Title: The%20Latest%20On%20Causes%20For%20Divorce
1The Latest On Causes For Divorce
The Scriptures allow for situations where one
might have to divorce his mate in order to live
forChrist. Mike Willis Bible Causes of Divorce
and the Role of Government in Divorce (p. 21)
2Advertised On The Front Page Of
A person may divorce his mate for the cause of
Christ. If one must leave his marriage in order
to be faithful to Christ, he has the God-given
right and obligation to do so. Mike
Willis Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 23)
3The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Given the fact that one may have to leave his
wife and children in order to serve the Lord, the
Bible does not teach, The only cause for divorce
is fornication. Mike Willis Bible Causes of
Divorce and the Role of Government in Divorce (p.
27) - A Fact Is Verifiable, Yet What Brother Willis
Asserts As Fact Is Verified Only By Himself. - Cp. w. Rom. 835-39
4The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Cp. w. Rom. 835-39, WHO SHALL SEPARATE US FROM
THE LOVE OF CHRIST? Shall tribulation, or
distress, or persecution, or famine, or
nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is
written, For thy sake we are killed all the day
long we are accounted as sheep for the
slaughter. 37 Nay, IN ALL THESE THINGS we are
MORE THAN conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor
life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor
height, nor depth, NOR ANY OTHER CREATURE, SHALL
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
5The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Given the fact that one may have to leave his
wife and children in order to serve the Lord, the
Bible does not teach, The only cause for divorce
is fornication. That simply is not a true
statement. There are other causes for divorce,
including the cause mentioned in the Matthew
1034-38 Luke 1426 1829-30 I Corinthians
712-13in order to live as a Christian. What is
a more accurate statement of what the Bible
teaches is this There is only one cause for
divorce which gives the innocent party the right
of remarriage (Matt. 199). Mike Willis Bible
Causes of Divorce and the Role of Government in
Divorce (p. 27)
6The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Given the fact that one may have to leave his
wife and children in order to serve the Lord, the
Bible does not teach, The only cause for divorce
is fornication. That simply is not a true
statement. There are other causes for divorce,
including the cause mentioned in the Matthew
1034-38 Luke 1426 1829-30 I Corinthians
712-13in order to live as a Christian. What is
a more accurate statement of what the Bible
teaches is this There is only one cause for
divorce which gives the innocent party the right
of remarriage (Matt. 199). Mike Willis Bible
Causes of Divorce and the Role of Government in
Divorce (p. 27)
Lets ExamineThese Verses
7The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Mt. 1034-38, Think not that I am come to send
peace on earth I came not to send peace, but a
sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance
against his father, and the daughter against her
mother, and the daughter in law against her
mother in law. 36 And a mans foes shall be they
of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or
mother more than me is not worthy of me and he
that loveth son or daughter more than me is not
worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his
cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of
me. - Does This Authorize Multi-Causes For Divorce?
8The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Lk. 1426, If any man come to me, and hate not
his father, and mother, and wife, and children,
and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life
also, he cannot be my disciple. Cf. v. 33
Similar To Matthew 1034-38 And Luke 1829-30,
The Lords Command To Hate (Love Less) And
Place The Lord First In Our Lives Is NOT
Optional. Hence, If Divorce Is Included In This
Passage, ALL Would Be OBLIGATED To Divorce Their
Bound Mates.
9The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Lk. 1426, If any man come to me, and hate not
his father, and mother, and wife, and children,
and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life
also, he cannot be my disciple. Cf. v. 33
Please Note These Principles Cf. Mt 624, No
man can SERVE two masters for either he will
HATE the one, and LOVE the other Cf. I Cor.
733, But he that is married CARETH for the
things that are of the world, how he may please
his wife. Lk. 1426 Mandates WHO MUST Come First!
10The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Lk. 1829-30, And he said unto them, Verily I
say unto you, There is no man that hath LEFT
house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or
shall not receive manifold more in this present
time, and in the world to come life everlasting.
After Witnessing The Rich Young Rulers Lack of
Faith, Peter Stated, Lo, WE (The Apostles, jhb)
Have Left All And Followed Thee (v. 28). Cf.
Lk. 438-39 Did Peter And The Others Divorce
Their Wives?
11The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Lk. 1829-30, And he said unto them, Verily I
say unto you, There is no man that hath LEFT
house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or
shall not receive manifold more in this present
time, and in the world to come life everlasting.
We Are To LEAVE ALL Of Our Close Ties To
CLEAVE To The Lord (Acts 1123 cf. Rom. 74),
Just As We Are To LEAVE Our Father And
Mother To CLEAVE To Our Spouse (Gen. 224
cf. Mt. 195 Mk. 107). Cp. w. Rom. 129 Deut.
44 1020 1122
12The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Lk. 1829-30, And he said unto them, Verily I
say unto you, There is no man that hath LEFT
house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or
shall not receive manifold more in this present
time, and in the world to come life everlasting.
Again, Obedience To This Passage Is Not
Optional! Hence, If Divorce Is Included In This
Passage, ALL Would Be OBLIGATED To Divorce Their
Bound Mates.
13The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Lk. 1829-30, And he said unto them, Verily I
say unto you, There is no man that hath LEFT
house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or
shall not receive manifold more in this present
time, and in the world to come life everlasting.
