Animal, Plant - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Animal, Plant


animal, plant & soil science e4-2 plant internal structure and growth – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Animal, Plant

Animal, Plant Soil Science E4-2Plant
Internal Structure and Growth
Interest Approach
  • Take the students outside to see a small tree,
    bring a small tree to class, direct attention
    toward a small tree outside the window, or show
    an image of a small tree. Identify a small lower
    limb on the tree. Then, ask the students where
    that limb will be in 50 years if the tree
    continues to grow. Students often assume that a
    tree grows from the ground and that it begins by
    enlarging at the ground level they fail to
    realize that growth occurs from meristem tissues.

  • 1 Review the functions of plant cell components.
  • 2 Examine the role of cell division, cell
    elongation, and cell differentiation in plant
    growth and the different types of plant tissue.
  • 3 Identify and describe the basic types of plant
  • 4 Compare and contrast primary and secondary
    plant growth.

  • _ apical meristem
  • _ bud primordia
  • _ cell
  • _ cell differentiation
  • _ cell division
  • _ cell elongation
  • _ cell wall
  • _ cellulose
  • _ chlorophyll
  • _ chloroplasts
  • _ chromatin
  • _ chromosomes
  • _ collenchyma cells
  • _ companion cells
  • _ cork cambium
  • _ cork cells
  • _ cytoplasm
  • _ dermal tissues

  • _ endoplasmic reticulum
  • _ fiber
  • _ genes
  • _ golgi complex
  • _ ground tissue
  • _ lateral meristem
  • _ leaf primordia
  • _ lignin
  • _ meristems
  • _ mitochondria
  • _ nucleolus
  • _ nucleus
  • _ organelles
  • _ parenchyma cells
  • _ periderm
  • _ phloem
  • _ pith
  • _ plasma membrane

  • _ plastids
  • _ primary plant growth
  • _ ribosomes
  • _ rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • _ sclereid
  • _ sclerenchyma cells
  • _ secondary plant growth
  • _ sieve tube member
  • _ smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  • _ tracheid cells
  • _ vacuole
  • _ vascular cambium
  • _ vascular tissues
  • _ vessel elements
  • _ xylem

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • I. The cell is the most basic unit of life. It is
    the smallest unit that can perform functions of
    life. Plant cells are composed of the following
  • A. The cell wall is made of multiple layers of
    cellulose, which is a polysaccharide or complex
    sugar molecule. The layers of cellulose offer
    great strength. Therefore, it is no surprise that
    cellulose is the primary ingredient of wood. Once
    a cell has stopped growing, the cell wall
    thickens and becomes rigid.

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • B. The feature that really defines a cell is the
    plasma membrane or cell membrane, which is a thin
    sheet that holds the contents of the cell
    together and serves as a protective barrier from
    the surrounding environment. The fluid mosaic
    model of the plasma membrane consists of a lipid
    bi-layer in which proteins are imbedded. While
    the plasma membrane restricts the movement of
    some materials, it allows and even initiates the
    movement of other materials into and out of the

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • C. Cytoplasm is the living semi-fluid material
    inside the cell membrane and is home to a number
    of specialized structures called organelles.
  • D. Organelles are small structures inside the
    cell that carry out the physiological processes
    of the organism.

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • 1. Plastids are organelles that produce and store
  • a. Chloroplasts are a type of plastid that
    contains green pigments called chlorophyll.
    Chlorophyll traps light energy for
    photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are found in cells
    exposed to light, so they are abundant in leaves
    and absent from root cells.
  • b. Chromoplasts are plastids that give flowers
    and fruits their color.

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • 2. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an internal
    network of membranes extending throughout the
    cytoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum contains
    many types of enzymes that catalyze different
    types of chemical reactions. There are two
    distinct forms of endoplasmic reticulum smooth
    and rough.
  • a. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the site
    for the production of lipids (fats) and hormones.
    It is also a site that breaks down toxic
  • b. The rough endoplasmic reticulum produces the
    proteins for the cell secretion and cell

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • 3. Proteins are processed, sorted, or modified in
    the golgi complex. These processes result in the
    complex molecules needed for plant growth. Many
    proteins manufactured in the ER pass through the
    golgi complex.
  • 4. Mitochondria convert sugar into energy through
    cellular respiration. With mitochondria, the
    plant is able to convert the food that it has
    made and stored into a form of energy.

