Title: Divisions of the Nervous System
1Divisions of the Nervous System
- Chapter 6 Section 2
- Pages 182 - 189
2CHAPTER 6.2 Divisions of the Nervous System
Objective Describe the functions of the Central
Nervous System. Identify its parts explain
how to keep it safe from injury.
Objective Describe the functions of the
Peripheral Nervous System identify its parts.
Objective Describe Reflexes.
3- Central Nervous System Consists of the brain
- spinal cord. It is the control center of the
- Peripheral Nervous System Consists of all the
- nerves located outside of the Central Nervous
- Brain Located in the skull. Controls most
functions - in the body.
- Spinal Cord Thick column of nerve tissue that
links - the brain to most of the nerves. The link
between the - brain the peripheral nervous system.
4- Cerebrum Largest part- interprets input from
the - senses. Controls the movement of skeletal
muscles. - Carries out complex mental processes such as
learning, - Remembering making judgments.
6. Cerebellum Coordinates the actions of your
muscles and helps you keep your balance.
7. Brainstem Lies between the cerebellum
spinal cord. Controls the bodys involuntary
actions like breathing heart beat.
5- The Peripheral Nervous System Consists of a
- network or nerves that branch out from the CNS
and - connect it to the rest of your body.
- Somatic Nervous System Controls voluntary
- actions (using a fork, tying a shoe lace, etc.)
- Autonomic Nervous System Controls involuntary
- actions (contractions of the smooth muscles or
- adjusting the diameter of the blood vessels)
- Reflex An automatic response that occurs very
- rapidly and without conscious control.
612. Concussion A bruise-like injury of the
brain. occurs when soft tissue of cerebrum
bumps against the skull.
Symptoms Head ache, blackout or
fainting, confusion, feeling drowsy after the
injury, nausea
- Paralysis A spinal cord injury where the cord
is cut - or crushed. Nerve impulses can no longer get
Causes Car crashes, Diving into shallow
water, football, horseback riding, skateboarding,
Wear a helmet
Wear pads protective gear
Wear seatbelts in the car
Make sure water is deep enough to dive into FEET
Pay attention!