Routes into Teaching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Routes into Teaching


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Easby, Eileen Last modified by: Easby, Eileen Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Routes into Teaching

Routes into Teaching
  • NTU Careers and Placements
  • Feb 2013

content of session
  • an outline of routes into teaching
  • how and when to apply
  • basic academic and personal requirements
  • other issues surrounding applications

QTS (Qualified teacher status)
  • To be awarded QTS by the Teaching Agency (TA) you
    must complete a period of training known as
    initial teacher training (ITT)
  • The routes for gaining this include-
  • PGCE
  • School Direct
  • Teach First

PGCE University-based PGCE
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education many
    offer credits at masters level
  • Usually a 1 year, full-time course based in a
    University with substantial school placements.
  • Primary a minimum of 18 weeks classroom-based
    training, secondary a minimum of 24 weeks
    usually in 2 schools.
  • How to Apply
  • Apply via the GTTR ( Graduate Teacher Training

when to apply
  • closing date 1st December for primary BUT GTTR
    sends applications to first choices from early
    October. (This year, from Oct 10th)
  • for primary, you have a choice of two
    institutions only
  • for secondary, you have a choice of 4
    institutions. GTTR will accept applications until
    30th June, but training providers often fill
    their places early, particularly for competitive
    subjects e g P.E, art, history.
  • You must leave time for your referees to email
    references to GTTR, who will attach to your form
    before you can submit it.
  • no deferred entry system

additional points
  • it is advisable to investigate the subject area
    you wish to teach on the National Curriculum
  • it is useful to do your homework on latest
    developments in education and around your
    subject.(e.g.Behaviour management ,phonics,
    literacy, SEND, national curriculum tests,
  • TES Fri, Guardian Tues, Independent Thurs,
  • BBC Education website.
  • DfE website.
  • there are separate application procedures for
    teaching in Scotland and Northern Ireland (see
    relevant web sites)

basic requirements
  • for primary, a minimum GCSE grade C (or
    equivalent) in English, maths, and a science
    subject. Be aware that a grade B may be requested
    by some providers.
  • for secondary, maths and English at minimum
    Grade C GCSE (or equivalent) no science
    requirement for secondary
  • institution qualification requirements at time
    of application are outlined by the GTTR
  • some ITT providers offer equivalence tests
  • The more work experience the better, but there is
    often a minimum requirement.

QTS skills tests
  • English and Maths. (If training in England)
  • Anyone applying for ITT courses which start after
    1 July 2013 must pass the skills tests before
    starting the course.
  • Candidates need to apply for an ITT course and
    then sit the skills test, though you can book
    your test date before making your application.
    (Available now for registration)
  • See Teaching Agency Professional skills tests
  • Register to take skills test. Skills tests
    helpline is 0845 450
  • Email
  • Use practice tests first. (see Teaching
    agencyprofessional skills tests
    literacy/numeracy test practice materials)

degree requirements
  • institutions will look at a detailed breakdown
    of your degree content
  • for secondary, it is expected that at least 50
    of your degree should be directly relevant to the
    subject you want to teach. Examples of how how
    degree subjects relate to the National Curriculum
    can be found at Teaching agency Teaching
  • for primary, some ITT providers prefer you to
    have a degree in a national curriculum subject
  • institutions must consider the full range of
    applicant achievement, not just their degree
    title or content
  • if in doubt as to the acceptability of your
    degree contact the institution to check before

personal skills and qualities
  • patience, flexibility, resilience, confidence,
    warmth, honesty, objectivity.
  • listening skills, communication skills,
    effective time management, organisational
    ability, ability to multi-task
  • facilitating, inspiring, reflective, creative,
    imaginative, self-disciplined, hardworking

the issue for consideration
  • commitment
  • The PGCE is not just another course, it is a
    year of intense professional training, with
    several block teaching practices in school. You
    will need to think carefully about whether you
    can give it the necessary time and commitment
  • Is straight after degree the right time for you?
  • Not now or never

competition/tactical applications
  • remember some institutions have more places than
    others (see individual entries on the GTTR
  • some subjects are more competitive than others
  • find out if your institutions are likely to
    consider you if you do not put them as first
  • NTU Primary is intensely competitive. You will
    need to fulfil all requirements at time of
    application and have relevant and preferably,
    ongoing work experience - for Primary a 21 often
  • Some secondary subjects are also particulary
    competitive currently PE, English.

Bursaries/Incentives for those who train in
Training bursary 2013/14 Physics (1) Chemistry (1) Maths Modern Languages Primary maths specialist. (2) Other priority secondary(3)and primary Computer science
Trainee with first 20,000 20,000 11,000 9,000 9,000
21 15,000 15,000 6,000 4,000 4,000
22 12,000 12,000 0 0 0
Scholarship 20,000 0 0 0 20,000
  • 1 Trainee teachers in Physics, Chemistry, Maths
    and Computer sience with a 21 or 1st are able to
    apply for scholarships worth 20,000. Trainees
    will have to go through a competitive process and
    successful applicants would not be eligible for
    the standard DfE bursary.Those not awarded a
    scholarship will continue to be eligible for the
    standard bursaries in 2013/14
  • 2Trainees with a B or better in maths A level
    on the new maths primary specialist courses would
    receive an extra 2,000 bursary.
  • 3 Other priority secondary subjects - English,
    Geography, History, Computer science, Latin,
    Greek, Music, Biology, Physical Education
  • Applicants with a degree from outside the UK
    should refer to the equivalency table on the
    Teaching Agency website to see if their degree is
    likely to attract a bursary, or should consult
    their chosen training provider.
  • 1,2,3 see table on previous slide

courses at NTU
  • PGCE Primary
  • PGCE Secondary Specialisms
  • Biology,
  • Business Education,
  • Chemistry,
  • Computer Science and ICT,
  • Design and Technology,
  • Maths,
  • Music, Physics
  • School Direct Training Programme
  • School Direct Training Programme(salaried) A
    wide range of subject areas.

