1. Display "How many dollars do you want to convert?"
2. Read dollars
3. Display "What is the euros-per-dollar exchange rate?"
4. Read eurosPerDollar
5. Compute euros dollars eurosPerDollar
6. Display dollars and euros, plus descriptive labels
3 Writing a First Java Program
Integrated development environment (IDE)
Program editor
Run-time environment
Free IDE for various languages developed by IBM
Java programs in this text are built using Eclipse
4 Starting Eclipse
Double-click eclipse.exe or eclipse shortcut
Select a folder to hold your Java programs
Items in the first time welcome screen
An overview of Eclipse
Tutorials for using Eclipse
Some code samples
A summary of whats new in the current edition
The Eclipse IDE is divided into several regions
5 Starting Eclipse (continued) 6 Writing a Java Program Using Eclipse
Creating a project
Select File-gtNew-gtProject from the menu bar
New Project dialog box opens
Make sure that Java Project is selected
Click the Next button
New Java Project dialog box opens
Enter a descriptive name
Click the Finish button
After clicking the Finish, the main window reappears
The new project appears in the package explorer area
7 Writing a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 8 Writing a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 9 Writing a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued)
All Java programs are classes
Creating the DollarsToEurosConverter class
Select the project in the package explorer area
Select File-gtNew-gtClass
The New Java Class dialog box opens
Type DollarsToEurosConverter as the name
Ensure Public static void main()is checked
Click the Finish button
After the class has been created, enter program code
Lines in main() correspond to steps in the algorithm
10 Writing a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 11 Writing a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 12 Compiling a Java Program Using Eclipse
Java compiler checks a program for syntax errors
Invoke the compiler by saving your program
How the Java compiler reports errors
Error symbol displayed next to problem statement
Error is listed in the problems output area
Example of an error omit semicolon after statement
The compiler marks the line as an error
Error details are shown in the problems output area
All errors must be fixed before you can run a program
13 Compiling a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 14 Running a Java Program Using Eclipse
Running your program the first time
Choose the Run-gtRun... menu choice
The Run dialog box opens
Ensure Java Application is selected
Click New button below Configurations column
A new Java Application run configuration appears
Ensure project is listed in the box below Project
Use Search to identify class containing main()
Click the Apply button and then click Run
Initiate future executions by simply clicking Run
15 Running a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 16 Running a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 17 Running a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 18 Testing a Java Program Using Eclipse
Functional testing
Running a program multiple times, using various values
Example use various dollar values and exchange rates
Sanity checking testing with easily verified values
Logic error problem with the program structure
User testing
Utilizing another person to uncover hidden flaws
Example roommate reveals euros formatting error
Solution use printf()to round off values of euros
19 Testing a Java Program Using Eclipse (continued) 20 Java Basics
Strategy compare the first program to the algorithm
Algorithm developed in Section 7.1
DollarsToEurosConverter.java in Figure 7-20
21 Java Basics (continued) 22 Comments
Comments explanatory remarks
Comments are ignored by the Java compiler
Three different kinds of comments
Inline begins comment with // and ends at lines end
Block (C-style) begins with / and ends with /
Javadoc begins with / and ends with /
Opening comments of converter are Javadoc type
Every file should have an opening comment
In general, add comments to improve readability
23 Import Statements and Packages
Package group of related, predefined classes
Example Scanner class is in java.util package
Access packaged classes with an import statement
Place import statements before class declaration
Example import java.util.Scanner
Wild-card import statement
Used to import all of the classes in a package
Example import java.util.
java.lang contains commonly used classes
Automatically imported into a program
24 The Simplest Java Program
Consists of a class and an empty main()method
General pattern used to define a class
public class NameOfTheClass
The word public makes the class visible to users
The word class indicates a new type name follows
Every Java program needs a main()method
The main()method is defined within the class body
main()is like myFirstMethod()in Alice
25 The Simplest Java Program (continued) 26 The Simplest Java Program (continued)
Understanding the structure of the main()method
public allows method to be invoked outside class
static indicates that main()belongs to the class
void indicates that main()does not return a value
main is the name of the method
Stringargs provides a way to pass values
Statements placed within body are delimited by and
Adding Java statements using Eclipse
Type or paste statements into the editing area
Differs from drag-and-drop style used in Alice
27 Some Java Statements
Technique for writing a program
Go through an algorithm step by step
Translate each step into an equivalent Java statement
Goal apply technique to dollars-to-euros algorithm
Step 1
Display "How many dollars do you want to convert?
Use System.out.print(String query)
Step 2
Read dollars
Use a Scanner object to retrieve value from keyboard
28 Some Java Statements (continued)
Step 3
Display "What is the euros-per-dollar exchange rate?
Use System.out.print(String query)
Step 4
Read eurosPerDollar
Reuse the Scanner object from Step 2
Step 5
Compute euros dollars eurosPerDollar
Assign the value in the expression to euros variable
double euros dollars eurosPerDollar
29 Some Java Statements (continued)
Step 6
Display dollars and euros, plus descriptive labels
Use System.out.println(String output)
Concatenation operator () combines String values
The printf()statement
Controls the format of printed values
Must have at least one argument (format-string)
Arguments after the format-string need a placeholder
Example ".2f dollars gt .2f euros
Placeholder .2f provides precision and type information
30 Some Java Statements (continued) 31 A Second Java Program
Problem how to determine relative value
Scenario 1
Regular size cereal costs 2.90 per 12 ounces
Economy size cereal costs 4.00 per 15 ounces
Scenario 2
60-gigabyte MP3 player costs 150
80-gigabyte model costs 190
Solution compare items using unit prices
Goal program should find the unit price of an item
32 Designing the UnitPricer Program
Step 1 elements of user story built around unit price
Query What is the price of the first item?
Read the first price from the keyboard
Query How many units are in the first item?
Read the number of units in the first item
Perform the first four actions for the second item
Compute and display the unit prices of the two items
Use of a generic item broadens programs application
Step 2 extract the objects from the noun phrases
Step 3 extract the methods from the verb phrases
33 Designing the UnitPricer Program (continued) 34 Designing the UnitPricer Program (continued) 35 Designing the UnitPricer Program (continued)
Step 4 develop the UnitPricer algorithm
The algorithm is the blueprint for the program
Generalization broadens application of a program
Generalization in the UnitPricer algorithm
The use of item in place of cereal box and MP3 player
Item is a generic term embracing a variety of objects
36 Designing the UnitPricer Program (continued) 37 Writing the UnitPricer Program
A summary of the steps
Create a new Java project in Eclipse
Create the UnitPricer class
Implement the algorithm in main()
Figure 7-24 presents the final version
38 Writing the UnitPricer Program (continued) 39 Testing the UnitPricer Program
Conduct testing using easy-to-verify values
The printf() message revisited
Begin format-string with n to advance cursor one line
w.pf placeholder used to specify width and precision
Format-string "nItem 1 unit price 7.2f
n advances the cursor to the next line
7.2f 7 spaces, two decimal places for a real number
40 Testing the UnitPricer Program (continued) 41 Testing the UnitPricer Program (continued) 42 Solving the Problems
Solve the MP3 player problem
Reminder the 60-gigabyte model cost 150
Reminder the 80-gigabyte model cost 190
MP3 player solution 80-GB model is a better value
Solve the corn flakes problem
Reminder the 12-ounce regular size cost 2.90
Reminder the 15-ounce economy size cost 4.00
Corn flakes solution regular size box is a better value
43 Solving the Problems (continued) 44 Solving the Problems (continued)
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