Title: * Snack: Please send a snack each day. Water
1(No Transcript)
2- Snack Please send a snack each day. Water
- only to drink.
- Lunch No fast food or sodas 1217-1247
- Birthday treats Individual treats work best
will have at lunch peanut allergy in class
please observe when sending in treats. - Please make sure child has sweater/jacket
3Mrs. Davis
- My Family
- Education
- Interests
- Philosophy
4 Behavior expectations Lifelong Guidelines
- Personal Best Trustworthiness
Active Listening Truthfulness No
Put Downs Lifeskills - 18 skills such as
caring, effort,
flexibility, integrity,
Problem solving, etc.
5800-850 900-1050 1050-1145 1145-1205 1217
-1247 1250-155 155-215
Specials Block 1/Math/Sc Block 2/LA/SS Recess Lunc
h Block 2 continued Town Hall Dismissal
6Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Grammar
ARC goals 1st nine weeks 30 points 2nd
3rd nine weeks 35 points 4th nine weeks
40 points Spelling
City Writers
Workshop Reading
CAFÉ Grammar -
7Common Core Standards
Coordinate graphing Algebraic
Thinking Hierarchy of 2-D Figures Multi-digit
Multiplication Division Decimals Adding,
Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing,
Rounding Fractions Adding, Subtracting,
Multiplying, Dividing Place Value through
the thousandths, Power of 10 Measurement
Use of Technology
8Georgia Performance Standards
Constructive/Destructive Forces Matter Electric
ity Magnetism Cells Microorganisms
Classification of Organisms
9Civil War to Present
Project based learning to include
presentations Will support reading
curriculum Interactive journals Field trips
10Math nightly Monday Thursday Technology used
frequently Do not work to frustration
point Resources posted on
Edmodo Language Arts/Social Studies/Science -
assigned as needed check agenda Reading
nightly 20 minutes nightly 5 nights per
week-share the mathematics flyer with your
11Mondays rotating (Fitness (2), Music,
career Tuesday PE Wednesday Music Thursday
PE Friday Stem lab Art/Science every other
Tuesday 105-155
12WellStar Cato Park/Chattahoochee Nature
Center 4H Programs Atlanta History Center KSU
Holocaust Museum/Varsity Chattanooga
13Important dates
OCTOBER 21ST -25TH - Thanksgiving Holidays November 25th -29th
- Winter Holidays December 23-January 6th
- Winter break February 13th-18th
- Writing assessment March 5th
- Spring Break March 31st-April 6th
- CRCT April 23rd May 2nd
- Last Day/Graduation May 21st