Title: European Research Council
1FP7 IDEAS ProgrammeThe ERC funding schemes Case
Study StG1
Gianpietro van de Goor, PhDDeputy Head of Unit
Strategic matters and relations with the ERC
Scientific Council ERC-DIS / European
Commission Kalkara/Malta, 11 September 2008
2ERC-2007-StG Electronic Proposal Submission
- EPSS coped well with massive response
- First ERC call for proposals closed on 25/04
without any significant technical issue. - Total number of proposals 9.167 (registration
figure 11.251) - The peak transaction time for the reference
transaction was 1.5 seconds - The system handled a peak of 36 transactions a
3ERC-2007-StG Two step evaluation process
Stage 1 evaluation 6 success rate
8794 proposalsevaluated (9167
submitted!) Requested budget about 10
Stage 2 evaluation 54 success rate
559 full proposals Requested budgetabout
535 million
300 anticipated grants Awarded budgetabout
300 million
4ERC Starting GrantProfile of the PI
- Any nationality or age
- Any current place of work but working or
moving to work in Europe(EU member state, FP7
Associated Country) - 3-8 years of experience after PhD - certain types
of career breaks are accepted up to a maximum of
2 years read the Guide for Applicants! - Potential for research independence and evidence
of maturity - at least one important publication without
participation of PhD supervisor - Track-record of early research achievements
appropriate to their research field and career
stage ? Starters vs Consolidators - First StG call (300 grants, 21 host countries, 32
nationalities, 170 host institutes) - Average Age 35 years (spans from 28 to 44y)
- Average experience 6-7 years
- Average grant size
- Gender 26 women (as low as 12 in LS2 up to 71
in SH4)
5ERC-2007-StG Profile of researchers- Gender and
domain (top 300)
Life Sciences
Physical Sciences Eng.
Social S. Humanities
6ERC-2007-StG Stage 1 Country of host
institution of the 8794 evaluated proposals
Percentage of eligible proposals by country of
host institutions and domains
34 countries
7ERC-2007-StG Stage 2 Outcome Grantees by
country of host institution (top 300)
Percentage of grants by country of host
21 countries
8ERC-2007-StG Repatriation and Recruitment to
from Argentinia
Source Top 300 proposals
from Australia
9ERC-2007-StG Stage 2 OutcomeIncoming staying
grantees (top 300)
Percentage of grants by country of host
21 countries
10ERC Starting Grant Case StudiesPublished in
'Science at the service of Europe'DG-RTDs- a
brochure based on DG-RTDs Annual Activity Report
11ERC Starting Grant Case StudiesOther
publications available or coming soon
- List with names of PIs and host institutions of
430 retained proposals, incl top 300 being funded
http//erc.europa.eu/pdf/Listfinal.pdf - ERC Starting Grant brochure with Case
Studiesavailable end of October - Various brochures on Starting Grant case studies
produced/published by national actors (such as in
DE, AT, BE, FR) - FP7 project database (FP IDEAS projects)http//co
rdis.europa.eu/fp7/projects - ERC project databasein development