Title: The European Research Council
1The European Research Council
2Arts and Humanities Research Council
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
UK Research Office
Economic and Social Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Medical Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
3UKRO aims
To promote effective UK participation in
EU-funded research programmes, higher education
programmes, and other related activities
UK Research Office
- Based in Brussels, UKRO
- Provides early insight and briefing
- Disseminates EU funding opportunities
- Provides high quality guidance and training
- Exchanges information between the UK and EU
4Subscriber services
UK Research Office
- Website www.ukro.ac.uk
- Enquiry service
- Annual visit from an UKRO European Advisor
- Meeting room in Brussels
- Specialist training courses and information
events - Annual conference for European officers
- National Contact Point (Marie Curie and ERC)
- European RTD Insight
5Personalised Information Service
UKROs Information Services
6FP7 Background
FP7 is designed to complement activities in
Member States, as well as other Community actions
to implement the Lisbon objectives 7-year
programme (2007 -2013) Budget of 50 521 million
FP7 Policy Background
7FP7 Specific Programmes
Co-operation Collaborative Research
Framework Programme 7
Ideas Frontier Research
People Human Potential (Marie
Capacities Research Capacity
8Strategic Aims of ERC
- European Excellence and Frontier research
- Invest in best researchers and ideas
- Competition at European level
- Scientific excellence as sole criterion
- Raising incentives towards quality and
aspirations of individual researchers
(Investigator-driven) - Provide benchmarks and leverage towards broader,
structural improvements in European research
FP7 Ideas
9How is the ERC Organised?
- Scientific Council
- Main decisions, created by EC, propose work
programme, establish peer review, oversight,
annual report - Secretariat
- Provide day-to-day support to the Scientific
Council - Implementation body
- Responsible to EC, information and support,
registration of proposals, organise peer review,
follow-up, annual implementation report - European Commission
- No major decisions, approve programmes, legal
signatories - Programme Management Committee
- Member State Representatives, no say in
evaluations or in topic areas, view oversight
reports by EC
FP7 Ideas - ERC
10Who sits on the Scientific Council?
- The Scientific Council (ScC) members are
independent respected scientific personalities,
reflecting the full scope of European research
acting in their personal capacity - 22 Members announced on 18 July 2005
- Nominated by EC decision following an independent
identification procedure (Patten Committee) - Fotis Kafatos Imperial College Chairman of
ERC - UK Members Wendy Hall - Southampton, Lord Robert
May, - Secretary Generals of the ERC.
- Professor Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker from University
of Munich 2 ½ years - Professor Andreu Mas-Colell from University
Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona takes over in July
FP7 Ideas - ERC
11 Ideas Frontier Research (7.51 bn)
FP7 Ideas
- Starting Independent Research Grant
- (1/3 Starting Grants)
- 1st call in 2007, 300M
- Advanced Investigator Grant
- (2/3 Advanced Grants)
12What is Frontier research?
- Research at the frontier of knowledge
increasingly important to competitiveness and
welfare - Research at and beyond the frontiers of
understanding is an intrinsically risky venture,
progressing on new and exciting research areas - New knowledge and understanding
- Cuts across disciplines.
FP7 Ideas - ERC
13Investigator driven research
- The Principal investigator (any nationality)
- - chooses the research topic
- - assembles the research team to best meet the
requirements of the research - Teams can be of national or trans-national
character (but this is not a collaborative
project type network)
FP7 Ideas - ERC
14European Research Council (ERC)A Quick Recap
Starting Grants
FP7 Ideas - ERC
15ERC StG Review Process - Proposal Content
- Deadline Second Stage 17 September (17.00
Brussels time) - Stage 2 Full Proposal (16 pages max) on EPSS
- Overall components of the application
- Administration forms (A1, A2 and A3)
- Research Proposal
- Supporting Documentation
- Interview
FP7 ERC Starting Grants
16ERC Panels Starting Grants
- SH1 Individuals and organisations Economics,
management, demography, geography, urban and
environmental studiesSH2 Institutions,
behaviour, values and beliefs Anthropology,
sociology, political sciences, law,
communication, social studies of science and
technologySH3 The human mind and its
complexity Cognition, linguistics, psychology
and philosophySH4 Cultures and cultural
diversity Literature, visual and performing
arts, music and cultural studiesSH5 The study
of the past and cultural artefacts Memory,
history and archaeology
FP7 Ideas - ERC
17ERC Panels Starting grants
- PE1 Mathematical foundations Pure and applied
mathematics, theoretical computer science - and mathematical physics.
- PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter High
energy, particle, nuclear, plasma, atomic, - molecular, gas and optical physics.
- PE3 Structures and reactions Condensed matter
(structure, electronic properties, fluids,), - statistical physics, nanosciences, reactions.
- PE4 Material sciences and methods Material
sciences, molecular architecture, analytical - chemistry, synthesis (both inorganic and organic)
and theory, physical and environmental - chemistry, method development.