In What Circumstances Would This Apply To
Divorce? When In An Unlawful Marriage, We Must
Divorce Our Mate For The Kingdoms Sake! When A
Bound Mate Departs, I Cor. 715 Applies!
14The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- I Cor. 712-13, But to the rest speak I, not the
Lord IF any brother hath a wife that BELIEVETH
him NOT put her away. 13 And the woman which hath
an husband that BELIEVETH NOT, and IF HE BE
him. - Brother Willis Assumption Is That If The
Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL In This
Relationship, The Believer May Put Them Away! - A Passage Out Of Context Becomes A Pretext!
15The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
First, Brother Willis Ignores The ContextThen,
Makes An Erroneous Conclusion!
- The Context of Any Text
- Must Be Considered When Interpreting It!
- In Verses 12-13, Paul Is Answering The
ThingsReferred To In I Corinthians 71 - I Cor. 71, Now concerning the things whereof ye
wrote unto me
16The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Implied Questions To Pauls Answers
- I Cor. 710-11, May A Man or Woman Depart From
(Put Away) Their Spouse? The Lord Said, Let Not! - I Cor. 712-13, Should A Christian (Man/Woman)
Divorce Their Unbelieving Spouse? Paul Said, NO! - I Cor. 714, Is Marriage To An Unbeliever Sinful
Under Christ (Cp. W. Moses, Deut. 73-4)? Paul
Said, NO! - I Cor. 715-16, What If An Unbelieving Mate
Departs? Paul Said, Let Them Depart!
17The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
A Harmonious Understanding of Verses 10-16
- Do Not Depart From / Put Away! vv. 10-11
- Do Not Divorce The Unbeliever! vv. 12-13
- Why Not? The Root Fruit Are Holy! v. 14
- Paul said, Let Him / Her Depart! vv. 15-16
18The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
A Harmonious Understanding of Verses 10-16
- Do Not Depart From / Put Away! vv. 10-11
- Do Not Divorce The Unbeliever! vv. 12-13
- Why Not? The Root Fruit Are Holy! v. 14
- Paul said, Let Him / Her Depart! vv. 15-16
Compare v. 11 with vv. 15-16.Patience Coupled
With PeaceMay Save Your Bound Mate
19The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- The Context of I Cor. 710-15
- v.10, DO NOT Divorce Your HUSBAND!
- v.11, DO NOT Divorce Your WIFE!
- vv.12-13, DO NOT Divorce The UNBELIEVER!
- v.15, DO NOT Deny Christ For The
UNBELIEVER! (Regardless of His / Her Sinful
Departure) - ALL Divorcement In This Context is
Disallowed.Hence, The Exception Is The Only
Authorized Cause.
20The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
II Pet. 315-17, even as our beloved brother
Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him
hath written unto you 16 As also in all his
epistles, speaking in them of these things in
which are some things hard to be understood,
which they that are unlearned and unstable WREST
( 4761), as they do also the other scriptures,
unto their own destruction. 17 Ye therefore,
beloved, seeing ye know these things before,
BEWARE lest ye also, being led away with the
error of the wicked, fall from your own
stedfastness. Cf. Psa. 565
21The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Wresting The Scriptures
Lets Apply Brother Willis Line Of Reasoning
(That If The Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL
In This Relationship, The Believer May Put Them
Away) To The Following
IS ELIAS, which was for to come. Hence
According To The Above Logic, If They Would Not
Receive It, Then John Was Not Elias!
22The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Wresting The Scriptures
Lets Apply Brother Willis Line Of Reasoning
(That If The Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL
In This Relationship, The Believer May Put Them
Away) To The Following
Cf. Mt. 1912, and there BE EUNUCHS, which have
MADE THEMSELVES EUNUCHS for the kingdom of
HIM RECEIVE IT. Hence According To The Above
Logic, He Who Was Not Able To Receive It,
Did Not Have To!
23The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Wresting The Scriptures
Lets Apply Brother Willis Line Of Reasoning
(That If The Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL
In This Relationship, The Believer May Put Them
Away) To The Following
sitteth on the right hand of God. Hence
According To The Above Logic, Those Who Were Not
Risen With Christ, Did Not Have ToSeek Those
Things Which Are Above!
24The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Wresting The Scriptures
Lets Apply Brother Willis Line Of Reasoning
(That If The Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL
In This Relationship, The Believer May Put Them
Away) To The Following
Cf. I Tim. 38, Likewise must the deacons be
grave, not double-tongued, NOT GIVEN (ADDICTED
NASB, NAS95, RSV) TO MUCH WINE Hence According
To The Above Logic, Deacons May Be Given
(ADDICTED) To A Little! Cf. I Cor. 612
25The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Wresting The Scriptures
Lets Apply Brother Willis Line Of Reasoning
(That If The Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL
In This Relationship, The Believer May Put Them
Away) To The Following
Cf. Ecc. 717, BE NOT OVER MUCH WICKED, neither
be thou foolish why shouldest thou die before
thy time? Hence According To The Above Logic,
We May Be A Little Wicked, But Not Overly So! (If
Not, Why Not?)
26The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Wresting The Scriptures
Lets Apply Brother Willis Line Of Reasoning
(That If The Unbeliever Be NOT PLEASED TO DWELL
In This Relationship, The Believer May Put Them
Away) To The Following
Cf. Prov. 2322, Hearken unto thy father that
IS OLD. Hence, According To The Above Logic, She
May Be Despised When She Is Young or Middle-Aged!
