Title: About the Indiana Geographic Information Council
1About the Indiana Geographic Information Council
140 North Senate AvenueIndianapolis, IN
2Indiana Geographic Information Council, Inc.
- What is IGIC?
- IGIC is a nonprofit 501(c)3
- IGIC is a membership organization
- IGIC is administered by an elected board of
directors - IGIC is the statewide coordinating body for
Indiana geographic information
Our Mission To lead the effective application
of geographic information in Indiana
3Who We Are
- Representative organization of professionals and
stakeholders (GIS, surveyors, utilities,
universities, non-profits, government, private
industry, and more) - 275 General Members
- 31 Elected Directors
- 100 Active Volunteers
- 3,000 Volunteer Hours Annually
- 2 ½ staff
4Were Liaisons to the Community
As a representative organization, IGIC often
serves as a liaison on issues such as
- Status of GIS
- Data Standards
- Policies
- Pooled Funding on Multi-Jurisdictional Projects
5IGIC Responsibilities
- As per Indiana Code 4-23-7.3 (passed in 2007),
IGIC is responsible for - Coordinating with the Indiana Geographic
Information Officer - Recommending the state's GIS data standards for
adoption - Recommending a statewide data integration plan
for adoption - Establishing the Indiana Board on Geographic Names
6Were Information-Rich
- The IGIC website gets over half a million hits
per month - Averages 16,000 hits per day
7Were a Portal to Online Maps
Interactive online maps are part of the future of
distributing geographic information... moving GIS
from the enterprise to society.
8Benefits of Membership
Membership provides individuals and organizations
a means of staying connected, informed and
engaged with the GIS community in Indiana.
Benefits of Membership
- Network with other geospatial professionals
- Help shape statewide GIS policies and positions
- Gain access to Indiana's GIS user community
- Receive members-only rate for annual GIS
Conference and Educational Events - Attend professional development activities
- Receive the monthly Indiana GIS newsletter
- More
9The IndianaMap
Our Cornerstone Initiative is the
One Map for IndianaIts Statewide Its
Regional Its Local Its Yours!
Enable improved government service to citizens,
and an enhanced ability for citizens to stay
informed and to engage in the democratic process
11IndianaMap Vision
- Integration now of the best available data,
focusing on local sources, together with state
and federal - Distribution that provides access to data and
metadata - Web portal with tiered access for decision-makers
and the public with non-technical interface to
viewing geospatial information - Planning through the IGIC Framework Committees
for 100 coverage of all framework layers, with
variable resolution (minimum 124000), within
3-5 years - Education and outreach on the relevance,
importance and capabilities offered by the
12IndianaMap Projects
The IndianaMap is a Portfolio of Projects
13IndianaMap Framework Data
Framework data make up the common base
map Framework data are those needed by the most
people,most often,to support the most
applications (defined by Indiana Code 4-23-7.3-3)
14IndianaMap Framework Data
With a seamless, accurate base map the layers
will overlay correctly
Without a seamless, accurate base map the layers
will not overlay correctly
15IndianaMap Principle
Build Once, Use Many Times
Your Data / Other Thematic Data
Framework Data
16IndianaMap Website
www.indianamap.org - Hosted by IGIC
17IndianaMap Viewer
Hosted by the Indiana Geological Survey
18IndianaMap Web Map Services (WMS)
Hosted by the Indiana Geological Survey
19The IndianaMap Spatial Data Portal
Hosted by Indiana University - UITS
20Building the IndianaMapIGIC Special Projects
- IndianaMap Data Sharing Initiative (71 of 92
counties) 2009 FGDC CAP Grant - National Hydrography Dataset GNIS Updates and
Local-Resolution hydro data development (GLI
Area) - 2010 2012 Statewide Ortho Program (planning)
- HAZUS-MH Essential Facility Structures on the
IndianaMap The National Map
21IndianaMap Data Sharing InitiativeParticipating
Counties as of 6/12/2009
Adams Bartholomew Brown Cass Clark Clay Clinton Cr
awford Daviess Dearborn DeKalb Delaware Dubois Elk
hart Fayette Fountain Franklin Grant Greene Hamilt
on Hancock Harrison Hendricks Henry
Putnam Ripley Rush Scott Shelby Spencer St.
Joseph Starke Steuben Sullivan Switzerland Tippeca
noe Tipton Vanderburgh Vermillion Vigo Wabash Warr
en Warrick Washington Wayne Wells Whitley
Howard Huntington Jackson Jasper Jay Jefferson Jen
nings Johnson Kosciusko Lagrange LaPorte Madison M
arion Miami Monroe Morgan Noble Orange Owen Parke
Perry Pike Posey Pulaski
71 Participating Counties
22(No Transcript)
23IGIC Special Projects Grants
National Hydrography Dataset GNIS Updates and
Local-Resolution Hydrography Data Development
(GLI Area)
24IGIC Special Projects Grants
2010 2012 StatewideOrthophotography Program
25Data Access and Dissemination
IndianaMap In a Library Near You! County sets
in public libraries in every county of the state
ATT Foundation Grant
- Offline options for power users
- CD and DVD sets
- Copying data onto external hard drives
27Education and Outreach
28Annual Conference
February 23-24, 2010 Bloomington, IN
29Classes and Seminars
- Seminars
- Road Shows
- GIS Courses
- Presentations
- Teaching Resources
- Webinars
30Thank you!
pworrall_at_igic.org 317.504.4389www.igic.org