- PE5 Information and communication Informatics
and information systems, communication - technology, computer science, intelligent
systems. - PE6 Engineering sciences Electronics, product
design, process design control, - construction methods, fluid and solid mechanics,
energy systems, bio-engineering. - PE7 Universe sciences Astro-physics/chemistry/bio
logy/geology solar system stellar, - galactic and extragalactic astronomy cosmology
space sciences, instrumentation. - PE8 Earth system science Physical geography,
geology, geophysics, oceanography, - climatology, ecology, global change,
biogeochemical cycles, natural resources.
FP7 Ideas - ERC
18ERC Panels Starting Grants
- LS1 Molecular, cellular and developmental
biology Biochemistry, molecular biology,
metabolism, cell biology, signal transduction,
embryology, structural biology - LS2 Genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and
systems biology Molecular genetics, cell
genetics, genomics, transcriptomics,
metabolomics, computational biology,
biostatistics, biological modelling - LS3 Organismic physiology, including infection
and immunity Organogenesis, organ physiology,
endocrinology, ageing, toxicology, parasitology,
microbiology, virology, immunology - LS4 Neurosciences Neurobiology, neuroanatomy,
neurophysiology, neurochemistry,
neuropharmacology, systems neurosciences,
neuroimaging - LS5 Evolutionary, population and environmental
biology Evolution, adaptation, population
biology, biodiversity, ecotoxicology, marine
biology, radiation biology, environmental risks,
environmental medicine - LS6 Applied medical and health sciences Clinical
medicine, public health, psychiatry, surgery,
epidemiology, biomedical engineering, veterinary
medicine, pharmacology, medical ethics - LS7 Applied biology and bioengineering, including
agricultural sciences and biotechnology genetic
engineering, GMOs, synthetic biology, plant
biology, fisheries, forestry, environmental
biotechnology, industrial biotechnology,
biomaterials, biohazards.
FP7 Ideas - ERC
19First Stage Statistics - Overall
- 9167 first stage (outline) proposals
- Average grant requested 1 Million (indicated
range 500k to 2 million) - 559 invited to submit second stage applications
- Approximately 50 success rate at the second
FP7 ERC StG 1st Call Statistics
20First Stage Experience What do we know about?
- Nationality of PI
- Current Country of Residence of PI
- PI Age and Experience
- PI Gender
- Host Institution Location
- No of Institutions Involved in Proposal
- Scientific Domains (by Number of PIs)
- Feedback on EPSS
- Feedback on eligibility issues EPSS
- Lessons learned
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
21First Stage Statistics- Nationality of PI
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants- 85 were
nationals of EU Member States - - 8 were nationals of FP7 Associated Countries
(AC) - - 7 were third country nationals- More
information is given in Table A - All Stage 1 Applicants
- - The ERC has not released this statistic for all
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
22First Stage Statistics- Current Country of
Residence of PI
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants
- - About 4 are currently based outside the EU
- - The majority of these are Europeans willing to
move back to Europe - - Whilst just under 1 are researchers of a
third country nationality not yet living in
Europe - All Stage 1 Applicants- 3.2 of all PIs were
resident outside the EU
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
23First Stage Statistics- PI Age and Experience
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants - 87 have 4-9
years of experience after their PhD- Average age
36 years - All Stage 1 Applicants-Â 80.6 of the applicants
had 4-9 years experience from their PhD (PhDs
between 1998 and 2003)- Most people received
their PhDs 2-9 years ago- The distribution was
quite spread out over this range
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
24First Stage Statistics- PI Gender
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants - 24 Female and
76 Male - However, this ratio differs largely
between the various research domains - All Stage 1 Applicants- 30 Female and 70 Male
- No statistics available on gender of team members
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
25First Stage Statistics- Host Institution Location
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants - 89 of the host
institutions are in the EU.- 11 of the host
institutions are in FP7 Associated Countries.
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
26First Stage Statistics- No of Institutions
Involved in Proposal
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants
- -Â No statistics released yet
- All Stage 1 Applicants-Â Most applications only
few institutions involved - - 87 involved 1 institution
- 7 involved 2 institutions, 2 had 3, only 4 had
gt3 - - ERCs desire to support individual teams has
been largely understood by applicants
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
27First Stage Statistics- Scientific Domains (by
Number of PIs)
- Successful Stage 1 Applicants - 45 in
Physics, Mathematics and Engineering (PSE) - - 37 in Life Sciences (LS)
- - 18 in Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)
- All Stage 1 Applicants- 48.1 in PSE
- - 37 in LS
- - 14.9 in SH
FP7 ERC StG 1st Stage Statistics
28First call statistics- Split between domains
FP7 ERC StG 1st Call Statistics
Indicative budget established by ScC (Work
programme 2007)
29Feedback on EPSS
- High Demand on the FP7 Electronic Proposal
Submission System (EPSS) - Problems at Submission (100 proposals)
- Late submission (tentative uploads after
deadline) - Some failure to comply with technical
requirements (invalid format of the proposal not
PDF format, protection by password) - Late download of annexes (statements of support
not signed by HI on time)
FP7 ERC StG 1st Call Statistics
30Feedback on Eligibility Issues
FP7 ERC StG 1st Call Statistics
- Eligibility criteria issues
- Completeness (including statement of support from
institution) - Related to the ERC Starting Grant scheme PhD,
Host country - Around 350 non-eligible proposals
- Mainly for missing or invalid statement of
support (more than 250 cases) - Also for ineligibility of PI (PhD outside
eligibility period) - Eligibility Committee
- In case of doubt on eligibility, evaluation may
proceed after a decision by the eligibility
review committee ( 50 proposals) - Invalid statement of support (statement signed by
the applicant on behalf of the host)
31ERC First CallStarting Independent Research
- Evaluation
- scientific excellence as the sole criterion
- The potential of the people and their track
record (research excellence of the applicant at
PhD level and subsequently, achievements,
publication list). - Excellence of the project (in terms of the
scientific value, innovativeness and feasibility
of the objectives sought, the methodology
proposed, the project management and research
environment) - Exact criteria and weightings still tbc..