27The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- The Words LET HER or LET HIMDo Not Always
Denote Divine Approval!
Cf. I Cor. 715, But if the unbelieving depart,
If He Departs, Does He Please God?
Cf. I Cor. 1438, But if any man be ignorant,
LET HIM BE IGNORANT. Cp. w. Hos. 417
Does He Please God When He Is Ignorant?
28The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- The Words LET HER or LET HIMDo Not Always
Denote Divine Approval!
Cf. I Cor. 116, For if the woman be not covered,
LET HER ALSO BE SHORN but if it be a shame for a
woman to be shorn or shaven, LET HER BE COVERED.
If She Is Shorn, Does This Please God?
that they may not see, and bow down their back
Does It Please God When Their Eyes Are Darkened?
29The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- The Words LET HER or LET HIMDo Not Always
Denote Divine Approval!
Cf. Gal. 18-9, As we said before, so say I now
again, If any man preach any other gospel unto
you than that ye have received, LET HIM BE
Does One Please God When He Is Accursed?
Cf. Rev. 2210-11, He that is unjust, LET HIM
BE UNJUST STILL and he which is filthy, LET HIM
BE FILTHY STILL Cp. w. Ezk. 327
Is Being Unjust Or Filthy Pleasing To God?
30The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 1) It Causes Our Mate To Commit Adultery
- Putting Away Our Bound Marriage Partner Saving
For The Cause Of Fornication Causes Them To
Commit Adultery (Mt. 532) Whether We Remarry
Or NOT! - Jesus Said, Woe unto the world because of
offences! for it must needs be, that offences
come but woe to that man by whom the offence
cometh (Mt. 187 1340-42).
31The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 2) It Sunders What God Joined Together!
- The Pharisees Asked (Mt. 193) Whether It Was
Lawful To Put Away For Every Cause, And Jesus
Answer In Verse 6 Was What Therefore God Hath
Joined Together, Let Not Man Put Asunder (Cf. I
Cor. 710). - In Verse 9, Jesus Gave One And Only One Exception
To This Emphatic Prohibition For Fornication. - (Except Means, If And Only If.)
32The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 3) It Defrauds Our Companion
- In I Cor. 72-5 Paul says, Nevertheless, TO
AVOID FORNICATION, let every man HAVE his own
wife, and let every woman HAVE her own husband
Defraud ye not one the other.... - When Someone Pursues An Unauthorized Divorce,
They Rob Their Mates of Their Due (i.e. They Sin)!
33The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 4) It Breaks Our Wedding Vows
- An Unauthorized Divorce Makes Us A Liar (Mt.
537 Jas. 512). Rev. 218 Tells Us That All
Liars Shall Have Their Part In The Lake That
Burns With Fire! - When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to
pay it for he hath no pleasure in fools pay
that which thou hast vowed. Better is it that
thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest
vow and not pay. Ecc. 54-5
34The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 5) It Destroys Our Example For Good!
- In I Timothy 514 and Titus 23-5, Paul Instructs
The Older Women (As Well As The Younger) About
The Importance of Fulfilling Their Roles In The
Home, That The Word of God Be Not Blasphemed. - When Our Family Life Is Out Of Order, We Are
Giving An Occasion To The Adversary To Speak
35The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 6) An Unapproved Divorce is Iniquity
- Since There Is No Authority To Divorce For A
Cause Other Than Fornication, It Is Iniquity
(Lawlessness). - If We Do Not Depart (II Tim. 219) From Such
Sins, We Will Depart From The Lord At The
Judgment (Mt. 723).
36The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Seven Sins Of An Unapproved Divorce(Putting
Away For A Cause Other Than Fornication)
- 7) Its An Action That God Hates!
- God said, ...let none deal treacherously against
the wife of his youth16 For the LORD, the God of
Israel, saith that he hateth putting away...
(Mal. 215-16). - Since Iniquity (Lawlessness) Is That Which The
Lord Hates (Heb. 18-9 Cf. Col. 317), We Ought
To Hate It As Well (Rom. 129). Cf. Psa. 9710
37The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- 1 Corinthians 710-11 shows that the position
which argues that fornication is the only cause
for divorce is wrong. The Bible provides
authority for one to leave a marriage in order to
be obedient to God. He has the right to divorce
and live alone in the event that he cannot serve
God while in that marriage. Mike Willis - Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 31)
38The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mikes Circular Reasoning
- After Brother Willis Erroneously Alleges That I
Corinthians 710-11 Authorizes Putting Away Ones
Divinely Obligated Marriage Partner, He says,
Fornication Is The Only Cause For Divorce Is
Wrong. - What Is His Reasoning For The Above Conclusion?
- He Asserts That The Bible Provides Authority For
One To Leave A Marriage In Order To Be Obedient
To God.
39The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Does I Corinthians 710-11 Really ShowThat
Fornication Is The Only Cause For Divorce Is
In The Following Slides,Lets Notice How Paul
Parallels Matthew 196In The Lords
Condemnation Of Divorce(Cf. Mk. 109)
40Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 3) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
41Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 3) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
42Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 3) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
- Mk. 109, What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 2) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
43Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 3) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
- Mk. 109, What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 2) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
44Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 3) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
- Mk. 109, What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 2) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
I Cor. 710-11, And unto the married I command,
yet not I, but the Lord, LET NOT THE WIFE DEPART
FROM (chorizo) her husband 11 But and if SHE
DEPART (chorizo), let her remain unmarried, or be
reconciled to her husband and LET NOT THE
45Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 3) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
- Mk. 109, What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT MAN 444 A Generic (cf. A
Male v. 2) PUT ASUNDER (chorizo).
