Museum Entrance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Museum Entrance


Welcome to the Medgar Evers National Museum Childhood Fun Facts Court Cases Death Sources Museum Entrance Memorial Curator s Offices Curator s Office Matt Smith ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Museum Entrance

Museum Entrance
Welcome to the Medgar Evers National Museum
Court Cases
Fun Facts
Curators Offices
Curators Office
Dylan Bricker and Noah Ahmed
Dylan and Noah are best friends/brothers. We
enjoy working together and this image is
definitely absolutely indeed Dyl and I. Dyl is on
the left. I am on the right.
Place your picture here.
Matt Smith (left) David Tennant (right)
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Note Virtual museums were first introduced by
educators at Keith Valley Middle School in
Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed
by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational
Virtual Museums website for more information on
this instructional technique.
Room 1
Artifact 2
Artifact 3
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Room 2
The Emmet Till Murder Case
Artifact 6
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Room 3
Artifact 10
Artifact 9
Artifact 12
Artifact 11
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Room 4
Fun Facts
Artifact 14
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Room 5
Artifact 18
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Medgar Wiley Evers
Born in Decatur, Mississippi in 1925, Medgar
Wiley Evers was a Civil Rights activist that was
the person who helped inspire the fight for
equality in America. Although not many understand
his importance, his actions were decisive in the
struggle that eventually dictated the future for
not only America, but the world.
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When Evers was a child, he had to
experience the average racism of the mid-1900s.
This, he didnt mind too much. Although his
family tried to protect him from the terrible
things that White Supremacists did to people, he
was bound to see what people will do to protect
their way of life. When he was walking to school
one day, somebody accused of disrespecting a
white woman. Later, his friend was dragged behind
a car and then lynched. According to Evers, the
body and clothes of this boy had stayed on the
tree for about 3 months.
No Image Could Be Found of Evers Friend.
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  • Medgar Evers may not seem like he was too
    important in the battle for Civil Rights simply
    because he wasnt as glorified as MLK or Rosa
    Parks. But even today, without Medgar Evers, the
    world as you know it would be very different.

Emmet Till Case
In August 1955, Till was visiting relatives in
Mississippi. He was at a meat market shopping and
whistled at a white woman. Several days later on
August 28th Till was kidnapped. He was then
beaten to a pulp, shot and dumped into the
Tallahatchie River. He was very difficult to
identify, and Roy Bryant and his half brother
were arrested for the murder. The all white jury
in Sumter, Mississippi only took an hour to find
the murderers innocent. Medgar Evers, had
persuaded the NAACP leaders to get involved in
the case. They had black witnesses come forward
to tell the truth. Although it may not have
changed the jurys biased decision, it was one of
the events that awakened the African American
population to activism in the Civil Rights
movement. Had Evers not decided that he would
take it upon himself to get involved in this
case, the Civil Rights movement either could have
been delayed for years on end or never happened
at all.
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Medgar Evers died in front of his house, a very
tragic and sad death. Evers had just got out of
his car back from a NAACP meeting for
non-segregation. White supremacist Byron De La
Beckwith was waiting for Medgar Evers to exit his
vehicle to shoot him. Once Evers was near his
house he was shot in the back by De La Beckwith
only yards away from the front door. At the trial
Beckwith was found innocent by an all white jury.
Thirty years later the case was reopened and he
was found guilty by a racially mixed jury. He was
convicted to life in prison.
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John F. Kennedys speech
Minutes before Evers was assassinated, John
F. Kennedy had given a speech about Civil Rights.
This was the turning point in the Civil Rights
Movement where Kennedy asked all Americans to
inspect their actions against African Americans.
It is a depressing form of irony that Evers was
murdered just minutes later by De La
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Clyde Kennard
Before the death of Evers, Medgar Evers had
suffered many attempts on his life many of these
attempts were related to Evers vocal support of
Clyde Kennard. Kennard tried very hard to
desegregate higher education, such as colleges in
Mississippi. He applied for Mississippi Southern
University. A former FBI Agent attempted to
sabotage his application by finding reasons for
his denial to the school. This proved to be
unyieldingly problematic because most of
Kennards history was flawless. Evers was highly
supportive of his attempts and vocalized this.
Seeing as how white supremacists didnt like
Kennard, Evers began to gain the hatred of the
white supremacists for the promoting of Kennards
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Did You Know That
Did you know that the KKK bombed the house of
Medgar Evers?
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WWW.history .com/this-day-in-history/Medgar-Evers-
vil-rights-in-the-bos-justice-for-Medgar www.factm
-things-you-should-know-about-medgar-evers Infople Geoffrey-pope.tripod.
com/lifeanddeathofmedgarevers/idl.html Mshistory.m
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