Title: Capacity Development for the CDM (CD4CDM)
1- Capacity Development for the CDM (CD4CDM)
- First National Workshop - SURINAM
- Ecuadorian Institutional Issues
- Miriam Hinostroza
- UNEP Risø Centre (URC)
- Paramaribo, April - 2008
2CDM Institutional Structure - Ecuador
CDM National Authority (DNA) Ministry for
CDM Promotion Office separate public-private
entity presided by Ministry for Environment
3Strengths of the Ecuadorian CDM Institutional
- Separation of regulatory and promotion roles
prevents possible conflicts of interest in the
process of project formulation-project
approval. - Separation of roles enables to better address
development of a heterogeneous range of new
capacities and skills - CDM institutional arrangements have been agreed
upon by the National Climate Change Committee
(NCCC). - The Board of Directors of CDM Promotion Office
includes members from the public, private NGO
sectors. - The Ministry for the Environment is the DNA, but
operates under overall guidance of the NCCC. - DNA and CDM Promotion Office are small technical
units with clear-cut responsibilities.
4Weaknesses of the Ecuadorian CDM Institutional
- Financial sustainability of CDM entities is not
granted. - Continuity of installed capacities
- DNA officials are not exclusively dedicated to
CDM and still depend on technical assistance
provided by consultants. - CDM Promotion Office officers are consultants
hired by technical cooperation programmes. - Political instability at the M for the E affects
working environment at the CDM Promotion Office
(regardless its public-private nature). - CDM Promotion Office will have to address new
challenges in accordance to evolution of
international emissions market.
5Project Approval Process in Ecuador
Project Document Project participants DNA
Annex natl requirements based on presentation guide based on evaluation guide
(A) Compliance with applicable legal framework (sector/local scope) Applicable legal prerequisites for proposed project activity. Attachment of relevant licenses, certificates, others. Check on integrality consistency. Consultations with relevant authorizing entities.
(B) Congruence with relevant national/sector/local development policies/plans Explanation on how the proposed project activity is congruent with development policies/strategies. Assessment of evaluators individual briefing and joint recommendation on approval.
(C) Discussion of environmental, socioeconomic and technological impacts (w/o further guidance) Explanation on how positive impacts will be achieved and negative impacts mitigated. Individual briefing and joint recommendation on approval.
Annex intl requirements / /
CDM Project Design Document (PDD as defined by the CDM-EB) Submission of PDD that has been or will be submitted for validation by OE. Review of PDD. Relevant observations may require joint revisions with participants validators.
6Project Approval Process
7Approval Process Strengths
- Cost-efficiency
- Evaluation fee expected to be symbolic
- Time-efficiency
- The approval process is designed to be a
streamlined process which takes place in less
than 20 working days - Submission of PDD is requested
- Project participants and DNA will benefit of
dealing with a consolidated project proposal.
8Approval Process weaknesses
- Assumption legal framework development
plans are congruent with national sustainable
development objectives - Current evaluation criteria is based on that
assumption. - Lack of project-specific SD assessment of
proposed project activity