I Cor. 710-11, And unto the married I command,
yet not I, but the Lord, LET NOT THE WIFE DEPART
FROM (chorizo) her husband 11 But and if SHE
DEPART (chorizo), let her remain unmarried, or be
reconciled to her husband and LET NOT THE
46The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Does I Corinthians 710-11 Really ShowThat
Fornication Is The Only Cause For Divorce Is
Since I Corinthians 710-11 Is A Parallel To The
Lords Command, Paul Meant The Same Thing That
Jesus Expressed In Matthew 196 (Cf. Mk.
109). Thus, The Only Biblical Exemption To The
Lords Rule Regarding The Permanence Of Marriage,
Is The Exception Clause In Matthew 199 (Cf. Mt.
47The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- The fornication is the only cause for divorce
position conflicts with the teaching of 1
Corinthians 710-11. No one who holds the
fornication is the only cause for divorce
position has been able to describe a situation in
which a woman might depart from her husband and
be instructed to remain unmarried or be
reconciled to her husband without charging the
woman with sin, which Paul did not do. The
doctrine conflicts with the teaching of I
Corinthians 710-11. - Mike Willis
- Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 31)
48The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mikes Circular Reasoning
- First, Even Though Paul Clearly Prohibited
Divorce In I Corinthians 710, Brother Willis
Asserts That In Verse 11, The Apostle APPROVES OF
Divorcing For A Cause Other Than Fornication With
No Intent To Reconcile.
Then He Claims That Since Paul Approved Of The
Departing (V. 11), The Fornication Is The Only
Cause For Divorce Position Conflicts With The
Teaching Of 1 Corinthians 710-11.
49The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mikes Circular Reasoning
- First, Even Though Paul Clearly Prohibited
Divorce In I Corinthians 710, Brother Willis
Asserts That In Verse 11, The Apostle APPROVES OF
Divorcing For A Cause Other Than Fornication With
No Intent To Reconcile.
Then He Claims That Since Paul Approved Of The
Departing (V. 11), The Fornication Is The Only
Cause For Divorce Position Conflicts With The
Teaching Of 1 Corinthians 710-11.
50The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mikes Own Comments on I Cor. 710-11
- In Reference To The Command Not To Divorce,
Mike Wrote, Paraggello is a verb meaning to
order, command, direct or change. There are no
options left for this person he simply obeys the
Lord or stands in rebellion to him. - Mike Willis, Commentary on First Corinthians (p.
In Light Of Mikes Above Concession That
Disobedience To This Command Is Rebellion To God,
His Proposed List Of Multiple Causes For Divorce
Is Advocacy Of Rebellion.
51The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mikes Own Comments on I Cor. 710-11
- V. 11) The statement but if she depart (ean de
kai choristhe) describes an exception whether
past, present, or future. In the event that the
wife (or husband) leaves her husband (or wife),
then she (or he) must remain unmarried (emp.
his). - Mike Willis, Commentary on First Corinthians (p.
Immediately After Admitting That The Command Not
To Depart Is A Direct Order, Brother Willis
Proposes An Approved Exception NOT Revealed In
52The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- If one wishes to affirm that her act of
departing from her husband is sinful (I Cor.
710-11, jhb), how can he allow her to remain
unmarried? If her act of obtaining her divorce
is a sin, willfully remaining in that sin is also
sinful. But the apostle said that she could
remain unmarried. Did he mean that she could stay
in sin? Obviously not! - Mike Willis
- Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 30)
53The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Assumption Examined
- It is assumed the unmarried and reconciled
are equally desired states or conditions. The
text doesnt indicate that they are.
Reconciliation requires the cooperation of both
spouses, thus an alternative is given (remain
unmarried) in the event that reconciliation is
unavailable. Donnie V. Rader, Marriage, Divorce,
Remarriage Divorce For Any Cause Without
Remarriage, p. 42 - Many Others Have Articulated The Same Sound And
Harmonious Reasoning As Brother Rader.
54The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- How Does One Repent Of Standing In Rebellion To
The Direct Command Not To Depart? - Obviously, A Willingness to Reconcile Is
Required! - (Will God Forgive Those Who Refuse To Bring Forth
Fruits Worthy of Repentance?) - However, If We Seek To Repent / Restore That
Which We Have Broken And Our Divinely Obligated
Partner Refuses, We Must Remain Unmarried.
55The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- The fornication is the only cause for divorce
position indicts the innocent person in many
circumstances. When a divorce happens, sometimes
the innocent person has suffered sinful conduct
committed against himself/herself, until finally
that person has reached the end of the rope. In
his/her desperation, the person decides that
living alone is a better alternative than the
continued abuse which he/she is suffering. When
the innocent person then acts to remove
himself/herself from the marriage, a brother who
knows full well that this person is innocent of
marital misconduct will charge the suffering mate
with sin for breaking up the marriage. What
injustice and slander! Mike Willis - Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 32)
56The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- In An Effort To Convince His Readers That
Divorcement Is Authorized For Causes Other Than
Fornication, Mike Cited The Oft-Repeated And
Emotionally-Charged Scenario of ABUSE. - This Reminds Me of the Baptists Who Deny The
Necessity of Baptism By Citing The Scenario of
However, When The Sadducees Proposed Their
Hypothetical Situation To Incite Human Reasoning
Jesus Told Them, Ye do err, not knowing the
scriptures, nor the power of God (Mt. 2229).
