Title: 5th Grade Orientation
1 5th Grade Orientation
2Our Goals
- To give your children the academic and social
skills they need to progress to sixth grade. - To provide a supportive and fun classroom
environment. - To help them make new friends and discover new
3Classroom Community
- Our classroom is a community. In our community,
we have rules to help us get along with each
other. - Our class rules and consequences are posted on
the wall. They were also sent home in the 1st day
folder for you to sign. - If you ever have a problem or concern, please
come and talk to us and we will work together to
solve it.
4Wednesday Folder
- The contents of this folder should be
- examined and the folder returned
- the next day. Be sure to look for your
students Responsibility card and sign it each
This is the best communication tool for the
home/school connection. Please check everyday for
assignments and notes from the teacher.
Vintage 2003-04 plannerWe suggest the 2008-09
- Homework will be assigned nightly in one or more
of the following subjects - Math
- Spelling
- Lang. Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Less than an hour a night!!
- If your student is having more than an hour of
homework it might be due to time management.
- School starts at 820 A.M. Students are not
allowed into the classrooms until 810am, if they
arrive early they will need to wait in the gym. - If you arent in the classroom by the time the
bell rings, please check in at the school office
before coming to class.
8 Snack / Lunch
- Students will have an opportunity in the morning
to eat snack, so please send something nutritious
and easily eaten with little clean up. - When sending lunch money please put it in an
envelope with your childs name on it, my name,
and the amount. - You may send a birthday treat for the whole
class during recess.
95th Grade Testing Schedule
- Reading Placement Test (finished last
week) - OLSAT/SAT-10 October 7/
October 9 and 14, 2008 - Science District Objective Test (DOT) Approx.
mid- year - Math District Objective Test (DOT)
Approx. mid- year - Reading Benchmark November 17
20, 2008 (one day) - Science Benchmark January 20
23, 2009 (one day) - Math Benchmark January 12
16, 2009 (one day) - TAKS Reading March 3,
2009 - TAKS Math April
7, 2009 - TAKS Science April 30,
10Rotation Schedule
- 810 830 (Homeroom) Morning Activities
- 830 920 Specials
- 920 1020 Block 1
- 1020 1120 Block 2
- 1120 1220 Block 3
- 110 210 Block 4
- 210 310 Block 5
- 310 335 Knight Time
11Lunch Times
- 1226 1256 Maxwell Lunch
- 1229 1259 Krauklis Lunch
- 1232 102 Cushman Lunch
- 1235 105 MacNabb Lunch
- 1238 108 Gamble Lunch
- Recess will take place right after lunch for each
class. So each class will be going out in a
staggered order, so each class will be coming
inside in a staggered order. Recess will last 20
minutes for every class.
13Mrs. Gamble
- Math
- (281) 237-5582
- christinalgamble_at_katyisd.org
- Fast Facts Tests are given every Friday. It is
very important that they practice the facts at
home regularly. - Practice tests are sent home at the beginning of
every week. -
15- Math Concepts covered in fifth grade math are
- Roman Numerals
- Place Value
- Decimals
- Review of Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication by 2 and 3 digits
- Division by 1 and 2 digit divisors
- Measurement (Metric and Customary)
- Geometry (Basic)
- Fractions
- Probability and Statistics
16Math/Science Investigators
- Pretest to find out what students already know.
- If the student scores a 90 or higher will be
eligible to participate in the investigators
17Mr. Krauklis
- Social Studies Spelling
- (281) 237-5593
- briankrauklis_at_katyisd.org
18Social Studies
- Geography
- The 50 states and their capitals
- U.S. History
- Government
- Elections
- Current Events
- Friday-Word/Dictation test
- http//www.katyisd.org/files/curriculum/spelling/S
20Mrs. MacNabb
- 5th graders will be exposed to a balanced
literacy program through the use of various
teaching styles and materials. -
22 Using the steps of development within Blooms
Taxonomy, the students will develop skills in
Analyzing DetailsCharacter TraitsProblem
SolvingApplication Of KnowledgeMaking
PredictionsComprehensionReading Fluency
23Reading Log
Reading logs will be due the Wednesday before the
6 weeks ends. A copy can be found on the 5th
grade webpage.
- Novel Studies Read Alouds
- Basal Readers Literature Library
- Work Stations
- Reading Logs
- Time Magazine Activities
- TAKS Practice
- Vocabulary Activities/Assessment
25Mrs. Cushman
- Reading Composition
- lindarcushman_at_katyisd.org
- The students will be writing to organize, learn,
influence, express, inform, and entertain. - The Six Traits of Writing and the Writing Process
will be used as a framework for their
compositions. - Many of our projects will involve the use of
276-Traits of Writing Ideas- the main idea
Voice-the presence of the writer
Organization-internal structure Word
Choice-choosing words that create a mood Sentence
Fluency-a rhythm and flow Conventions-editing ht
29Mr. Maxwell
- Science
- (281)237-5579
- jonathanmaxwell_at_katyisd.org
- Scientific Method
- Energy
- Tools of Science
- Potential / Kinetic Energy
- Matter
- Electricity
- Mixtures and Solutions
- Magnetism
- Natural Resources
- Energy Sources
- Life Cycles
- Heat
- Food Chains/Webs
- Light
- Adaptive characteristics
- Sound
- Inherited traits
- The Changing Earth
- Nitrogen Cycle
- The Moon
- Water Cycle
- Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
- Carbon Dioxide/Oxygen
- Cycle
- Rocketry
31Special EventsCheck out the 5th grade web page
for more info.
- Safety Patrol
- 50s Day Valentines Celebration
- Student Council
- BizTown
- D.A.R.E.
- Choir
- Aerospace
325th Grade Website
- http//www.nceaerospace.org
- Calendar
- Activities (Aerospace, Choir, Student Council,
etc) - PTA link - www.ncepta.org
335th Grade Memories Slideshow
- Youll be receiving a permission slip for your
childs picture to be included in the presentation
34We are looking forward to a wonderful year by
Lighting the torch of Learning!