Title: Computer
1Computers Eye
2Computers Eye
- Part 1. Introduction to computer vision and image
processing (40 minutes) - Break (10 minutes)
- Part 2. Hands-on image processing (45 minutes)
3Computational Perception?
- Human Perceptual Modalities
- Tactile touch
- Gustatory taste
- Visual sight
- Auditory hearing
- Olfactory smell
- Perception is the process by which the
information from our senses is perceived by us.
- Computer Vision is the science and technology of
machines that see.
4Robotics/industry inspection /military
5Police surveillance,genome research, biometrics,
6Remote sensing, astronomy, GIS, Earth/Planetary
observation, monitoring, exploration
7Medical imaging
8Aware home / Intelligent environments, ubiquitous
computing/sensing /eldercare technologies
9Digital special effects
film and TV, DTV, news and sport, creative media,
art, museums
10Taking the human visual system for granted
- One of the ultimate challenges of machine vision
is getting a machine to recognise objects in the
world. - The subtlety and difficulty of describing the
exact operation of the subconscious functions
presents significant difficulty in developing
algorithms to emulate human visual behaviour
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12Visual Perception
- The main focus will be on the processing of the
raw information that they provide. - The basic approach understand how sensory
stimuli are created by the world, and then ask
what must the world have been like to produce
this particular stimulus?
13Image and pixels
A digital image consisting of an array of m x n
pixels in the xth column and the yth row has an
intensity equal to f(x,y).
(r(x,y), g(x,y), b(x,y))
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16Vision System Overview
Captured data
Pre-processing, enhancement
Feature Extraction, representation of properties
Knowledge representation
Object classification and Recognition
Image classification and Recognition
Labels or other forms of description
17Feature Extraction, representation of properties
18Image Analysis
Common image analysis techniques include template
matching, pattern recognition using feature
19Classification, recognition and retrieval
20How are we going to manipulate images today?
21Brightness Adjustment
- Add a constant to all values
- g(x,y) f(x,y) k
- Where f is the original images and g the changed
image k is a constant, i.e.,50
22Contrast Adjustment
- Scale all values by a constant
- g(x,y) a f(x,y)
- (a 1.5)
24Average of two images