57The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- In An Effort To Convince His Readers That
Divorcement Is Authorized For Causes Other Than
Fornication, Mike Cited The Oft-Repeated And
Emotionally-Charged Scenario of ABUSE. - This Reminds Me of the Baptists Who Deny The
Necessity of Baptism By Citing The Scenario of
Cf. The way in which the enemies of the truth
attempt to make a doctrine of the Bible
ridiculous is by adding to it, and then calling
it absurd. Barnes on Mt. 2229
58The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- He said nothing about his position indicting the
innocent mate by making the innocent person
responsible for breaking asunder the marriage
when everyone knows that the one guilty of sinful
behavior is who caused the marriage to fail. He
might as well accuse the one who divorces his
fornicating mate of destroying the marriage as to
accuse the victimized wife who divorces her
abusive husband of destroying the marriage. - Mike Willis, Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role
of Government in Divorce (p. 67)
Such Situation Ethics and Emotional Pleas
Abandon Bible Authority In Favor Of Human
59The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- A Permanent Sundering Of The Marriage Is Not The
ONLY Possible Solution To A Problem Which May Not
Be Permanent.
One May Flee For Temporary Safety, As Did
David. Cf. I Sam. 1811
Moreover, God Has Provided Ministers To Help
Us Cf. I Pet. 214, as unto them that are sent
by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for
the praise of them that do well.
60The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- A civil government can no more create a marriage
or break a marriage between heterosexuals than it
can for homosexuals because God has not given to
government that authority. Marriages are bound by
God, not government (Matt. 196) and government
can no more dissolve a marriage than it can
create one. Mike Willis, Bible Causes of Divorce
and the Role of Government in Divorce (p. 35)
Brother Willis Denial That Men and Women Can
Wrongfully Marry And/Or Divorce (Via Civil
Government) Stems From His Confusion Between The
Divine Obligation And The Physical Relationship.
61The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
- Please Note The DistinctionBetween Gods Actions
And Mans Actions - Mt. 196, Wherefore they are no more twain, but
TOGETHER, LET NOT MAN PUT ASUNDER. - God Joins / Looses Man Marries / Divorces
62The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cf. Rom. 72-3, For the woman which hath an
husband is BOUND by the law to her husband so
long as he liveth but if the husband be dead,
she is LOOSED from the law of her husband. 3 So
then if, while her husband liveth, she BE MARRIED
TO ANOTHER MAN, she shall be called an
ADULTERESS Cp. w. I Cor. 727, 39 BOUND (
1210), To bind, i.e. put under obligation, s.c.
of law, duty, etc. To be bound to one of a wife,
Rom. 72 I Cor. 727, 39 (Thayer, p. 131).
63The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cp. w. Mt. 2316, Woe unto you, ye BLIND GUIDES,
WHICH SAY, Whosoever shall SWEAR by the temple,
it is nothing but whosoever shall swear by the
gold of the temple, he is a DEBTOR (NKJV, he is
OBLIGED to perform it NASV, he is
OBLIGATED)! Cp. w. v. 18, And, Whosoever shall
SWEAR by the altar, it is nothing but whosoever
sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is
GUILTY (NKJV, he is OBLIGED to perform it
64The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cp. w. Mt. 2316, Woe unto you, ye BLIND GUIDES,
WHICH SAY, Whosoever shall SWEAR by the temple,
it is nothing but whosoever shall swear by the
gold of the temple, he is a DEBTOR (NKJV, he is
OBLIGED to perform it NASV, he is
OBLIGATED)! Cp. w. v. 18, And, Whosoever shall
SWEAR by the altar, it is nothing but whosoever
sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is
GUILTY (NKJV, he is OBLIGED to perform it
65The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cp. w. Mt. 2316, Woe unto you, ye BLIND GUIDES,
WHICH SAY, Whosoever shall SWEAR by the temple,
it is nothing but whosoever shall swear by the
gold of the temple, he is a DEBTOR (NKJV, he is
OBLIGED to perform it NASV, he is
OBLIGATED)! Cp. w. v. 18, And, Whosoever shall
SWEAR by the altar, it is nothing but whosoever
sweareth by the gift that is upon it, he is
GUILTY (NKJV, he is OBLIGED to perform it
66The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cp. w. Mk. 710-11, For MOSES SAID, Honour thy
father and thy mother and, Whoso curseth father
or mother, let him die the death 11 BUT YE SAY,
If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is
Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever
thou mightest be profited by me he shall BE
FREE. Notice How These Jews Violated Their
Divine Obligation And Sinned Against God!
67The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cp. w. Mk. 710-11, For MOSES SAID, Honour thy
father and thy mother and, Whoso curseth father
or mother, let him die the death 11 BUT YE SAY,
If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is
Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever
thou mightest be profited by me he shall BE
FREE. Notice How These Jews Violated Their
Divine Obligation And Sinned Against God!
