Poem- The Seven Ages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Poem- The Seven Ages


This poem is written by William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Poem- The Seven Ages

Poem- The Seven Ages
by -
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
  • This poem is written by William Shakespeare.
  • William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 23 April
    1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely
    regarded as the greatest writer in the English
    language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.
    He is often called England's national poet and
    the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His
    surviving works consist of 38 plays 154 sonnets,
    two long narrative poems, and several other
    poems. His plays have been translated into every
    major living language and are performed more
    often than those of any other playwright .

  • All the worlds a stage
  • And all men and women merely players
  • They have their exits and their entrances
  • And one men in his time plays many parts,
  • His acts being seven ages.
  • Word meanings-
  • Stage- a platform
  • Merely- only
  • Players- (here) actors/actresses
  • Exits- a way by which a one goes out
  • Entrances- a way by which one enters

  • In this poem, the poet William Shakespeare
    compares the world to a stage in a theatre in
    which men and women have to play different roles
    in their life time. Each player has his/her
    entrance and exit. When they are born in this
    world it is their entrance and when they die it
    is their exit. They come to this stage, play
    different roles and bid good-bye. These parts,
    acts or stages are normally seven.

  • Questions-
  • Explain the metaphor in the first line?
  • What does the words exits and entrances mean
    in the above context?
  • How many parts does one play in his life?
  • Who are the players here?
  • What is extended meaning of the phrase one man
    in his life time?

  • At first the infant,
  • mewling and puking in the nurses arms.
  • Word Meanings-
  • Infant- a baby/very small kid
  • Mewling- crying
  • Puking- vomiting

First stage- Infant
  • The poet describes the birth of the child as the
    first act of the drama of human life. The human
    baby cries and vomits in the nurses arms.
    According the poet the baby is very innocent. At
    his birth he is full of joy but still he starts
    crying and weeping on very small matters as he
    has no sense. In this stanza the poet describes
    about the dependence of baby on others. He also
    tells about childs simplicity.

  • Questions-
  • Which stage is described here?
  • What does the poet mean by stating that the
    infant cries and vomits in the nurses arms?

  • Then the whining school boy, with his satchel
  • And shining morning face, creeping like a snail
  • Unwillingly to school.
  • Word Meanings-
  • Whining- complaining
  • Satchel- a small bag to carry school books
  • Shining- bright
  • Creeping- crawling/slowly slowly
  • Snail- a small soft animal that moves very
  • Unwillingly- not interested/ not wishing

Second stage-School boy
  • After some time as the child grows up, he starts
    going to school. The poet describes this school
    going age as the second act of humans life. At
    this stage the boy has a shining face and he is
    very neat and clean. While going to school, he
    carries a bag of books. He goes to school
    unwillingly, creeping like a snail. He is not
    happy to go to school. Two phrases which shows
    his unwillingness in going to school are
  • Whining school boy
  • Creeping like a snail unwillingly.

  • Questions-
  • Which stage of human life is described in these
  • Write down the two phrases which indicate that
    the boy is not willing to go to school?
  • Do you think the poet is right in making the
    generalization about the school boy?
  • Why does the poet say that the school boy creeps
    like a snail to school?

  • And then the lover,
  • Sighing like a furnace, with a woeful ballad
  • Made to his mistress eyebrows.
  • Word Meanings-
  • Sighing- breathing deeply
  • Furnace- a fireplace
  • Woeful ballad- a very sad poem
  • Made to- dedicated to
  • Mistress- beloved
  • Eyebrows- the brow over the eyes

Third stage-Lover
The third role that a person plays in his life,
according to the poet, is of lover. Shakespeare
presents the teenager or an adolescent boy as a
lover. The poet says that in this age the boy is
greatly impressed by a beautiful face of a girl.
He sighs loudly due to his frustration in love
just like a furnace. The lover sighs loudly just
like the sound of bellows in the furnace.

The lover also sing songs in praise of his
  • Questions-
  • Which stage of human life is described in this
  • Why does the poet say that the lover sighs like a
    furnace with a sad song dedicated to his beloved?
  • How is lover described?

  • Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
  • Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
  • Seeking the bubble reputation
  • Even in the cannons mouth
  • Word Meanings-
  • Strange- unknown
  • Oaths- solemn promise
  • Bearded- having a beard
  • Pard- leopard (a symbol of fierceness in
    Shakespeares time)
  • Jealous- envious
  • Seeking- finding
  • Bubble reputation- transitory fame
  • Cannons mouth- mouth of a big gun

Fourth stage-Soldier
  • After the lover comes the stage of a soldier. The
    poet describes the main characteristics of the
    lover as follows -
  • The soldier is full of strange oaths.
  • He is bearded like a leopard.
  • He is jealous in matters concerning honour.
  • He is quick in quarrels and is ready to fight for
    small things.
  • He seeks reputation which is short lived, but for
    the soldier it matters more than his life. For
    this he is even ready to face a canons mouth.
    Facing a canon invites sure death but it also
    provides honour and glory to the brave soldier.

  • Questions-
  • Which stage of human life is described here? What
    are the main characteristics of this stage?
  • What is bubble reputation? How is it linked
    with the cannons mouth?

  • And then the justice,
  • In fair round belly with good capon lined,
  • With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
  • Full of wise saws and modern instances
  • And so he plays his part.
  • Word Meanings-
  • Justice- judge
  • Saws- sayings
  • Belly- stomach
  • Capon- a fat and big male chicken
  • Lined- filled with
  • Severe- harsh looking

Fifth stage-Judge
  • Then comes the middle age. The fifth stage is
    that of a judge. He becomes a mature person in
    this age. He has severe eyes and a beard of
    fashionable cut and is well dressed. He has a fat
    round belly which indicates his love for food. He
    quotes many sayings and examples to show his
    wisdom. His eyes become harsh looking and he
    becomes strict in his behavior.

  • Questions-
  • How does the justice look like?
  • How do his eyes look?
  • What is so specific of a man in this stage of

  • The sixth age shifts
  • Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
  • With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,
  • His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
  • For his shrunk shrank and his big manly voice,
  • Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
  • And whistles in his sound
  • Word meanings-
  • Lean thin
  • Slippered pantaloon- a funny old man wearing
  • Spectacles- eyeglasses

  • Pouch- a soft fold of loose skin that hangs down
    as a result of as a result of illness or old age.
  • Youthful hose- tight fitting leg coverings of
    young days.
  • Well saved- preserved well
  • A world too wide- (here) very loose
  • Shrunk shrank- thin, weak and shrunk legs from
    knee to the ankles
  • Manly- manlike
  • Treble- a high voice
  • Pipes and whistles- sings

Sixth Stage-Old Man
  • The sixth stage of a person is of an old man.
    During this stage he becomes weak in health and
    thin in body. He wears spectacles on his nose and
    wears slippers. He wears clothes of his youth
    which have become very lose to his shrunk body.
    His voice becomes hoarse and rough. He has a soft
    and loose skin that hangs down as a result of
    illness and old age. In his slippers and loose
    fitting garments he looks a funny old man-a
    pantaloon-a comic figure.

  • Questions-
  • Which stage of mans life is described in these
  • Give a brief description of how a man appears in
    this stage of life?
  • What happens to mans voice in this stage? Why
    does it start piping and whistling?

  • Last scene of all,
  • That ends this strange eventful history,
  • Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
  • Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans
  • Word meanings-
  • Eventful- full of significant incidents
  • Mere- only
  • Oblivion- forgetfulness
  • Sans- without

The seventh age-Extremely old man
  • According the poet the last stage is of extremely
    old man. This act shows him as a helpless baby.
    At this age the man becomes extremely old and is
    at door of death. He loses control on all the
    senses. He is toothless, he has problem in
    hearing clearly, becomes weak in eyesight and
    fails to recognise people, his memory becomes
    weak. So in this way most of his characteristics
    are similar to that of an infant.

  • Questions-
  • What is this stage?
  • How does man look like in this stage of life?
  • What is the stage preceding the last stage?
  • What is the similarity between the first stage
    and the last stage of human life?
  • Why does the man becomes forgetful in the last
    stage of life?
  • Why does he lose all the charms of life?
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