Title: 1914-1919 The World at War
11914-1919The World at War
The lights are going out all over Europe we
shall not see them lit again in our
lifetime. Sir Edward Grey English Foreign
secretary Monday, March 8, 1914 (4 months
prior to outbreak of WWI)
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3The Great War Begins (RCQs. Day 2 10)
- Austria must subdue Serbian separatism
- July 23, 1914 10-pt. Ultimatum to Serbia
- Austria receives blank check from Germany
- July 25 William II Theobald von
Bethmann-Hollweg - Mobilization begins War is declared
- Austria vs Serbia, July 28 vs. Russia, July 30
- Russia France mobilized Germany declares war
vs. Russia, Aug 1 / vs. Belgium, Aug 3 - Germanys Von Schlieffen Plan
- Germany invades Belgium violates Belgian
Neutrality treaty of 1839 France declares war,
Aug 4 - 2-front knock out France through Belgium, then
on to Russia trains troops for two fronts - Result
- Great Britain declares war on Germany, Aug 4
- Aug 23 Japan (GB ally) declares war on Germany
- (RCQs. Day 3 1 2) Click for Schlieffen Plan
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5Technology and WarfareThe Great Arms Race !!!!
(RCQs. Day 3 3 (last question)
- Weapons were ahead of tactics
- Machine guns
- Barbed wire
- Trench warfare
- Hand Grenades
- Heavy artillery
- Tanks (Somme)
- Gas Warfare
mustard and nerve gas (see. CfL,
British munitions plant
6Trench Warfare on the Western Front
7Machine Guns and Grenade Launchers
8Trench Warfare (show scene 3 of Joyeux Noel)
9Western Front focused in France (RCQs. Day 3
3) Battle of the Marne September 6-10, 1914
GB Fr halt German advance on Paris, spoil
Schlieffen Plan First Battle of Ypres Oct. 14,
1914 - Trench Warfare / Second Battle of Ypres
April 22, 1915 - first use of poison gas (RCQs.
Day 3 8) Battle of the Somme, 1916 Allied
offensive 8 miles gained --- 2 ½ men die per
inch I am staring at a sunlit picture of hell
Siegfried Sassoon Battle of Verdun, 1916 German
offensive Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele)
July 1917---stalemate continues in
water! Second Battle of the Marne March-August,
1918 last decisive round of battles (w/
involvement of USA)
10Third Battle of Ypres Passchendaele
11Western Front - 1916
- Almost exclusively fought in the trenches
- Very little movement or capturing of enemy
12The War in the Air
German Aircraft
US 94th
13The War at Sea
- Heavy battleships Dreadnought
- Competition with these ships began in the 1890s
- Each nation built heavier and larger ships
- Submarines
- Germans unlimited use
- sparks US conflict
14Eastern Front
Eastern Front Beyond (RCQs. Day 3 4, -
7) Battle of Tannenburg Aug. 30, 1914 (Gens.
Hindenburg Ludendorff) Battle of Masurian
Lakes Sept. 9, 1914 Italy 1915 abandons
Germany joins Allies by declaring war on
Austria-Hungary Gallipoli British
Australians vs. Turks April 1915 Ottoman
Empire Lawrence of Arabiain 1917 British Col.
T.E. Lawrence encourages Arabic revolts against
15Sinking of the Lusitania(RCQs. Day 3 9)
Germany sinks Lusitania May 7, 1915 - 198
civilians, including 128 U.S. citizens
killed Great Britain and USA force Germany to
adopt limited use of submarines Jan. 1917
Germany returns to unrestricted use of subs by
April 1917 USA enters WWI!
16The United States Weighs In
- Jan. 1917 Wilson pushes for peace without
victory - America not involved directly until April 6, 1917
- (RCQs. Day 3 10)
- Major incidents
- Zimmerman Tele. 2/17 Germans use US telegraph
lines to tell Mexico theyll help regain
territories - Naval blockade
- Jan 1917 resume unrestricted sub warfare (against
non-military vessels)
17The Final Year(s) of the Great War
1917little hope BUT 1917Russian Revolution
begins 1918Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (btw.
Germany and Russia) Germany can move
West! 1918US offensive 2nd Battle of the
Marne Aug 8, 1918 German General Lundendorff
admits defeat October 6, 1918 German govt.
requests armistice talks
18Germany defeated
- Germanys defeat yesSept. 1918
- Arguments over armistice --- soldiers revolt,
est. revolutionary councils (soviets) - Wilhelm abdicates flees to Holland
- Nov. 11, 1918 Friedrich Ebert declares German
Republic and armistice
Kaiser Wilhelm II Abdicates 11/9/18
19Difficulty in Making Peace
- Victors
- Great Britain
- France
- United States
- Italy
- Belgium
- Portugal
- Directly Defeated
- Germany
- Austria-Hungary
- Ottoman Empire
- Bulgaria
- Indirectly Defeated
- Russia
20Major Personalities
Georges Clemenceau The Tiger
Italy Vittorio Orlando
David Lloyd George squeeze the orange until the
pips squeak
Woodrow Wilson
21Versailles a difficult peace
- January 1919 Paris
- US, France, Great Britain, (Italy) 23 others
- No Germany or Russia
- The fight begins
- France desire to punish Germany
- Demilitarized
- Rhineland as buffer state
- Woodrow Wilson desire for Peace without
Victors - League of Nations (Jan 25, 1919) open
covenants of peace, reduction of armaments
self-determination - GB prevent Frances buffer state make Germans
pay - In the End
- 5 sep. treaties w/ G, Au, Hu, Bu OE
- Results Germany is blamed for the war (Article
231 War Guilt Clause) - Army can be no bigger than 100,000
- Reparations for causing war - 32 billion dollars
- Navy to be no larger than 24 ships no subs
- No new developments in air force
- Demilitarize the Rhine area (but not a buffer
state) - Lost 27,500 square miles of land League of
Nations (Alsace Lorraine, part of Prussia) - New nationsimperialism continues
- Austria/Hungary
- Austria / Hungary / Czechoslovakia / Romania /
Poland / Yugoslavia - Polish Corridor to Baltic
- France Lebanon / Syria
- GB Iraq / Palestine (w/Jewish Nat'l. home)
- Japan Germanys holdings in China
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25Mandate Countries would administer a territory
on behalf of the League of Nations. But what
about self-determination?
- The beginning of the end of 19th century
imperialism - Total number dead - over 9 million
- France 1,500,000 Britain 1,000,000
- Italy 500,000 US 116,708
- Russia 1,700,000 Germany 2,000,000
- Austria 1,250,000
- A peacemade in quicksand (see Treaty of
Versailles, pg. 90-91 of APEH Book 2 workbook)