Title: Progressive Presidents Teddy Roosevelt: Republican reformer
1Progressive PresidentsTeddy RooseveltRepublica
n reformer
"This country will not be a permanently good
place for any of us to live in unless we make it
a reasonably good place for all of us to live
in."Chicago, IL, June 17, 1912
- Thinking Skill Explicitly assess Presidential
reforms and draw conclusions about their impact
2TR the President
3United Mine Workers Union Strike
- May 1902 mineworkers demand higher wages, shorter
hours, recognition - How did previous Presidents handle labor strikes?
- How did TR handle the UMWU strike?
- Arbitration miners won 10 pay increase and
reduced workday from 10 to 9 hours
4How does the cartoon depict TRs stance toward
5A Square Deal for All Americans
- Goal prevent wealthy and powerful from taking
advantage of small business owners and the poor - 1st major anti-trust lawsuit against JP Morgans
Northern Securities Company (RR holding company)
in 1901 - 5-4 vote Supreme Court dissolved NSC
- TR set sights on Standard Oil Co, American
Tobacco Co, and threatened U.S. Steel
6From Trustbusting to Regulating
- Elkins Act (1903)- outlawed rebates on RR
freights - Hepburn Act (1906)- ICC could set maximum RR
rates and examine RR finances - Meat Inspection Act (1906)- provided for
inspection of meat packing plants - Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)- required accurate
ingredient labels and prohibited unproven claims
about a product
7Conservation Movement
- Preservationists- John Muir, Sierra Club sought
to maintain wilderness areas for beauty and
aesthetics - Developers- Big business sought to exploit
resources for economic gain - Mining, timber, farmers, ranchers
- Conservationists- Gifford Pinchot, U.S. Forest
Service sought to scientifically manage lands for
public and commercial use - Distinction between Preservation and Conservation
8Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir on Glacier
Point, Yosemite Valley, California
9Roosevelt was an avid hunter
10TRs Approach to Environment
- "The conservation of natural resources is the
fundamental problem. Unless we solve that problem
it will avail us little to solve all
others."Address at Deep Waterway Convention, TN
(10/4/07) - "The object of government is the welfare of the
people.""Conservation means development as much
as it does protection. I recognize the right and
duty of this generation to develop and use the
natural resources of our land but I do not
recognize the right to waste them, or to rob, by
wasteful use, the generations that come after
11William Howard Taft
- TR haunted by 1904 promise not to run for
re-election - Wanted successor to continue my policies
- Helped Taft win 1908 election (against Bryan)
- Past Experience
- Attorney, Judge
- Oversight of Philippines under McKinley
- TRs Secretary of War
- Moderate Republican reformer
- 2 times as many lawsuits against trusts
- Rift with Teddy Roosevelt and Progressives
- Lawsuit against U.S. Steel
- Unsuccessful in getting Congress to lower tariffs
- Fired Pinchot for criticizing Ballinger
12Teddy Roosevelt enters 1912 Election Campaign
- Teddy Roosevelt New Nationalism
- Regulation of business to serve public interest
- Taft vs. Roosevelt
- Contentious Republican convention
- Roosevelt runs under (Bull Moose) Progressive
Party - Republican vote is split between the two
- Woodrow Wilson wins Election
- Taft taught law at Yale
- Chief Justice of Supreme Court (1921)
13Woodrow Wilson
- Democratic Progressive Reformer
- New Freedom govt. reg. of economy
- Reigning in Banks, Tariffs, Trusts
- Underwood Tariff Bill (1913)
- Increased Competition
- Launched income tax
- Federal Reserve Act
- Regulate banks and reserve funds
- Sets interest Rates
- Clayton Antitrust Act outlawed certain business
14Presidential Legacies
- What impact did each Presidents actions have on
the nation? On the Presidency? - Which Progressive President do you believe made
the best contributions?