Title: The Autonomic Nervous System
1The Autonomic Nervous System
2Autonomic control areas in the brain stem and
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4Sympathetic Nerve Fibers in the Skeletal Nerves
5Prevertebral (Collateral)
Celiac (Solar plexus) Sup. Mesenteric Inf.
Mesenteric Pelvic-hypogastric plexus Adrenal
medulla sympathetic prevertebral
ganglion Amplification Slower to arrive Slower to
dissipate Lack the point to point specificity of
other SNS projections
7Points Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Functions Catabolic Anabolic
Location of Ganglion Distant from target organ Near or in target organ
Length of preganglionic axon Relatively short Relatively long
Divergence of preganglionic axonal projection One to many One to few
Innervate trunk and limbs in addition to viscera Yes No
Postganglionic transmitter NE Ach
8- Ach receptors
- Nicotinic
- Ion channel receptor (Na and K) N1, N2
- Muscarinic
- G protein-coupled receptor
- M1, M3, M5 (PLC)
- M2, M4 (inhibition of AC)
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- ATP and neuropeptide Y co-release with NE.
- VIP with Ach
- In ganglions
- Ach- N2- rapid EPSP
- Ach- M- slow EPSP
12Termogenesis (ß3)
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15- Components of autonomic reflexes arcs
- sensory receptor sensory neuron
integrating center pre postganglionic motor
neurons visceral effectors
16Horner's syndrome