School Direct
  • Largely school based training. Schools should
    have the intention of employing the trainee but
    this is not a guarantee.
  • Available in primary/secondary and will lead to
    QTS and possibly PGCE
  • Apply through the School Direct portal on the
    Teaching Agency website.
  • The application is sent to the provider who
    sends it to the school. Schools can do
    additional advertising, so also look on school
    websites,press etc.
  • Keep checking online at Teaching Agency School
    Direct for up to date information. Tel 0800 389
  • Register Teaching Agency - sign up.- Do search
    of which schools still have vacancies

School Direct (cont)
  • Designed and delivered by the school and the
    provider(usually a University)
  • Schools should have the intention to employ the
    trainee upon completion, but this is not a
  • Schools bid to the Training agency for places and
    then decide which provider they would like to
    work with
  • 2 separate training options
  • Nonsalaried aimed at at high quality
    graduates. Maybe eligible for bursary as with
    other routes.
  • Salaried aimed at high quality graduates with
    at least 3 years experience. Earn a salary whilst

SCITT usually based at one school from a
consortium while completing placements at others.
  • - apply to most SCITT partnerships via GTTR but
    one exception is Nottingham City Primary SCITT
  • - gives QTS but does not necessarily award PGCE
    you would need to check direct with each SCITT
  • often more suitable for candidates with relevant
    teaching or other experience of working with
    young people
  • Some specifically cater for local needs.
  • finance same as PGCE

Teach First
  • two year leadership development programme based
    in challenging secondary schools
  • 21 or above normally required and 300 UCAS
    points (excluding General Studies)
  • combines QTS with a business internship and
  • Teach First is to double its size by the end of
    this parliament, expanding in to primary schools
  • Competitive salary
  • Candidates need to to demonstrate relevant
    subject knowledge and the following
  • Humility, respect and empathy, interaction,
    knowldedge, leadership, planning and organising,
    resilience, self-evaluation

  • Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP)
  • 2012 was the last entry to this programme

Making choices
  • Some of the options may look similar
  • Schools may shape the differences
  • Ask questions re your support networks e.g will
    there be opportunities to meet with other
    chemistry trainees for example, or will you be
    the only one. How many are they training this
  • What level of support will you receive from your
  • Will you gain a PGCE as well as as QTS?
  • Many will, but not all.
  • (If intend to work abroad, many countries require
    PGCE in addition to QTS)

work experience (1)
  • this is vital to help you
  • confirm your decision about your choice of
    teaching as a career
  • clarify your decision regarding the age group
    you would like to teach
  • gain understanding of the knowledge and skills
    required for teaching (curriculum, environment,
    teaching styles, behavioural management, pastoral
    care etc)
  • shine at interview!

work experience (2)
  • Students in Classrooms organises a range of
    schemes working in schools
  • good work experience often makes the difference
    between success and failure in securing a place
    on a QTS programme
  • NTU volunteering section- can offer voluntary
    work in schools
  • You can set up your own placements/volunteering-
    easier with a CRB in place

GTTR personal statement - your preparation
  • do your homework research improves your
    chances of being accepted
  • know what teaching really involves
  • provide evidence of commitment
  • read the educational press
  • talk to teachers
  • be familiar with the curriculum of the age group
    you want to teach
  • draw on your experience of working with young
  • if you think curriculum relevance may be an
    issue, be prepared to explain how your degree is
    relevant from the knowledge you have gained from
    the National Curriculum website and from your
    teaching experience
  • If you think curriculum relevance may be an
    issue, explain how you believe your degree
  • is relevant from the knowledge you have obtained
    from the National Curriculum website of the
    requirements of the subject area at various key
    stages and from any teaching experience you have

your GTTR personal statement tips!
  • remember the Admissions Tutor will be interested
    in all your activities and interests in so far as
    you can relate them to teaching
  • you have a limited amount of space - your
    content needs to be well written, relevant,
    concise and avoid any tired cliches
  • make every sentence count
  • be reflective and analytical regarding past
  • show how your skills and experiences are
    relevant to teaching giving examples
  • show evidence of serious research
  • be exceptionally careful with spelling and

the interview process
  • all offers for PGCEs are made after an interview
  • interview activities may involve a written test,
    presentation, group discussion, teaching a
    mini-lesson, a subject-specific practical
  • interviews vary but are often an intensive half
    a day
  • for PGCE language - may be conducted (in part)
    in the language you wish to teach
  • for PE, it may involve taking part in a sports
  • For more information regarding selection
    processes, see Applying for a PGCE in the Sector
    Teaching and Education - on

  • GTTR
  • Teaching Agency for school direct, national
    curriculum, QTS tests
  • Times Educational Supplement
  • http//
  • Department for Education
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