Title: Family Album Element Entries
1Family Album Element Entries
- By Ilyse Yanover, Jordan Yeck, Robert Trombley,
and AJ Sipe!
2Alkali Metals
- Address Group 1
- Family members Lithium, Sodium, Potassium,
Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium. - Physical Characteristics Shiny, malleable,
- Chemical Characteristics Highly Reactive, give
up one electron.
Physical Description Symbol Li Neutrons
4 Atomic Mass 6.941 Melting Point 181o
C Density 0.535g/cm3 Protons 3 Electrons
3 Atomic Number 3 Boiling Point 1342C Looks
silvery white metal
Background Information Parent Johan August
Arfvedson Birthplace Sweden, 1817 Gender
Alkali Earth Metals
Attributes Positive Out of any solid element,
Lithium has the highest specific heat Negative
Lithium is not used for structural applications
Compounds LiCl Lithium Chloride LiF Lithium
Fluoride LiH Lithium Hydride
Chemical Description Valence Electrons 1 Ion
Li1 Oxidation Number 1 Reactivity
4Lithium Sources
- http//www.azom.com/details.asp?ArticleID3503
- http//www.bipolar-lives.com/who-discovered-lithiu
m.html - http//www.webelements.com/lithium/compounds.html
Parents Sir Humphrey Davy Birth Place
England Birth Date 1807 Gender Alkali Metal
Protons 11 Electrons 11 Neutrons 12 Symbol
Atomic Mass 22.99 amu Atomic Number 11
Melting Point 97.72 C Boiling Point 883 C
Density 0.971 g/cm3
Compounds 1.) Sodium Chloride makes common
table salt 2.) Soda Ash is made up of sodium,
carbon, and oxygen. 3.) Baking Soda is made up
of hydrogen, sodium, carbon, and oxygen.
- Positive Attributes Metallic sodium is vital in
the manufacture of esters and in the preparation
of organic compounds. The metal may also be used
to improve the structure of certain alloys. - Negative Attributes Sodium is potentially
explosive in water (depending on quantity) and is
a caustic poison, since it is rapidly converted
to Sodium Hydroxide on contact with moisture.
- Chemical Description
- Valence Electrons One
- Ion Na1
- Oxidation Number 1
- Reactivity Very Reactive
7Sodium Sources
- http//www.webelements.com/sodium/
- http//www.chemicalelements.com/elements/na.html
- http//www.webelements.com/sodium/
- http//www.healthydiningfinder.com/img/n101-sodium
- Background Information
- Parent Sir Humphrey Davy
- Birth Place England
- Birth Date 1807
- Gender Alkali Metal
Description Symbol K Protons
19 Neutrons 20 Electrons
19 Atomic Mass 39.0983 Atomic Number
19 Melting Point 63oC Boiling
Point 770oC Density 0.862g/cm3
Looks Soft and Silvery
- Chemical Description
- Valence Electrons One
- Ion K1
- Oxidation Number 1
- Reactivity Very Reactive
Attributes Positive Helps balance fluids in
cells, plants need it to grow,
and has
nutrients for both plants and humans Negative
Can be used to make explosives
Compounds 1. potassium bromide (Potassium and
Bromine- camera film) 2. potassium hydroxide
(Potassium, Oxygen, and Hydrogen- paint remover)
3. potassium nitrate (Potassium, Nitrogen, and 3
parts Oxygen- Explosives)
10Potassium Sources
- http//www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/L-P/Pot
assium.html - http//www.hse.k12.in.us/staff/tpetersen/Periodic
otassium.htm - http//www.easycalculation.com/chemistry/elements/
- Rubidium was born in 1861 by Bunsen and Kirchoff
in the mineral lepidolite by use of the
spectroscope. - Gender Metal
- Physical 37 Protons, 37 Electrons, 48 Neutrons.
- Density 1.532 g/cm3 Boiling point 688 C Melting
point 39.3 C Specific Heat . 363J g-1 K-1
Heat of vaporization 72.216 kJ mol-1 - Chemical Description 1 Valence electron, ion 1,
oxidation number 1, Very reactive. - Compounds Halides, oxides, sulfides.
- Positive Attributes carries small amounts of
nutrients to the bodies organs. - Negative Attributes Women who are nursing or
pregnant should, as a precaution, refrain from
taking rubidium supplements unless having first
talked with their physician.
12Rubidium Sources
- http//periodic.lanl.gov/elements/37.html
- http//www.rsc.org/chemsoc/visualelements/Pages/da
Parents Gustav KirchhoffBirth Place
DurkheimBirth Date 1860Gender Alkali Metal
Protons 55 Electrons 55 Neutrons 78 Symbol
Atomic Mass 132.91 amu Atomic Number 55
Melting Point 28.5 C Boiling Point 678.4
C Density 1.873 g/cm3
- Chemical Description
- Valence Electrons One
- Ion Cs1
- Oxidation Number 1
- Reactivity Very Reactive
Compounds 1.) Cesium Graphite where the metal
atoms position themselves between the planes of
carbon atoms in the graphite crystal structure.
2.) Cesium Nitrate is used as oxidizer to burn
Silicon in infrared flares like the LUU-19 flare.
3.) Cesium Fluoride is widely used in organic
chemistry as a base.
- Positive Attributes Can be used as a catalyst in
the hydrogenation of certain organic compounds.
Also removes air traces in vacuum tubes. - Negative Attributes Liquid at room temperature.
15Cesium Sources
- http//periodic.lanl.gov/elements/55.html
- http//www.chemicalelements.com/elements/cs.html
- http//www.cs.rochester.edu/nelson/cesium/cesium_
- Francium was born in 1939 by Mlle. Marguerite
Perey of the Curie institute, Paris. - Gender Metal
- Physical Description 87 Protons, 87 Elections,
136 Neutrons - Boiling point 677 C, Melting point 27 C
- Chemical Description 1 Valence electron, 1 ion,
1 oxidation number, Very reactive. - Because Francium is so rare its chemical and
physical properties are not known.
17Francium Sources
- http//www.facts-about.org.uk/science-element-fran
cium.htm - http//periodic.lanl.gov/elements/87.html