68The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
Cp. w. Mk. 710-11, For MOSES SAID, Honour thy
father and thy mother and, Whoso curseth father
or mother, let him die the death 11 BUT YE SAY,
If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is
Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever
thou mightest be profited by me he shall BE
FREE. Notice How These Jews Violated Their
Divine Obligation And Sinned Against God!
69The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
- Mike TeachesSince MAN Cannot Free Himself From
The Yoke(Divine Obligation)Therefore, MAN
Cannot Put Away Their Physical Mate! - However, Thats NOT What Jesus Taught!
70The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Confuses The Divine ObligationWith The
Physical Relationship
- Mike TeachesSince MAN Cannot Free Himself From
The Yoke(Divine Obligation)Therefore, MAN
Cannot Put Away Their Physical Mate! - However, Thats NOT What Jesus Taught!
71The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mt. 63, But when thou doest alms, LET NOT thy
left hand know what thy right hand doeth. Jn.
141, LET NOT your heart be troubled ye believe
in God, believe also in me. Jn. 1427, LET
NOT your heart be troubled, neither let it be
afraid. Rom. 612, LET NOT sin therefore reign
in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in
the lusts thereof.
72The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Rom. 143, LET NOT him that eateth despise him
that eateth not and LET NOT him which eateth not
judge him that eateth for God hath received
him. Rom. 1416, LET NOT then your good be
evil spoken of. Eph. 426, Be ye angry, and
sin not LET NOT the sun go down upon your
wrath. I Tim. 516, If any man or woman that
believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and
LET NOT the church be charged
73The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Cf. Mt. 196, What therefore God hath joined
together, LET NOT man put asunder. Cf. Mk.
109, What therefore God hath joined together,
LET NOT man put asunder. Cf. I Cor. 710-11,
And unto the married I command, yet not I, but
the Lord, LET NOT the wife depart from her
husbandand LET NOT the husband put away his
74The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- John the Baptist says, It is not lawful for
thee to have thy brothers wife (Mark 618). How
could Herodias be both Herod Antipas wife and
Herod Philips wife? Obviously the marriage of
Herod Antipas and Herodias was a marriage which
Roman society accepted but God did not, yet the
language of marriage is used to describe the
relationship of the unscriptural marriage and the
first marriage between Herod Philip and Herodias
(Herodias is Philips wife, even after the
divorce and subsequent remarriage). Mike Willis,
Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 36)
Obviously, God Does Not Accept What is
Unlawful. However, He Recognized This Sinful
Relationship As A Marriage (He Had Married Her,
Mark 617).
75The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mike Asks The Question, How Could Herodias Be
Both Herod Antipas Wife And Herod Philips
Wife? The Answer To Mikes Question Becomes
Clear When We Understand That The Greek Words
Aner (435) And Gune ( 1135) Have Been
Translated As Husband And Wife In Order To
Assist The Reader In Distinguishing Who Is Being
Spoken Of.
Thus, There Are No Specific Greek Words For
Husband And / Or Wife To Strictly Denote And
/ Or Infer That Those Involved Are In A Current
76The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Terms Husband And Wife (In The New
These Terms Have Reference To His Woman (The One
God Had Bound / Obligated Him To) And / Or Her
Man (The One God Had Bound / Obligated Her
To). Sometimes These Terms Are Used Of Those Who
Are Married Sometimes They Are Used Of Those Who
Are Divorced And Sometimes They Are Used To
Denote Those Who Are Separated By Death.
77The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Terms Husband And Wife
Note How They Are Used Even After BeingSeparated
By Death
Cf. Mt. 2224-25, Saying, Master, Moses said, If
A MAN DIE, having no children, his brother shall
marry HIS WIFE, and raise up seed unto his
brother... Note How Wife Is Also Used In II
Samuel Cp. w. II Sam. 1126 129-10, 15
78The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Terms Husband And Wife
Note How They Are Used Even After BeingSeparated
By Death
Cf. Acts 59, Then Peter said unto her, How is
it that ye have agreed together to tempt the
Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them
which have BURIED THY HUSBAND are at the door,
and shall carry thee out. Cf. Rom. 73, but
if her HUSBAND BE DEAD, she is free from that
law so that she is no adulteress, though she be
married to another man.
79The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Terms Husband And Wife
Note How They Are Used Even After BeingSeparated
By Divorce And Death
Cf. I Cor. 711, 11 But and IF she DEPART, let
HUSBAND The Opposite Of Gameo (Married In
v. 10) Is Agamos (Unmarried In v. 11) If
The Marriage Was Real Cf. I Cor. 739, The
wife is bound by the law as long as her husband
liveth but if her HUSBAND BE DEAD, she is at
liberty to be married to whom she will only in
the Lord.
80The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
There Are Five Possible Correlations Between
Being Married / Being Bound
1) Unmarried And Unbound Those Never Married (I
Cor. 78-9), The Widowed (Rom. 72-3 I Cor.
78-9, 39 I Tim. 514), And The Innocent Party
Who Has Put Away The Guilty Party For The Cause
Of Fornication (Mt. 199).
81The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
There Are Five Possible Correlations Between
Being Married / Being Bound
2) Married And Bound Those Involved In An
Authorized Marriage (Mt. 195-6 Rom. 72 I Cor.
