Title: 10th grade Large Group Advising Sessions
110th grade Large Group Advising Sessions
2College and Career Readiness
- What are your plans after high school graduation?
3College? Career?
- What course of study are you on?
- What is your career major pathway?
- Take rigorous course work throughout high school
to prepare you for college work! - Pre-AP and AP
- Look at opportunities for earning college credits
while you are still in high school! - Dual credit options through Early College
- Advanced Placement pass AP exams
- Articulation agreements complete career majors
pass KOSSA tests in Career Technical Education
programs at ACHS and Harrodsburg Area Technical
4Sample AP College Savings
5Sample Articulation Agreements College Savings
6Industry Certifications
Career Cluster Industry Certifications
Communications Adobe Certified Expert
Construction NCCER AWS
Health Science Medicaid Nurse Aid (MNA)
Information Technology IC3 Certiport, A CompTia
Manufacturing NCCER AWS
Transportation NATEF/ ASE
7Going into the Workforce?
- Armed Forces
- Take the ASVAB in high school
- Meet with recruiter
- Use your time at ACHS to
- Explore your options.
- Develop skills for life.
- Build relationships.
- Increase your opportunities.
- Lets face it the world you will enter today is
much different than it has ever been. -
8ACT Matters!
- EXPLORE 8th grade
- PLAN 10th grade- NEXT FALL
- ACT 11th grade
- CPE Benchmark scores
- English, 18 Math, 19 Reading, 20
- Practice ACT embedded in individual classrooms
- ACHS ACT Online www.ACTpreponline.com
- ACT www.actstudent.org Study Island
- ACHS Boot Camp
9More ACT information
- College scholarships-
- What if I dont meet the ACT benchmarks?
- College take remediation classes
- You pay for class 0 credit
- ACHS tiered interventions in reading and math
next year for seniors who do not meet benchmarks
10Course of Study
- What course of study are you on?
11Advanced Kentucky Scholars
Kentucky Scholars
12(No Transcript)
13Anderson County High School Requirements (General
- English 4 credits
- Math 4.5 credits
- Science 3 credits
- Social Studies 3 credits
- Physical Education .5 credit
- Health .5 credit
- Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit
- Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit
- Electives 9.5 credits
- 16.5 required credits (above) 9.5 elective
credits - 26 total credits required for graduation
14Humanities Credit
- To earn the Humanities credit required for
graduation, students must follow one of the two
criteria below. - 1. Students must have completed 3 trimesters of
a performance based/standards based specialized
arts courses based on the students individual
learning plan. (Examples include Band A,B,C
Advanced Chorus A,B,C AP Music Theory, or AP
Art.) - --OR--
- 2. Students must choose at least one class from
each column.
Art/Drama Music/dance
Art I A Guitar
Art I B Piano Lab
Sculpture Mens choir
Ceramics I Womens choir
Drama General chorus
Humanities Art Drama Humanities Music dance
15Anderson County High School Requirements
(Pre-College Curriculum)
- English 4 credits
- Math 4.5 credits
- Science 3 credits
- Social Studies 3 credits
- Physical Education .5 credit
- Health .5 credit
- Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit
- Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit
- Foreign Language 2 credits
- Electives 7.5 credits
16Anderson County High School Requirements
(Kentucky Scholars Certificate)
- English 4 credits
- Math 4.5 credits
- Science 4 credits
- Social Studies 4 credits
- Physical Education .5 credit
- Health .5 credit
- Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit
- Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit
- Foreign Language 2 credits
- Electives 5.5 credits
- No Grade below a C will be accepted as credit.
Minimum 2.5 GPA required
17Anderson County High School Requirements Advanced
Kentucky Scholars
- English 4 credits
- Math 4.5 credits
- Science 4 credits
- Social Studies 4 credits
- Physical Education .5 credit
- Health .5 credit
- Humanities (Music/Dance) .5 credit
- Humanities (Art/Drama) .5 credit
- Foreign Language 2 credits
- Electives 5.5 credits
- No Grade below a C will be accepted as credit.
Minimum 2.5 GPA required - 4 AP Courses AP Eng, AP Science or Math, 2 AP
18Pre-Registration Course Selection Sheets
19Completing the Course Selection Sheet
- Circle 15 courses/course numbers.
- Identify 4 courses as Alternates by marking A1,
A2, A3, and A4 in the space beside the course
number. - Any courses that are highlighted require
teachers signature. - Courses that are in BOLD are required courses for
graduation. - Humanities Credit go ahead and take care of it
next year, especially if you are going to
vocational school or taking lots of AP/BCTC
classes junior and senior year.
20Schedule for 2015-16
- Whatever is on your selection sheet will go into
the computer and your class schedule will be
based on those classes. You will not get to
change classes that are on your selection sheet
21What are Sophomore Requirements?
- Trimesters Subject
- 2 English
- English III A and B or
- AP Lang A, B and C or ENG 101 and Eng III B
- 3 Math Geo A and B or
Pre AP Pre- Cal A and B - 2 Science Chemistry 11 A Chemistry 11 B
- or AP Chemistry A, B, C
- 2 (3 for AP) Social Studies
- US History A and B
- or AP US History A, B, and C or HIS 109
- 7 Electives
2211TH Grade Sample Schedule
Geo A Geo B Art 1A (Humanities)
Humanities Music Dance Chemistry 11 A Chemistry 11 B
ELECTIVE US History A US History B
23Pre-Registration Individual Scheduling Conferences
- March 9th 10th 9th grade individual advising
in SWS homerooms - March 10th 10th and 11th grade Parent
Connection night for Scheduling - Encourage all parents/students to attend.
- March 24th 8th grade Parent Night
- Encourage all parents/students to attend.
- March 27th 8th graders