Title: ESD Final Fall 2006 Citizens College Presentation
1Presentation To
September 5th, 2007
Presented By Jerry W. Haile P.G. Environmental
Services Director
- Department functions
- Department mandates
- Department structure
- Environmental Division
- Natural Resource Division
- Solid Waste Management Division
- Revenue budget and grants
- Cooperative partners
- Questions/comments
3Evolution of Environmental Services
- 1995 - Initial recognition of environmental
liability - 1997 - Environmental functions embedded within
Facilities Management Department - January 2001 - Department created
- Mission Statement
- To provide a clean, safe, sustainable, and
healthy - environment to enhance the quality of
life for the - citizens of El Paso County.
- Consolidation with other departments
- January 2003 - Forestry and Noxious Weeds
- May 2005 - Solid Waste Management
4The Mixed Bag of Mandates
5Department Structure
6Environmental Division
- Compliance Assistance
- Air Emissions and Quality
- Fuel Systems
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- Environmental Response/Investigation and Cleanup
- Property Transactions and Due Diligence
- Programs
- Environmental Management System
- Brownfields Initiative
7Environmental Division (Cont.)
- Air Issues
- Air Emission evaluations and permitting
- Asbestos and lead paint evaluations and
management - Employee asbestos and lead paint training
- Indoor air quality investigations
8Environmental Division (Cont.)
- Fuels Systems
- Underground Storage Tanks - 2 Facilities
- Above Ground Storage Tanks - 12 Facilities
- Both Types of Tanks - 2 Facilities
- Technical Assistance
- Compliance testing and system maintenance/repairs
- System upgrades and new installations
- Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measures
9Environmental Division (Cont.)
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- Day-to-day operations produce waste
- The Division provides
- Waste system maintenance
- Waste management expertise
- Regulatory compliance assistance
10Environmental Division (Cont.)
- Environmental Response/Investigation/Cleanup
- County spills
- Illegal dumping
- Technical support to Sheriffs HazMat Team
- Investigation and remediation associated with
- Above and underground storage tanks
- Historic use of County property
- Contamination of County property by others
11Environmental Division (Cont.)
- Environmental Due Diligence
- Evaluate potential contamination of property
- Phase I Env. Site Assessments and Investigations
- Superfund liability protection
12Environmental Division (Cont.)
- Programs
- Environmental Management System
- A systematic approach to sustained
environmental - performance through order and consistency.
- Benefits
- Improve efficiency and compliance
- Identify and resolve environmental gaps
- Clarify environmental issues
- Brownfields Initiative
- to encourage the reuse of property
stigmatized by - the presence or potential presence of
contamination. - Resources
- Technical assistance/funding
Golden Cycle Mill Fire, 1907
Old Colorado City Historical Society
13Natural Resource Division
- Threatened and Endangered Species
- Wetlands
- Forest Management
- Noxious Weed Management
- Development Review
- Programs
- Conservation Easements
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans
14Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Threatened and Endangered Species
- Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse
- Species presence/absence surveys
- Habitat evaluation and ranking
- Habitat Conservation Plan development
- Other Species
- Black-Tailed Prairie Dog
- Mountain Plover
- Mexican Spotted Owl
- Pocket Gopher
Courtesy U.S. Fish Wildlife Service
Courtesy Center for Native Ecosystems
15Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Wetlands Delineation and Permitting
- Wetlands Banking Program
- County-wide mitigation program for County
projects - Benefits
- Multiple mitigation projects under a single plan
- Pre-mitigation of wetlands impacts
- I.D. Important wetland resources within the County
16Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Forest Management
- Assists with forest management on County property
- Monitors and maps forest insect infestations
- Assists citizens with proper forest management
17Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Noxious Weed Management
- Works with other departments to manage noxious
weeds on County property - Monitors and maps noxious weed infestations
- Assists citizens with identification and proper
control of noxious weeds
18Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Development Reviews
- Review of development submittals consider
- TE species and general wildlife concerns
- Forest health and noxious weed management
- Wetlands
- Encourage applicants to initiate federal
permitting with - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
19Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Programs
- Conservation Easements
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans or CWPPs
20Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Conservation Easements - A non-development
easement - The County holds 27 easements covering 2,200
acres - Easements are monitored annually by the Division
- Benefits
- Provide development buffers
- Protect open space and wildlife habitat
- Recreational component such as trail corridors
21Natural Resource Division (Cont.)
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans
- Authorized by Title I of Health Forest
Restoration Act - Focuses local interest on wildfire hazards
- A CWPP addresses
- Firefighting needs
- Defensible space
- Fuels treatment
- Projects Include
- Crystal Park
- Black Forest
- Woodmoor
- Ute Pass
- Highway 115
22Solid Waste Management Division
- Division Funding
- Programs
- Household Chemical Waste Collection Program
- El Paso County Recycles
- Black Forest Slash Mulch
- Wildfire Mitigation Program
- Yard Waste Collection Program
- Treecycle Program
23Solid Waste Mgmt. Division (Cont.)
- Solid Waste Fund
- Authorized by CRS 30-20-115
- 1991 - 0.25/cubic yard tipping fee
- Fund Designation
- Mitigate Solid Waste Issues
- Promote Environmental Responsibility
- Encourage Recycling
- Tipping fee summary
- 2006 - 759,388
- June 30, 2007 Fund Balance - 1,250,445
- January - June 2007 - 401,439
24Solid Waste Mgmt. Division (Cont.)
- Household Chemical Waste Collection
- Accepts any waste from citizens of
- El Paso and Teller counties
25Solid Waste Mgmt. Division (Cont.)
- El Paso County Recycles
- Envisioned by Commissioners Clark and Bensberg
- Started July 21, 2005
- Purpose is to promote
- Attention on the importance of recycling
- Conservation of our resources and
- Reduction of new landfills and incinerators
26Solid Waste Mgmt. Division (Cont.)
- Black Forest Slash Mulch Program
- Created in 1994 as a cooperative effort between
- State and local government
- Private sector
- Volunteer and non-profit organizations
- Purpose is to promote
- Proper forest management
- Wildfire mitigation and
- Encourage recycling of biomass
27Solid Waste Mgmt. Division (Cont.)
- Yard Waste Collection Program
- Created in 1997 and is free to citizens of El
Paso and Teller County every Saturday - Purpose is to divert organic material from
landfills and to provide organic elements for
28Solid Waste Mgmt. Division (Cont.)
- Treecycle Program
- A cooperative effort between
- Public/Private Sectors
- Volunteer and non-profit organizations
- Purpose is to promote
- Community pride
- Recycling of an organic product and
- Energy conservations by providing free mulch
29Staffing By Division
30General Fund Revenues
31Current Revenue Sources
32Historic Grant Funding
33Cooperative Partners
34Questions Comments