1ITLS, ISTE NET?S 21st Century Skills News
and Views!
- Department of Public Instruction
- Instructional Media Technology Team
- Stuart Ciske Steve Sanders
- September/October 2007
2Todays News Views
- NEWS from
- International Society for Technology In Education
- NETSS Refresh
- Partnership for 21st Century Skills
- Revised Rainbow and Framework
- VIEWS from the Field
- Wisconsin ITL Standards 21st Century Skills
Partnership - Pondering whats next
3Preparing students to succeed
- Agility at learning skills is what differentiates
a 21st Century citizen and learner from a 20th
Century citizen and learner. The illiterate of
the 21st century will not be those who cannot
read and write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn and relearn. - Alvin Toffler (2000)
421st Century Learners
- Todays education system faces irrelevance
unless we bridge the gap between how students
live and how they learn. - Schools are struggling to keep pace with the
astonishing rate of change in students lives
outside of school. - Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2003)
521st Century Learners
Millennials Thumb Generation
Sense of Classroom Disconnect
6Different Kind of Person
- The future belongs to a very different kind of
person with a very different kind of mind
creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers and
meaning makers. These people artists,
inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers,
consolers, big picture thinkers will now reap
society richest rewards and share its greatest
joys. - Daniel Pink From the Introduction to A WHOLE NEW
7The Conceptual Age
- In this new era each of us must look carefully
at what we do and ask ourselves - Can someone overseas do it cheaper?
- Can a computer do it faster?
- Am I offering something that satisfies the
nonmaterial, transcendent desires of an abundant
age? - Daniel Pink From the Afterword to A WHOLE NEW
8Categories of the New Middle Class
- Great collaborators
- Great leveragers (of technology)
- Great explainers
- Great localizers
- Great adapters
- Passionate personalizers
- Anything green
- Thomas Friedman The World Is Flat
9From Literacy to
- FROM (1990s)
- What should students be able to know and do about
technology and information literacy? - TO (21st Century)
- What skills and competencies will our students
need to live, learn and thrive in a workplace
that demands innovation and creativity?
Shift in Thinking
10National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)
- ISTE NETSS (1998)
- Originally Developed in 1998
- Adopted or adapted in all 50 states
- ISTE NETSS (2007) The Next Generation
- http//cnets.iste.org/students/s_stands_07.html
- Refreshed during 2006-07
- ISTE Listening Session at WEMA Conf in March
2007 - Foraml announcement at NECC 2007
11ISTE NETSS Then and Now
- NETSS -- 1998
- Basic Operations and Concepts
- Social, Ethical, and Human Issues
- Technology Productivity Tools
- Technology Communications Tools
- Technology Research Tools
- Technology Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
- NETSS -- 2007
- Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research andInformation Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving
Decision-Making - Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
12Observations NETSS Then Now
- Operations and concepts deemphasized
- Moved from first position in 1998 to last in 2007
- Productivity tools (wp, ss db) are not listed
- Assumed that these skills are fully integrated?
- The Three Cs (Communication, Collaboration and
Creativity) more prominent - Meaning over the last 10 years has dramatically
13Framework 21st Century Learning
- Partnership for 21st Century Skills
- enGauge 21st Century Skills
14Framework 21st Century Learning
- Citizen and Employee traits identified center on
applied knowledge to function as a member of
society through - Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Decision Making
- Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2003)
15Partnership for 21st Century Skills
- www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php
16Current National Debate
17Framework 21st Century Learning
18Framework 21st Century Learning
Core Subjects
19Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes
- English Language Arts
- World languages
- Arts
- Mathematics
- Economics
- Science
- Geography
- History
- Government and Civics
- Global awareness
- Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial
literacy - Civic literacy
- Health literacy
20Framework 21st Century Learning
21Life and Career Skills
- Flexibility Adaptability
- Initiative Self-Direction
- Social Cross-Cultural Skills
- Productivity Accountability
- Leadership Responsibility
- www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php?optioncom_con
22Learning and Innovation Skills
- Creativity and Innovation Skills
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
- Communication and Collaboration Skills
- www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php?optioncom_con
23Framework 21st Century Learning
Information, Media, and Tech Skills
24Information, Media, and Tech Skills
- Information Literacy
- Media Literacy
- ICT (Information, Communications Technology)
Literacy - www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php?optioncom_con
25Information, Media, and Tech Skills
- Information Literacy
- Accessing information efficiently and
effectively, evaluating information critically
and competently and using information accurately
and creatively for the issue or problem at hand -
- Possessing a fundamental understanding of the
ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and
use of information
26Information, Media, and Tech Skills
- Media Literacy
- Understanding how media messages are constructed,
for what purposes and using which tools,
characteristics and conventions. - Examining how individuals interpret messages
differently, how values and points of view are
included or excluded and how media can influence
beliefs and behaviors. - Possessing a fundamental understanding of the
ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and
use of information
27Information, Media, and Tech Skills
- ICT (Information, Communications Technology)
Literacy - Using digital technology, communication tools
and/or networks appropriately to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, and create information in
order to function in a knowledge economy - Using technology as a tool to research, organize,
evaluate and communicate information, and the
possession of a fundamental understanding of the
ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and
use of information
28Framework 21st Century Learning
2921st Century Learning Outcomes
English Language Arts
Info Media Technology Skills
Learning innovation Skills
Life Career Skills
Are there currently intersections? Should there
be intersections? If so, at what level(s) State
Standards/Benchmarks District Curriculum
3021st Century Support Systems
Standards Assessment
Curriculum Instruction
Professional Development
Learning Environments
3121st Century Learning Outcomes
Standards and Assessment Curriculum and
Instruction Professional Development Learning
English Language Arts
Info Media Technology Skills
Learning innovation Skills
Life Career Skills
3221st Century Learning Outcomes
- Are there currently intersections?
- Should there be intersections?
- At what level(s) Assessment
- Standards WKCE
- District Curriculum ???????
- Classroom
- Summative End of Unit Evaluation
- Teacher Observation
- Formative Teacher, Peer Self-assessment
- How will the intersections happen?
33Tie-ins to Move Us FORWARD!
34Wisconsin ITL Standards
- Rolled out in September 1998
- Cross match very well with enGauge 21st century
skills and Partnership skills - Promote 21st century teaching and learning
- Promote the skills, beliefs and attitudes desired
by our communities and employers - Should be in the forefront of school improvement
and student achievement - NEEDS A REFRESH!
35Time for Q A