FP7 Ideas - ERC
32ERC Project Management
- Independence of researchers
- Research direction change in scientific goals
- Role in department
- Financial management
- Staff recruitment
- Transfers of Principal Investigators?
- If other institutions involved, how will networks
operate? - Dissemination specifics
- Different costing and reporting regimes
FP7 Ideas - ERC
33Some Lessons
- Often applicants did not fully understand ERC
concepts (frontier research, individual team) - Applicants often not ambitious enough
- Often applicants did not explain why the research
is important or what the impacts would be - Many applications resembled job description
written by a supervisor rather than showing the
PIs ideas - Many people already fairly experienced (i.e.
having UK fellowships) - Applicants should aim their proposal at
generalist reviewers (panel members) in Stage 1 - The top ranked proposals were outstanding, but
many average ones were also submitted
FP7 ERC StG 1st Call
34European Research Council (ERC)Advanced Grants
- Objective
- encourage and support excellent, innovative
investigator-initiated research projects - Eligibility
- leading advanced investigators across EU and
Associated Countries - targeting researchers already established as
independent research leaders in their own right - Research Areas
- bottom up approach - any research area (except
Fission Fusion) - Implementation
- up to 500k per grant per year over 5 years
- ca. 200 grants per year?
- One Stage Submission, 2 Step Evaluation
FP7 Ideas - ERC
35Advance Grants (Provisional)
- Scientific Council are defining strategy
- Call to be launched in November 2007
- Deadlines spring 2008
- Open to top rate, senior researchers
- Starting Grant applicants are not eligible
- ERC will look to limit over-subscription
- Adjusted panel structure
FP7 Ideas - ERC
36ERC Second Call Advanced Investigator Grant
- Lessons learned from StG first call
- Maximise the call budget
- Limit oversubscription
- Adjust Panel Structure
- Latest News
- Call (and documentation) expected November 2007
- Deadlines will depend on panel and expected to
be Spring 2007 with the first closing date
expected late February - Expected to be similar panel structure to StG
but with 25 panels. Different individual Members - Expected to be one stage full application
process but 2 step review process. No interviews
FP7 Ideas - ERC
37Advance Grants (Provisional)
- Proposals must contain
- CV 10 year track record and scientific
leadership profile - Proposal and extended synopsis
- Evaluation
- - 1st step Evaluation of CV (track record and
leadership profile) Extended Synopsis - - 2nd step Evaluation of full proposal
FP7 Ideas - ERC
38ERC Second Call Advanced Investigator Grant
- Possible benchmarks of 10 year track record
- Senior author publications in major
peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary scientific
journals and/or leading peer-reviewed journals of
their respective research fields - And if applicable
- Monographs and any translations of monographs
(if applicable) - Granted patents
- Invited presentations into peer-reviewed,
internationally established conferences and/or
international advanced schools - Expeditions that the applicant has lead
- International conferences in the field of the
applicant that have been organised by PI (member
of the steering and/or organising committee) - International Prizes/Awards/Academy Memberships
FP7 Ideas - ERC
39ERC Second Call Advanced Investigator Grant
- Possible indicators of leadership profile
- Content and impact of the major scientific or
scholarly contributions of the applicant to
his/her own research field and/or neighbouring
research fields and, if applicable, the wider
societal impact - The international recognition and diffusion that
these major contributions have received from
others (publications or appropriate equivalents
/additional funding/ students /international
prizes and awards /institution building /other) - Ability to productively change research fields
and/or establish new interdisciplinary approaches
FP7 Ideas - ERC
40Keeping up to date with the latest?
- UKRO information Services http//ims.ukro.ac.uk
- UKRO website www.ukro.ac.uk
- ERC for Subscribers http//www.ukro.ac.uk/subscri
ber_services/fp7/ideas/index.htm - ERC page UKRO NCP http//www.ukro.ac.uk/erc/index
.htm - Sign up to receive our ERC Newsletter at
- http//www.ukro.ac.uk/erc/events_ukro/events_al
erts.htm - UKRO ERC NCP Advanced Grants Information Events
(Dec 2007/Jan 2008 dates TBC) - ERC website http//ec.europa.eu/erc/index_en.cfm
- Documentation, FAQs, events, key issues, etc.
FP7 Ideas - ERC