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • 5. The nucleus is the command center of the cell.
    It holds the genetic information for a cells
    activities within a nuclear membrane.
  • a. The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear
    membrane. Flowing through the nuclear membrane
    are materials needed for protein synthesis and
    fluids carrying chemical messages between the
    cytoplasm and the nucleus.
  • b. Chromosomes contained in the nucleus hold the
    genetic blueprint of the organism and direct all
    functions of the cell, including protein
    synthesis. Chromosomes are made of chromatin.
  • (1) Chromatin is a complex of deoxyribonucleic
    acid or DNA molecules (35 percent), RNA (5
    percent), and protein (60 percent).
  • (2) Segments of chromosomes, or genes, are units
    of hereditary data that dictate the activity and
    structure of a cell. Each chromosome contains
    thousands of genes.
  • c. A nucleolus is a specialized structure in a
    nucleus that is the site of ribosome synthesis.

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What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • 6. Ribosomes are bead-like structures found on
    the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes are the
    major site for the assembly of amino acids into
  • 7. The vacuole is a large sac bound by a
    membrane. It may occupy up to 90 percent of the
    cell. It serves to transport and store water,
    foods, salts, minerals, pigments, proteins, and

What are the functions of plant cell components?
  • E. The organelles within a cell have thin
    membranes used to compartmentalize or isolate
    different conditions from other organelles. For
    example, mitochondria and chloroplasts are bound
    with membranes. Different intracellular pH,
    enzyme systems, and more can be noted within each
    organelle. This enables the cell to perform
    different metabolic activities at the same time.

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What is the role of cell division, cell
elongation, and cell differentiation in plant
growth? What are the different types of plant
  • II. Growth of higher plants takes place through
    three essential processes, and vascular plants
    have three types of mature tissues.
  • A. Cell division is simply the increase in the
    number of cells, which is accomplished through
  • B. Cell elongation is the enlargement of the
    individual cells, which results in growth of the
    entire tissue or organ. Auxins and gibberellins
    are responsible for cell elongation.

What is the role of cell division, cell
elongation, and cell differentiation in plant
growth? What are the different types of plant
  • C. Cell differentiation allows cells to take on
    specific functions. Cell differentiation is
    important to multicellular plants, whereas
    single-cell plants have no need to have different
    cell types. The cells of the higher plants are
    programmed to become specialized and make up the
    various plant organs. Some cells specialize as
    root cells that absorb water and nutrients. Some
    conduct water and minerals throughout the plant.
    Others become leaf cells containing chloroplasts
    and function to produce food for the plant.

What is the role of cell division, cell
elongation, and cell differentiation in plant
growth? What are the different types of plant
  • D. Vascular plants have three types of mature
  • 1. Dermal tissues consist of the epidermis or
    external covering of the leaves, stems, and
    roots. Dermal tissues offer a barrier to
    infectious organisms and other invaders.
  • a. The epidermis is made of closely packed cells
    that secrete a waxy cuticle to reduce water loss.
    The epidermis is a single layer of cells
    associated with plants that exhibit primary
    growth. Specialized epidermal cells called guard
    cells control the opening and closing of the
    stomata through which the diffusion of carbon
    dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor is allowed.
  • b. Dermal tissue on secondary woody growth is a
    few too many cells thick and forms the familiar
    bark of trees.

What is the role of cell division, cell
elongation, and cell differentiation in plant
growth? What are the different types of plant
  • 2. Vascular tissues are the conductive vessels of
    the plant. They transport water, minerals, food,
    and hormones. Specialized vascular tissues
    include the xylem, which conducts water and
    minerals upward from the roots, and the phloem,
    which transports food.
  • 3. Ground tissue (fundamental tissue) includes
    all the parts of the plant other than dermal or
    vascular tissues. The bulk of a plant consists of
    ground tissue consisting of parenchyma,
    collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells.

What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • III. Genetic information and environmental
    conditions determine the types of cells that a
    plant produces. With the appropriate signals,
    various types of cells are produced.
  • A. Parenchyma cells are found throughout a plant
    and typically lack a secondary cell wall
    associated with rigid strength for support. The
    palisade layer and spongy mesophyll cells in
    leaves are parenchyma cells. Modified parenchyma
    cells compose a large portion of the pith (the
    center part of a stem). There they serve as
    storage facilities for starch, oil, water, and
    salt. The pith is very evident in corn and sugar

What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • B. Collenchyma cells are located under the
    epidermis of the stem, along leaf veins, and at
    corners of angular stems. They have thick, yet
    flexible cell walls that provide structural
    support for the plant.
  • C. Sclerenchyma cells are found throughout a
    plant and function as a support. These cells have
    a hard, thick secondary cell wall composed, in
    part, of a material called lignin, which is a
    molecule that provides strength and rigidity to
    the cell. A long type of sclerenchyma cell is
    called fiber. Fiber cells are abundant in wood
    and bark. A form of sclerenchyma cell that is
    short and cubical is the sclereid. It is found in
    the shell of nuts and the stones of fruit, such
    as peaches.

