Focus On Life Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Focus On Life Science


Focus On Life Science – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Focus On Life Science

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Chapter Menu
Lesson 1 Relative Ages of Rocks Lesson
2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • uniformitarianism
  • rock cycle
  • clast
  • lithification
  • stratum
  • superposition
  • relative age

The Beginning of Modern Geology
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • James Hutton was the first person to realize that
    one process formed rock and another process tore
    it down.

The Principle of Uniformitarianism
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Scientists can observe the processes that are
    active today, and interpret what happened in the
  • Uniformitarianism states that the same Earth
    processes have been at work for a very long time.
  • Geological processes that are at work today were
    also at work in the past.
  • Geological processes are so slow that direct
    observation is not possible.

The Rock Cycle
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • The rock cycle is a series of processes that make
    and change rocks through
  • heating
  • melting
  • cooling
  • uplift
  • weathering
  • burial
  • increasing pressure

The Rock Cycle (cont.)
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
How are materials from the earth broken down?
The Rock Cycle (cont.)
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
Three Major Types of Rocks
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Igneous rocks
  • produced when magma solidifies
  • Metamorphic rocks
  • any rock that is put under extreme pressure or
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • form from compacted and cemented sediments

Sediment Formation and Layering
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks form from preexisting rocks.
  • Four steps in the formation process
  • Weathering
  • Transportation
  • Deposition
  • Lithification

7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Weathering is the physical or chemical breakdown
    of rocks into smaller pieces.
  • Physical weathering breaks down rocks without
    changing the mineral composition.
  • Chemical weathering changes the mineral
    composition of rocks.

Weathering (cont.)
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Transportation occurs when sediments move
    downhill to lower areas and come to rest.
  • Clasts, different-sized sediments such as large
    boulders to microscopic bits of rocks that
    require different amounts of force to move them.

7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Deposition occurs when sediment being
    transported by water, wind, or a glacier slows
    down or stops.
  • This usually happens in low areas called
    depositional environments.
  • Two characteristics are parallel, horizontal
    layers, and sorting.

7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Lithification occurs when older sediment layers
    become compacted beneath younger layers.
  • Mineral-rich liquids seep into the pore spaces
    between the sediment grains.
  • The water evaporates and the minerals are left
    behind to cement the grains together.

Superposition and the Fossil Record
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Layers of rocks are called strata.
  • Four principles help geologists study strata and
    interpret the rocks history.
  • Superposition
  • Original horizontality
  • Original lateral continuity
  • Cross-cutting relationships

Principle of Superposition
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • In a stack of undisturbed sedimentary rock
    layers, the layers on the bottom were deposited
    before the layers on top.
  • Relative age tells how old something is when
    compared to something else.

Remaining Principles
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Original horizontality
  • Rock layers are originally deposited in
    horizontal, or nearly horizontal, layers.
  • Original lateral continuity
  • Sedimentary rocks form layers that cover large
  • Cross-cutting relationships
  • A layer or feature that cuts across other rock
    layers is younger than the layer(s) being cut.

Fossils and Relative Age
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  • Geologists keep track of which fossils came from
    which strata and apply the principle of
  • Fossil occurrences in layers are used to confirm
    or assign relative ages to rock strata.

Stenos Principles
Lesson 1 Review
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What principle states that processes at work
today are the same processes that occurred in
Earths past? A superposition B relative
age C original lateral continuity D uniformitari
Lesson 1 Review
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What type of rock is formed when put under
extreme pressure or heat? A igneous B metamorphic
C strata D sedimentary
Lesson 1 Review
7.1 Relative Ages of Rocks
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What process slows or stops sediments in low
areas of the landscape? A deposition B lithificati
on C weathering D transportation
End of Lesson 1
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • isotope
  • radioactive decay
  • half-life

What is Earths Age?
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Scientists discovered and used a natural clock
    to date the age of Earth, meteorites, and the
  • Scientists used this natural clock to determine
    the age of bog bodies.

Atoms and Isotopes
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of all
    matter on Earth.

