Title: Earth
1Earths Atmosphere
2Note All weather occurs in the Troposphere
- Region contains all mechanisms for heating air
and creating wind. - First 10Km from the ground
- All weather occurs here
- Higher up you go the cooler it gets.
- The presence of ozone causes temperatures to
increase with altitude. - absorption of UV rays from the sun.
Ozone protects us from harmful ultraviolet
radiation that is part of sunlight. UV rays are
what cause sunburns. They also can cause skin
cancer and damage crops and marine life.
Temperature drops as the altitude increases.
This is also the layer in which a lot of meteors
burn up while entering the Earth's atmosphere.
- Temperature increases with altitude due to the
presence of UV absorbing oxygen gas.
The ionosphere is the region of the atmosphere
that is filled with charged particles. Elevated
temperatures can sometimes cause a molecule to
become ionized, therefore, the ionosphere and
thermosphere can overlap.
When the Sun is active, temperatures can reach up
to 1,500C or higher!