What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • D. Tracheid cells are one of four types of cells
    found in the xylem. The others are vessel
    elements, parenchyma, and fibers. Tracheids are
    long and tapering in shape. They are dead cells
    and hollow. Their role is to conduct water and
    minerals throughout the plant. Water passes from
    one cell to another through thin places in the
    cell wall called pits. Tracheids also contribute
    to the structural support of the plant.

What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • E. The vessel elements are found in the xylem
    where they conduct water and minerals and provide
    structural support for the plant. Vessel element
    cells are hollow. At the end of the cell walls,
    there are perforations or holes that allow the
    free flow of water from one cell to the next.
    Vessel cells also have pits along the sides of
    the cells that permit the lateral movement of

What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • F. The sieve tube member is a major element of
    the phloem. Other cells that compose phloem
    tissue are companion cells, parenchyma, and
    fibers. Sieve tube members are stacked end to end
    to form sieve tubes. There are holes at the end
    of each cell called sieve plates through which
    sugars are moved. Sieve tube members are living
    cells at maturity, but many organellesincluding
    the nucleus, vacuole, and ribosomesvanish as the
    cell matures.

What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • G. Companion cells are associated with sieve tube
    members. They have many connections with adjacent
    sieve tube members. Companion cells do not
    conduct sugar throughout the plant. They do,
    however, play an important role in transporting
    sugars from photosynthetic parenchyma cells to
    the sieve tube members.

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What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • H. Cork cells are produced to the outside of the
    cork cambium and result in the outer covering of
    secondary growth. Cork cells have waterproof
    characteristics and fire-retardant attributes.

How do primary and secondary plant growth
  • IV. The growth of a plant takes place in
    specialized areas of the plant called the
    meristems. The meristem tissue consists of
    unspecialized cells that are capable of mitosis.
    Two types of growth result from cell division in
    meristem regions primary and secondary growth.
  • A. Primary plant growth occurs in areas called
    apical meristems. Apical meristem tissue is found
    at the tips of roots and at the end of stems.
    Growth at the apical meristem increases the
    length of the plant. Primary growth occurs in
    herbaceous and woody plants.

How do primary and secondary plant growth
  • 1. The meristem of a root is located right behind
    the root cap, which is a layer of cells that
    protect the meristem as the root grows through
    the soil. Just behind the root cap is the area of
    cell division. Further back is an area of cell
    elongation. As the cells in the root mature, they
    differentiate to perform specific functions. In a
    root system, the cells might become root hairs,
    xylem, phloem, etc.
  • 2. The meristem of the shoot has areas of cell
    division, cell elongation, and cell maturation.
    The structure of the stem apical meristem differs
    from the root apical meristem in that it has
    embryonic leaves known as leaf primordia and
    embryonic buds called bud primordia. As the cells
    in these immature structures divide, elongate,
    and mature, they become the leaves and stems of
    the plant.

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How do primary and secondary plant growth
  • B. Secondary plant growth takes place only in
    woody plants. It takes place in the lateral
    meristem this tissue is found on the sides of
    roots and stems. Secondary plant growth involves
    cell division in layers ringing the stem. The
    result is an increase in the width of the stem or
    trunk of the plant. Two lateral meristems are
    involved in secondary growth.

How do primary and secondary plant growth
  • 1. Vascular cambium is a layer of meristematic
    tissue found between the wood and the bark. It
    produces secondary xylem to the inside of the
    vascular cambium and secondary phloem to the
    outside. Cell division occurs only when the plant
    is actively growing, primarily during the spring
    and summer.
  • 2. The cork cambium is located in the outer bark
    region, and the cells produced there form the
    periderm (the outer bark). Cork cambium produces
    cork cells that replace the epidermis present
    during primary growth. The periderm ranges from
    several cells in thickness to many cells.


  • 1. What are the functions of plant cell
  • 2. What is the role of cell division, cell
    elongation, and cell differentiation in plant
    growth? What are the different types of plant
  • 3. What are the basic types of plant cells?
  • 4. How do primary and secondary plant growth
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