health Providers
- State Health Authorities
- Federal Health Authorities
3Who Collaborates?
- General Practitioners
- Hospitals
- Primary Care Providers
- Allied Health Providers
- State Health Authorities
- Federal Health Authorities
- Others?
4CCM - Collaborative Care Message
- When sharing isnt transferring care
- Population Information?
5Weve got some patient data
6Weve got a complete clinical history
7Weve got some patient visits
8Weve got a complete drug chart
9Weve got problems
10And Goals
11And Pathways
12And of course, weve got REL
13Weve got the lot
14CCR Collaborative Care Referral
- CCM with extra bits
- Bits of REF_I12
- Reason for referral and providers
- A Clinical Order
- And multiple patients
15The bits from REF_I12
16The Clinical Order
17And multiple patients
18But if you care, you really care
- And you want to know whats happening
- You want to know if the referral has been
accepted or rejected - You want to know how the patients are going
- You want to know when treatment is complete
19CCU Collaborative Care Unsolicited Update
- Notification from the receiver, to the sender,
that something has happened. - Includes a Clinical History of treatment related
to the referral - CCR without Clinical Order
20CCQ Collaborative Care QueryCQU
Collaborative Query Update
- Demand an update on your referral
- And if things arent going well, then theres
CCR Modify and CCR Cancel
21Uses for CCR
- Collaborative Care Referral differs from
Collaborative Care Message because it implies
workflow. - CCR lets you order stuff in an informed way
22The CCM Suite
- Trigger Event I21 Collaborative Care Message
Information from one Health Care Provider to
another e.g. Discharge Summary, Registry
Notification - I16, I17 I18 Collaborative Care Referral
Implies a Transfer of Care I16 is the Referral
for a single or group of patients(?). Expect a
Collaborative Care Update (CCU) back I17 Modify
CCR (expect CCU back) I18 Cancel CCR
23The CCR Suite cont.
- I20 CCU Asynchronous Collaborative Care
Update (ACK) - I19 Collaborative Care Query/Update A trigger
that sends sufficient information to find a
previously sent Referral hence generate a CCU - I22 - Collaborative Care Fetch Sends query to
provider, repository, registry etc, on patient
and returns Collaborative Care Information which
is equivalent to a Collaborative Care Message