Title: Museum Entrance
1Museum Entrance
Welcome to the Museum of Antonin Kalina
Back Wall Artifact
Antonin Kalina
Room Five
Curators Offices
2Room 1
Antonin Kalina
Artifact 4
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3Room 2
Artifact 8
Artifact 6
Artifact 5
Artifact 7
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4Room 3
Artifact 10
Artifact 9
Artifact 12
Artifact 11
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5Artifact 1
This picture represents when Antonin Kalina was
transported to the block 66 in Buchenwald. Kalina
was on the far right , 2nd row with the light
sweater, behind the man that is looking over his
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6Artifact 2
.this picture represent the 900 hundred children
that Kalina save even thought he was a imprisoned
by the Nazis
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7Artifact 3
Buchenwald orphans, expect Elie Wiesel while his
dad is still alive, leave on a train bound for
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8Artifact 4
He went to prison in 1939 in the Buchenwald
concentration camp until 1945. He Died in
1990. Kalina had risen to a position of
influence in the underground, which ran the
day-to-day operations of the camp on behalf of
the Nazi SS. Kalina and his fellow prisoners
decided to place the youths in a special
barrack. Antonin Kalina was the block elder. In
this capacity, he went to extraordinary lengths
to ensure the survival of the boys he placed
there. he kept 66 children on his block
alive The man who saved 900 Jewish boys inside a
death camp. Antonin Kalina was a communist
imprisoned by the Nazis in Buchenwald. He fought
for he lived for and that was his family
anticourage. When i came to power, i did not
want the concentration camps to become old age
prisoners homes, but instrument of terror
.-Adolf Hitler ges The jewish boys were
instructed to report in when the S.S came, but
Antonin Kalin ordered the jewish boys to change
the religion on their badges to christian. When
the S.S arrived at block 66 (the barack they
lived in) kalina told men that were no more
jewish in the area.
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9Artifact 5
One of the largest concentration camps. This camp
was located in Weimar. Weimar was a very famous
town in German.
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10Artifact 6
This picture is about a punish they use to do if
they Found you get more bread then you had to or
just to torture you.
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11Artifact 7
This Picture Shows the building of the SS. The SS
would watch the Jewish people from there so they
wont escape.
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12Artifact 8
In this picture show how they starting to find
fast way to kill Jewish and every chemical they
found they would use it at Jewish
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13Artifact 9
In this picture it is showing how the SS is
showing the Jewish the concentration camp.
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14Artifact 10
This is a picture about the SS kill the Jewish
in the cremation without feeling sad at
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15Artifact 11
This is a picture of the cremation where they use
to burn body away.
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16Artifact 12
This Picture shows Antonin Kalina when he was in
a constriction camp when he was a little kid.
Antonin Kalina is the little kid in the middle
and the other two kids are his friends.
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17Back Wall Artifact
That Is Antonin Kalina returning to Buchenwald .
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18Curators Office
Chantal Chavez Veronica Izquierdo
Something that we learn was that Antonin Kalina
saved 900 children and he existence. He was in
block 66 Elie Wiesel
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Note Virtual museums were first introduced by
educators at Keith Valley Middle School in
Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed
by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational
Virtual Museums website for more information on
this instructional technique.