Title: The%20Human%20Side%20of%20Human
1The Human Side of Human Resource Management
in Ranching Operations Randy R. Weigel,
Ph.D. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension
Service Cow Country Conference Laramie,
WY February 9-10, 2006
2- Keys to Success in Business
- Drive Expect long hours and high stress
- Flexibility Change directions quickly
- Multiple Thinking Skills Strategic, critical,
creative, analytical - People Skills Motivate workers, negotiate with
suppliers, convince lenders, sell customers - U.S. Small Business Administration
3Level I Core Level II Primary Level III
Secondary Level IV - Macro
Interaction Model for Ranching Operations
4Level I The Core Level of
Rancher Interaction
A producer may possess superior livestock,
fertile land and adequate financial base. But if
the rancher does not effectively manage his or
her own physical, mental, and emotional well
being, it may not matter how productive the
operation. Weigel, R. Western Integrated
Resource Education (WIRE)
5The Role of Personality in Rancher
Management Stress-producing events, such as
foreclosure, droughts, and disease can result in
increases in anger, depression, hostility, and
even suicide. How one handles problems is
influenced by personality characteristics. Ho
rner, J., Barrett, L. Personality types of
farm couples Implications for intervention
6Personality Characteristics Energy Introversion
Extraversion Information Sensing
iNtuitive Decision
Making Thinking
Feeling Take Action Judging
7According to Personality Theory Ranch/Farm men
are ISTJ Ranch/Farm women are ISFJ
8- Three views on ranching
- My goal is to have the best quality product
possible. - I thrive on ranch work.
- Marketing is the most important element in the
success - of the ranch. I want to reduce my workload and
diversify - my assets.
- I want to be environmentally sensitive and
conserve - the land I operate. To me, ranching means
enjoying the - lifestyle.
9- Farm Management Values
- Dedicated Producer
- Flexible Strategist
- Resource Steward
10- A Study of Stress Management among Iowa
- farmers found
- Realistic
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Many interests
- Sense of hope
- Reached out for help
- Faith Which all led to
- Achieving Balance in
Their Lives -
- Weigel, R., (1986). Supporting todays farm
family - An opportunity for family life education.
11Level II The Primary Level Of
Rancher Interaction
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for
brother and sister to dwell together in unity.
The Book of Psalms Am I my brothers
keeper? Genesis WHY ME?
Owner of a family ranch
12Two views of a generational ranch family
We consider it a great privilege to have a son
and daughter-in-law in partnership with us. We
are very proud of them. We think it is
important that they make the decisions and keep
up with new methods. OR They
(parents) set the goals we should aim for and
think we should share their values, which clash
totally with those of a young family. They want
to have us under their thumb financially so they
can call the shots.
13- Human Elements that cause conflicts in
Ranch/Farm - Family Operations
- Father/son relationship turns into parent/child
relationship - Gossiping about each other
- Carrying a grudge
- Turning disagreements into fights
- Failing to set family and farm goals
- Failing to have frank, honest discussions
- Not willing to get along
- Ron Hanson, University of Nebraska
14Skills for SMOOTH Ranch Family Functioning
Respect that each member is an individual Do
not use communication triangles Be willing to
learn and grow Have well defined boundaries
15Skills for SMOOTH Ranch Family Functioning
Share traditions Support and assist one
another Stay connected
16The single most important word of advice to
share with family members ranching together is to
remember that any successful family ranching
operation requires a team approach by each family
member involved. Dr. Ron
Hanson Resolving Family Conflicts Farm
Family Enrichment Workbook
17Level III The Secondary Level of Rancher
Interaction I ranch so I dont have
to work with people. I just cant keep
good help. These young kids just dont
want to work! (Quotes from Western Integrated
Resource Education (WIRE) workshop participants.)
18- Coordinated Resource Management
- Research has shown that effective group
- composition, dynamics, process, and cohesion lead
- to positive outcomes in natural resource
conflicts. - Kruse, C., (1995). Measuring the potential
success of natural resource conflict - resolution decisions.
Master Thesis, University of Wyoming. - How to listen
- How to create a common vision
- How to negotiate agreeable solutions
- How to monitor
- How to adapt
19(No Transcript)
20AgHelpWanted Ch. 1 Roles and
Responsibilities of an Agricultural
Employer Ch. 2 Organizational Planning Ch. 3
Staffing the Farm Business Ch. 4 Supervising
Agricultural Work Ch. 5 Managing Employee
Performance Ch. 6 Communication and Problem
21Level IV The Macro Level of Rancher
Technical knowledge and skills will be essential
with the growing complexity of agriculture. But
technical skills are not expected to be the core
source of competitive advantage. The skills
needed to be successful in the future are more
likely the human/personal skills skills like
negotiation ability, creativity and
innovation,vision and strategic thinking.
Michael Boehjle Purdue University
22Strategic thinking.involves studying
the environment through an intuitive, creative
process for the emerging agricultural themes,
issues, patterns, and opportunities.
23- Improving Your Strategic Thinking
- Readreadread
- Study your world for possibilities
- Imagine your future history
- Listen to the Mavens
- Always ask questions
24Strategic Thinking is intuitive. It is
asking questions such as What will the future
be like? (How is the world agriculture faces
changing?) What are people seeking,
expecting? (How will consumers needs for my
product change?) What are ways of preparing for
the future? (What must I absolutely, positively
do do succeed?) What does all this mean? (Why am
I (are we) in agriculture?)
Interaction Model
26National Corn Growers Associations
Future Structure of Agriculture Task
Force Those who prosper in this future
agriculture must adapt to a rapidly changing
environment and be willing to challenge their
comfort zone. Farmers, policymakers, and
agribusiness leaders must be willing to create
competitive advantages rather than protect the
old ones. National Corn Growers Assn. (2003).
Choices in the Evolution of Corn Belt
27The significant problems and challenges we face
today cannot be overcome with the same level of
thinking which caused the problem. Albert
28Thank You.