Title: Landforms: In Texas and around the United States
1Landforms In Texas and around the United States
A landform is a natural structure on the Earths
2Galveston Bay, Texas
A bay is a body of water that is partly enclosed
by land.
3Grand Canyon, Arizona
A canyon is a deep narrow valley with steep
sides it often has a stream or river running
through it.
4Palo Duro Canyon, Texas
5Grand Canyon, Arizona
6Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Wyoming
7Guadalupe Canyon, Mexico
8Cave with No Name, Texas
A cave is a large hole in the ground or in the
side of a hill or mountain usually formed by
weathering and erosion.
9Cave with No Name, Texas
10Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana
A delta is a large flat area of land at the mouth
of a river. Deltas are formed by the deposition
of sediments as a river flows into a gulf, bay,
or ocean.
11Brazos River Delta, Texas
12South Padre Island, Texas
Dunes, sometimes called sand dunes, are hills of
sand deposited by the wind dunes are most often
found on beaches and in deserts.
13Monahans Sand Hills, Texas
14Gulf of Mexico
A gulf is a part of the ocean or sea that is
partially surrounded by land. A gulf is larger
than a bay.
15Texas Hill Country
A hill is a raised area or mound of land. Hills
are not as high as mountains.
16Galveston Island
An island is land that is completely surrounded
by water.
17Davis Mountains, Texas
A mountain is a very tall, natural place on
Earths surface.
18Guadalupe Mountains, Texas
El Capitan in the Guadalupe Mountains is the most
photographed mountain in Texas.
19Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon
A valley is a long, low area of land, often with
a river or stream running through it, that is
surrounded by higher ground. The sides of a
valley are not usually as steep as those of a
20Canyon Valley Ranch, Texas
21Enchanted Rock, Texas