Title: If Thy Brother Shall Trespass
1(No Transcript)
2If Thy Brother Shall Trespass
3If Thy Brother Shall Trespass
- When a brother sins, what do you do?
- What if you didnt witness the sin?
- A passage that is often referred to is Matthew
1815-17. - To many this passage is the sum total on how we
deal with sinful matters whatever the case. - Let us consider then, what to do if thy brother
shall trespass?
4Context of Matthew 1815-17
5Context Of Matthew 1815-17
- Warnings Against Offending (181-14).
- Instructions On Humility (1-4).
- Punishment Of Offenders (5-7)
- Instructions On Self-Denial (8-11).
- Parable Of The Lost Sheep (12-14).
6Context Of Matthew 1815-17
- Dealing With Offenders (1815-25).
- Restoring Offenders (15-17).
- Assurance In Judging Offenders(18-20).
- Instructions On Forgiveness(21-22).
- Parable of The Unmerciful Servant (23-25).
7Examining Matthew 1815-17
8Examining Matthew 1815-17
- Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against
thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and
him alone if he shall hear thee, thou hast
gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee,
then take with thee one or two more, that in the
mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be
established. And if he shall neglect to hear
them, tell it unto the church but if he neglect
to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an
heathen man and a publican. (Mat 1815-17) - This is a procedure to reconcile saints separated
by sin.
9Examining Matthew 1815-17
- Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against
thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and
him alone if he shall hear thee, thou hast
gained thy brother. (Mt. 1815)
Trespass against me?
Go and rebuke him.
Does he hear and repent?
You have gained your brother!
Stop! Find another passage!
Go To Step Two (v. 16)
10Examining Matthew 1815-17
- But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee
one or two more, that in the mouth of two or
three witnesses every word may be established.
(Mt. 1816)
Does he hear and repent?
Take one or two witnesses.
Does he hear and repent?
You have gained your brother!
Youve gained your brother!
Go To Step Three(v. 17a)
11Examining Matthew 1815-17
- And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it
unto the church (Mt. 1817a)
Does he hear and repent?
Tell it to the church.
Does he hear and repent?
You have gained your brother!
Youve gained your brother!
Go To Step Four(v. 17b)
12Examining Matthew 1815-17
- but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be
unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. (Mt.
Does he hear and repent?
Youve gained your brother!
Do not keep company with him.
13Examining Matthew 1815-17
14ApplyingMatthew 1815-17
15Applying Matthew 1815-17
- What is under consideration in our text?
- Any and every concern I have with someone?
- Foolish and unlearned questions (2 Tim. 223)?
- Authorized liberties (Rom. 143, 13-14, 16,
19-20)? - Every slight real or imagined (Pro. 1911 Rom.
123 1 Cor. 135)?
16Applying Matthew 1815-17
- What is under consideration in our text?
- Any and every concern I have with someone?
- No, the text says, trespass!
- That means sin (Mt. 1821 Rom. 323).
- Learn the difference (1 Cor. 31-3 Heb.
511-14). - Then strife and contention cease (Pro. 330
1714 203 258 2617 Php. 23 2 Tim. 214
2 Tim. 224).
17Applying Matthew 1815-17
- What sins are under consideration in our text?
- Some believe every sin is handled this way, but
is it? - if thy brother shall trespass against thee (Mt.
1815). - tell him his fault between thee and him alone
(Mt. 1815). - The sin here is a private matter between two
brethren and no one else.
18Applying Matthew 1815-17
- What sins are under consideration in our text?
- Consider context (Mt. 1821 Lev. 1917-18 Lk.
173-4). - The only things that fit are private, personal
sins! - To force anything else in this text violates the
context! - Other sins are handled differently as we shall
see. - If you brother has sinned against you, seek to
restore him! - If you have sinned against your brother, seek
reconciliation (Mt. 523-24)!
19Applying Matthew 1815-17
- What about other sins?
- Generally, saints seek to restore sinner(Gal.
61-2 Jas. 519-20). - Private and personal sin must be dealt with
privately (Mt. 1815). - If that fails, then it begins to become generally
known (1816-17). - But some sins arent private sins (1 Cor. 5 Gal.
2). - They are not between thee and him alone.
- They are known (1 Cor. 111 51, 3 Gal. 212,
14). - They have a greater danger of influence (1 Cor.
56-7 Gal. 211-13). - They cannot be dealt with privately.
20Applying Matthew 1815-17
- How then are we to deal with public sins?
- Rebuked before all (1 Tim. 520 Gal. 211,
14). - When the saints are gathered together (1 Cor.
54-5). - Hopefully they will repent and be reconciled
(Acts 824).
21Applying Matthew 1815-17
- How then are we to deal with public sins?
- If not, then fellowship is withdrawn
- mark themavoid them (Rom. 1617).
- deliver such an one unto Satan (1 Cor. 55).
- purge out (1 Cor. 57).
- put away from among yourselves that wicked
person (1 Cor. 513). - note that man, and have no company with him (2
Ths. 314). - from such turn away (2 Tim. 35).
22Applying Matthew 1815-17
- How then are we to deal with public sins?
- If not, then fellowship is withdrawn.
- So that sin doesnt, eat like a canker and
overthrow the faith of some (2 Tim. 217-18). - In hopes that the spirit may be saved in the day
of the Lord Jesus (1 Cor. 55).
23Applying Matthew 1815-17
- God has prescribed different ways to handle sin.
- Let us apply Matthew 18 as the Lord directs.
- It does not fit any and every concern.
- It does not fit public sin.
- It applies to private sin between brethren.
24If Thy Brother Shall Trespass
25If Thy Brother Shall Trespass
- Sin separates us from God and one another (Isa.
591-2 1 Jn. 15-7). - God doesnt want that and neither should we.
- Let us labor to restore one another as God
directs. - Let us do so in a spirit of love and concern for
one anothers souls. - Let us handle aright the word of truth.
- Let us seek to restore the erring saint that both
we and they may rejoice with God together on that
day when we all shall give an answer.
26Gods Plan For Mans Salvation
27(No Transcript)