82The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
There Are Five Possible Correlations Between
Being Married / Being Bound
3) Unmarried And Bound Those Who Have
Wrongfully Put Away Their Bound Mate As Well As
Those Who Have Been Divorced From Their Bound
Mate (Mt. 532 199 Mk. 1011-12 Lk. 1618 I
Cor. 710-11, 15 Rom. 73).
83The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
There Are Five Possible Correlations Between
Being Married / Being Bound
4) Married To One And Bound To Another Those
Who Have Either Wrongfully Put Away Or Who Have
Been Wrongfully Divorced And Subsequently Married
Another While Their Bound Mate Is Still Living
(Mt. 532 199 Mk. 1011-12 Lk. 1618 Rom.
73 I Cor. 739).
84The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
There Are Five Possible Correlations Between
Being Married / Being Bound
5) Married And Unbound The Third Party Who Is
Not Bound (Divinely Obligated), But Who Has
Married Someone Who Is Not Free To Marry (Mt.
532 199 Lk. 1618 Rom. 73).
85The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- In Luke 1618, Jesus said, Whosoever putteth
away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth
adultery and whosoever marrieth her that is put
away from her husband committeth adultery. The
phrase whosoever marrieth her that is put away
from her husband committeth adultery implies the
continued existence of the first marriage. Mike
Willis, Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role of
Government in Divorce (p. 37)
This Quote Reveals The Basis Of Mikes Errors
He Intimates That Usage Of The TermsHUSBAND
And ADULTERY Imply The Continued Existence
of The First Marriage.
86The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
As Has Already Been Shown, The Terms Husband
And Wife Do Not Always Denote A Current
Marriage. Moreover, Biblical Usage Of The Term,
Adultery Does Not Necessarily Imply The
Continued Existence Of The First
Marriage. However, It Always Implies A
Violation Against A Continuing Divine Obligation
(Gods Law By Which The Two Were Bound). Cf.
Rom. 72-3
87The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Mt. 532, That whosoever shall put away his
wife, saving for the cause of fornication,
causeth her to commit adultery and whosoever
shall marry her that is divorced committeth
adultery. Cf. Rom. 72-3 - Mt. 199, Whosoever shall put away his wife,
except it be for fornication, and shall marry
another, committeth adultery and whoso marrieth
her which is put away doth commit adultery. Cf.
Rom. 72-3 - Lk. 1618, whosoever putteth away his wife, and
marrieth another, committeth adultery and
whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her
husband committeth adultery. Cf. Rom. 72-3
88The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Matthew 532 199 And Luke 1618 All Teach That
Adultery Does Not Necessarily Imply The
Continued Existence Of The First Marriage. - Note How Paul Equates Adultery With Being Bound
To One While Married To Another - Cf. Rom. 72-3, For the woman which hath an
husband is BOUND by the law to her husband so
long as he liveth but if the husband be dead,
she is LOOSED from the law of her husband. 3 So
then if, while her husband liveth, she BE MARRIED
TO ANOTHER MAN, she shall be called an
89The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- He (brother Bragwell, jhb) denounces the concept
that Jesus used the terms marriage and divorce in
an accommodative sense to refer to a marriage or
divorce which is approved in the sight of man but
not in the sight of God.). Mike Willis, Bible
Causes of Divorce and the Role of Government in
Divorce (p. 66)
Jesus Used The Words Put Away Marry Only
Once In Matthew 199a, Applying These Same Terms
To Both Approved And Unapproved Divorces And
90The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Mt. 199, Whosoever Shall Put Away His Wife,
Except It Be For Fornication, And Shall Marry
Another, Committeth Adultery
If We Apply Brother Willis Reasoning To Jesus
Singular Usage Of Put Away And Marry To
Denote both Approved And Unapproved Actions, Then
All Marriages And Divorces Must Only Be
Accommodative. The Same Word (Used Only Once) In
The Same Context Cannot Convey Opposite
Meanings. Either All Approved And Unapproved
Divorces And Marriages Are Real Or They Are
91The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Despite saying there is no accommodative use,
brother Bragwell uses unscriptural marriage to
describe the marriage of two people whose
marriage civil government ratifies (his term)
but God condemns. Unscriptural marriage is a
term which means they are married in the sight of
civil government but not in the sight of God,
which is precisely what others mean when they say
the text uses marriage and divorce
accommodatively! Mike Willis, Bible Causes of
Divorce and the Role of Government in Divorce (p.
66) (Emp. jhb)
In The Sight Of God, All Sin (That Which God
Condemns) Is Real, Whether It Is Right Or Wrong
In The Sight Of Civil Government.
92The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Getting Around The Law of God
Homer Hailey The Alien Sinner Is NOT Amenable To
Gods Law Where MDR Is Concerned. Mike Willis
(And Associates) Men / Women Are Not Amenable To
Civil ProtocolThat Ratifies A Sinful Marriage
And / Or Divorce.
93The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Christians must be careful not to assign to
civil government a role God has not assigned it.
Mike Willis, Bible Causes of Divorce and the Role
of Government in Divorce (p. 35) - Mike Denies The Role of Government (In Marriage
Divorce) Because It Sanctions The Mans /
Womans Actions That Are Contrary To Gods Will
(i.e. To Marry Divorce). - However, The Government Sanctions Many Sins. Is
An Abortion Really An Abortion If The Government
Sanctions It While God Has Condemned It? Are Such
Transgressions Real Or Only Accommodative?