Atoms and Isotopes (cont.)
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • An isotope is the term for atoms of an element
    that have the same number of protons, but a
    differing number of neutrons.
  • Carbon isotopescarbon-12, carbon-13,
    carbon-14have 6, 7, or 8 neutrons.

Radioactive Decay
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable nucleus
    changes into another nucleus by emitting
    particles and energy.

Parent and Daughter Isotopes
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • The isotope that undergoes radioactive decay is
    the parent isotope.
  • The stable form of the element that forms is the
    daughter isotope.

7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Parent isotopes decay into daughter isotopes at a
    constant ratethe decay rate.
  • The half-life of an element is the calculated
    length of time it takes for half a specific
    amount of a parent isotope to decay.

Half-Life (cont.)
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
Radiometric Dating
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Scientists use radiometric dating to calculate
    absolute ages of rocks and minerals.
  • Comparing the amount of parent to daughter
    material determines the number of half-lives the
    material has been through.
  • Igneous rock is most commonly used for
    radiometric dating.

The Absolute Age of Earth
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Rock grains from continental shieldswhere the
    oldest rocks on Earth occurare estimated to be
    4.0 to 4.4 billion years old.

Meteorites and the Moon
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • Scientists used radiometric dating to determine
    the ages of meteorites and the Moon.
  • The closeness of calculated ages of Earth, the
    Moon, and meteorites helps confirm that the
    entire solar system formed at the same time.

Lesson 2 Review
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

The isotopes of an element have a different
number of what? A protons B neutrons C electrons D
Lesson 2 Review
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What important feature of radioactive decay has
allowed geologists to date Rocks? A the isotopes
of an element may be stable or unstable
B the nucleus gains or loses protons C parent
isotopes decay into daughter isotopes D the
decay occurs at a constant rate
Lesson 2 Review
7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What do scientists use to measure the absolute
age of a rock? A radiometric dating B amount of
carbon in the rock C absolute dating
D relative dating
End of Lesson 2
Chapter Resources Menu
Chapter Assessment California Standards
Practice Concepts in Motion Image Bank Science
Online Interactive Table Virtual Lab BrainPOP
Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding
Chapter Assessment 1
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

How can the rounded peaks of older mountain
ranges be explained? A erosion B weathering C upli
ft D deposition
Chapter Assessment 2
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What term describes the physical or chemical
breakdown of rocks into smaller
pieces? A deposition B erosion C lithification D w
Chapter Assessment 3
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What principle states that the bottom layers of
sedimentary rocks were deposited before the top
layers? A lithification B uniformitarianism C supe
rposition D original horizontality
Chapter Assessment 4
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What type of rock is most commonly used in
radiometric dating? A metamorphic B igneous C sedi
mentary D minerals
Chapter Assessment 5
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What term describes time it takes for a sample of
a radioactive isotope to decay to half its
original mass? A absolute age B half-life C radiom
etric dating D relative age
CA Standards Practice 1
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What process includes heating, melting, cooling,
uplift, weathering, and increasing
pressure? A sediment formation B metamorphic rock
formation C igneous rock formation D the rock
CA Standards Practice 2
SCI 4.c
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What does the principal of original lateral
continuity state? A layers on the bottom are
deposited before layers on the top
B sediments are deposited horizontally
C sedimentary rocks form layers that cover
large areas D sediments always remain
CA Standards Practice 3
SCI 4.c
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Which type of rock is the most useful for
relative dating? A igneous B sedimentary
C magma D metamorphic
CA Standards Practice 4
SCI 4.d
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Which describes a daughter isotope? A decays into
a parent isotope B is an unstable form of
the parent isotope C is the result of parent
isotope decay D is heavier than its parent
CA Standards Practice 5
SCI 4.d
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

What percentage of parent isotope remains after 2
half-lives? A 75 B 30 C 37.5 D 25
Concepts in Motion 1
Concepts in Motion 2
Image Bank
Interactive Table
Stenos Principles
End of Resources
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