Title: The Evolution of ESD
1The Evolution of ESD
2Dozier Middle SchoolBy the Numbers
Demographic of students
Total 834
Native American 2
Asian/ Pacific Islander 40
Black ( Non- Hispanic) 423
White ( Non- Hispanic) 84
Hispanic 277
Unspecified 8
3Dozier Middle SchoolBy the Numbers
Populations Served of students
ESL ( English as a second language) 4
Free and Reduced Lunch 40
Homeless 1
Talented and Gifted 15
4Special Education services provided
- Severe and profoundly handicapped
- EMD (self-contained)
- LD (resource and self-contained)
- ED (resource and self-contained)
- Visually Impaired
- Speech
- Autistic
- Tourettes
- 504s
- Power of I Redo Café Study Hall
- Commercials Slide Shows that teach appropriate
- Employee of the Week and Instructional Leader of
the Month
Teachers can personalize . . . .
- Student of the Week and TV Time with teacher
during lunch, etc.
6Our Progress
- Total discipline referrals
- 2007-2008 school year Pilot classrooms
- Doziers ESD Team will facilitate the building
of a systemic and comprehensive behavioral
intervention model. By teaching and encouraging
behaviors that will contribute to a safe and
orderly environment, we will promote academic and
social responsibility.
8Developing School-wide Expectations-The SMART
- Process
- Staff top 3 discipline concerns to address
- Distributed draft SMART Matrix by location for
staff, including cafeteria staff, and student
feedback - Compiled responses and shared results
9SMART Matrix-The Pilot
- Choose six 8th grade classrooms to pilot
- Volunteer based on culture of our school
- Everyone works from SMART Matrix
- Each classroom teacher aligned classroom rules
with school-wide expectations - Taught expectations (15 minutes/day) and rules on
SMART Matrix - Acknowledgement system- Student input
10SMART Matrix-Lessons Learned
- Do not commit assumicide-must teach students
behaviors/expectations/rules - This is just as much about adults as it is
students - All staff need to acknowledge all students
- Plan for acknowledgement system before beginning
- Challenge Maintain consistency with teaching and
11SMART Matrix-Whats Next
- Lesson plans for staff to teach expectations
- Post SMART laminated posters in classroom and
nonclassroom settings - Consider adding classroom guest to matrix
- Add SMART Matrix to Student Planner, School
Website - Present to PTA
12Data Driven Decision Making
- Absenteeism
- What did the data tell us?
- Rate, month, antecedent
- How did we intervene?
- Expectation
- Intervention
- Supports
- Outcomes
13ESDA living process
- Always revising based on data and implementation
- More efficient use of time
- Not an add on way to organize what we are doing
for all students
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