94The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Law Was A System of Theocracy
Theocracy 1. a form of government in which God
or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil
ruler, the Gods or deitys laws being
interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities. 2.
a system of government by priests claiming a
divine commission. 3. a commonwealth or state
under such a form or system of government. Random
House Unabridged Dictionary
95The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Law Was A System of Theocracy
Cf. Ezra 103ff, Now therefore let us make a
covenant with our God to PUT AWAY ALL THE WIVES,
and such as are born of them, according to the
counsel of my lord, and of those that tremble at
the commandment of our God and LET IT BE DONE
ACCORDING TO THE LAW10 And Ezra the priest stood
up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and
trespass of Israel. Cp. w. Mt. 532 193, 6,
96The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Law Was A System of Theocracy
Cf. Mal. 214-16, Because the LORD hath been
witness between thee and the wife of thy youth,
Therefore take heed to your spirit, and LET none
deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.
16 For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that HE
HATETH PUTTING AWAY for one covereth violence
with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts
therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye DEAL
NOT TREACHEROUSLY. Cp. w. Mt. 532 193, 6, 9-10
97The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Law Was A System of Theocracy
Hence, In Matthew 193-9, WHAT The Pharisees Were
Doing (Putting Away For Any Cause, vv. 4-6,
8-9), And HOW They Were Doing It (To Give A
Writing Of Divorcement, v. 7 cf. Deut. 241)
Was Done In The Sight Of God. Cp. w. Mt.
531-32 Although God Was The The Supreme Civil
Ruler, They Still Married And Divorced Contrary
To His Will At Times! Moreover, Their SIN Was
Always Real!
98The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
The Law Was A System of Theocracy
Scripture Teaches That Man Could Wrongfully Marry
(Ezra 10) And Deal Treacherously By Wrongfully
Putting Away (Mal. 214-16), Under A System Of
Theocracy (The Mosaic Dispensation). Thus, It
Is Self-Evident That Man Can Wrongfully Put Away
(Mt. 196 Mk. 109) Under Gods Divinely
Appointed Powers That Be Today.
99The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Systems of Monarchy And / Or Democracy
Cf. Rom. 131-7, Let every soul BE SUBJECT unto
GOD the powers that be are ORDAINED OF GOD. 2
Whosoever therefore RESISTETH the power,
resisteth the ordinance of GOD6 For for this
cause pay ye tribute also FOR THEY ARE GODS
MINISTERS, attending continually upon this very
100The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Systems of Monarchy And / Or Democracy
to be ready to every good work.
Cf. I Pet. 213-17, Submit yourselves to EVERY
ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it
be to THE KING, as supreme 14 OR UNTO GOVERNORS,
as unto them that are sent by him for the
punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of
them that do well. 15 FOR SO IS THE WILL OF
101The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Systems of Monarchy And / Or Democracy
Cf. Jn. 1910-11, Then saith Pilate unto him,
Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that
I have POWER to crucify thee, and have POWER to
release thee? 11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest
have NO POWER at all against me, except it were
given thee from above therefore HE that
delivered me unto thee hath THE GREATER
SIN. Their Power Is Given By God!
102The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Systems of Monarchy And / Or Democracy
God Granted Authority To The Roman Government,
Knowing Full-well That They Would Carry Out The
Jews Murderous Desire To Crucify His Only
Begotten Son. What Would Make Us Think That The
Authority He Granted To Our Own System Of
Government Is Limited Where Divorce Is
Concerned? The Denial Of The God-ordained Role
Of Civil Government In Divorce Is A Rejection Of
The Authority Of God.
103The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Systems of Monarchy And / Or Democracy
Cf. II Pet. 210 (NKJV), and especially those
who walk according to the flesh in the lust of
uncleanness and DESPISE AUTHORITY. They are
presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to
speak evil of dignitaries.
Cf. Jude 8 (NKJV), Likewise also these dreamers
defile the flesh, REJECT AUTHORITY, and speak
evil of dignitaries.
104The Latest On Causes For Divorce
What Other SIN Can Man Commit, That IS NOT REAL,
A Man Can Look Until The Second Coming, It Aint
In The Book!
105The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
Further Studies Regarding The Role Of Civil
Government http//www.mentaldivorce.com/mdrstudi
es/AreYouAnIn-LawOrAnOutlaw.htm http//www.mental
tByHumanAgency.htm http//www.mentaldivorce.com/m
Further Studies Regarding Multiple Causes For
Divorce http//www.mentaldivorce.com/mdrstudies/
ButAndIf-DonMartin.htm http//www.mentaldivorce.c
utton.htm http//www.mentaldivorce.com/mdrstudies
/SevenSinsOfAnUnscripturalDivorce.htm http//www.
106The LatestOn Causes For Divorce
- Post Script On Page 65 of his book, Mike Falsely
Stated He dismisses with a wave of his hand the
arguments made by brethren Jeff Belknap, Don
Martin, and Pat Donahue who argue that the
innocent party in a divorce for the cause of
fornication does not have the right to remarriage
unless he puts away (which they define as
initiate the civil divorce) the guilty party. - Yet The Mental Divorce Website Is Replete With
Repudiations Of This Oft-repeated False Charge
That I Teach That One Must Initiate The Civil
Divorce In Order To Have The Right To
Remarriage! - For Further Information, See
- http//www.mentaldivorce.com/mdrstudies/MikeWillis