Title: Embedding the Internet: This Century Challenges
1Embedding the Internet This Century Challenges
- Deborah Estrin
- UCLA Computer Science Department
- destrin_at_cs.ucla.edu
- http//lecs.cs.ucla.edu/estrin
2Embedded Networked Sensing Potential
- Micro-sensors, on-board processing, and wireless
interfaces all feasible at very small scale - can monitor phenomena up close
- Will enable spatially and temporally dense
environmental monitoring - Embedded Networked Sensing will reveal previously
unobservable phenomena
Seismic Structure response
Contaminant Transport
Ecosystems, Biocomplexity
Marine Microorganisms
3Enabling Technologies
Embed numerous distributed devices to monitor and
interact with physical world
Network devices to coordinate and perform
higher-level tasks
Exploitcollaborative Sensing, action
Control system w/ Small form factor Untethered
Tightly coupled to physical world
Exploit spatially and temporally dense, in situ,
sensing and actuation
4- The network is the sensor (Oakridge National
Labs) - Requires robust distributed systems of thousands
of physically-embedded, often untethered,
devices. - Technical Challenges
- Energy constraints imposed by unattended,
untethered, micro-scale systems. - Level of dynamics ( Environmental obstacles,
weather, terrain System large number of nodes,
failures.) - Scaling challenges due to very large numbers of
distributed nodes.
5New Design Themes
- Massively distributed, untethered, and unattended
systems to cover spatially distributed phenomena
in natural, obstructed, environments - In-network procesing
- Thousands or millions of operations per second
can be done using energy of sending a bit over 10
or 100 meters (Pottie00) - Exploit computation near data sources to reduce
communication - Self configuring systems that can be deployed ad
hoc - Un-modeled dynamics of physical world cause
systems to operate in ad hoc fashion - Measure and adapt to unpredictable environment
- Exploit spatial diversity and density
(redundancy) of sensor/actuator nodes - Adaptive localized algorithms to achieve desired
global behavior - Dynamic, messy (hard to model), environments
preclude pre-configured behavior - Cant afford to extract dynamic state information
needed for centralized control or even
Internet-style distributed control
6From Embedded Sensing to Embedded Control
- Embedded in unattended control systems
- Different from traditional Internet, PDA,
Mobility applications that interface primarily
and directly with human users - More than control of the sensor network itself
- Critical applications extend beyond sensing to
control and actuation - Transportation, Precision Agriculture, Medical
monitoring and drug delivery, Battlefied
applications - Critical concerns extend beyond traditional
networked systems - Usability, Reliability, Safety
- Robust interacting systems under dynamic
operating conditions - Often mobile, uncontrolled environment,
- Not amenable to real-time human monitoring
- Need systems architecture to manage interactions
- Current system development one-off,
incrementally tuned, stove-piped - Serious repercussions for piecemeal uncoordinated
design insufficient longevity, interoperability,
safety, robustness, scalability...
7ENS Research Focus
- Algorithms, architecture, reference
implementations, to achieve distributed,
in-network, autonomous event detection
capabilities - Strive toward an Architecture and associated
principles - Develop working systems and extract reusable
building blocks - Analogous to TCP/IP stack, soft state, fate
sharing, and eventually, self-similarity,
congestion control
8Enabling Technologies
- Microsensors and actuators
- Low power wireless and media access
- Integrated, small form factor, devices
- Software
- Interfaces
- Smart dust
- Tiered architectures
- Time and location synchronization
- See presentations by Culler, Goldsmith, Mitra,
9Adaptive Self-Organization
- Goal achieve reliable, long-lived, operation in
dynamic, resource-limited, harsh environment. - Adapt
- Topology to achieve efficient communciation,
sensing, processing, or dissemination coverage
(may be application and data driven) - Aggregation/processing points to achieve
efficient compression - How well can we do with localized algorithms that
do not rely on centralized control or global
knowledge ? - Metrics system lifetime, quality of detection
- Models and metaphors from biology and physics
- See presentations by Albert, Doyle, Francescheti,
Goldsmith, Krishnamachari, Kumar
10Collaborative, multi-modal, processing
- In network processing must extend beyond signal
processing, on a single node - Collaborative signal processing
- Localization
- Compression
- Supression of redundant detections
- Sensor fusion
- See presentations by Effros, Potkonjak, Pottie,
Ramachandran, Zhao
11Sensor coordinated actuation
- Actuation needed for fully self-configuring and
reconfiguring systems - Allow for adaptation in physical space
- Services provided
- Energy delivery
- Calibration
- Localization
- Sample collection
- Node placement
- Static sensors can assist mobile elements with
navigation, search, coordination - See presentations by Hogg, Sukhatme
12Primitives for Programming the Collective
- How do we task a 1000 node dynamic sensor
network to conduct complex, long-lived queries
and tasks ?? - Map isotherms and other contours, gradients,
regions - Nested behaviors to identify multi-parameter
events - Record images or mobilize robotic sample
collection in response to event detection. - See presentations by Culler, Sukhatme
13Safety, Predictability, Usability
- As we embed sophisticated behaviors in
previously-simple objects. - Support effective mental models that allow for
correct interactions, adaptations, diagnosis - Design themes
- Achieve isolation
- Constrain interactions
- See presentations at some future workshop
14Towards a Unified Framework for ENS
- General theory of massively distributed systems
that interface with the physical world - low power/untethered systems, scaling,
heterogeneity, unattended operation, adaptation
to varying environments - Understanding and designing for the collective
- Local-global (global properties that resultlocal
behaviors that support) - Programming model for instantiating local
behavior and adaptation - Abstractions and interfaces that do not preclude
efficiency - Large-scale experiments to challenge assumptions
behind heuristics
15Pulling it all together
CENS Core Research
Academic Disciplines
Networking Communications Signal
Processing Databases Embedded Systems Controls Opt
imization Biology Geology Biochemistry Structura
l Engineering Education Environmental Engineering
Adaptive Self-Configuration
Collaborative Signal Processing and Active
Experimental Systems
Sensor Coordinated Actuation
Environmental Microsensors
16Future Directions
- Tremendous opportunities for expanding research
on horizon - Driven from bottom up by sensor development
(e.g., BioMEMS) - Pulled from the top by emerging applications
(e.g., medical, space exploration) - Critical Concerns Security, Privacy, and Safety
- ENS systems in human environments will greatly
alter human experience and intensify design
requirements - For further information see http//lecs.cs.ucla.ed
u/estrin - Or email to destrin_at_cs.ucla.edu
- Recommended reading NRC Report Embedded