Title: Termination of Parental Rights
1Termination of Parental Rights
- Objectives
- Understanding TPR Grounds
- Reviewing TPR Petition
- Understanding Manifest Best Interest
- Understanding Least Restrictive Means
- Avoiding Common Issues
- Understanding Post Trial Issues
April 2014
2TPR Statutory Ground () MBI () LRM
- Clear Convincing Evidence
3TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806
- Conduct towards child and continued involvement
threatens life, safety, well-being irrespective
of services
4TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806
- Case Plan Filed, Approved and Child Continues to
be Abused
- Egregious conduct failure to prevent egregious
conduct, that threatens the life, safety, or
physical, mental or emotional health of the child
or the childs sibling
5TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806
- Subjected child to Aggravated Child Abuse,
Sexual Battery, Sexual Abuse or Chronic Abuse
- Committed Murder or Voluntary Manslaughter of a
- Involuntary TPR of a Sibling
6TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806
Parent has a history of extensive, abusive, and
chronic use of alcohol or a controlled substance.
7TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806
Child who tests positive at birth for controlled
substance/ alcohol
8TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806
On three or more occasions the child or another
child of the parent has been placed in
out-of-home care, and the conditions that led to
the childs our-of-home placement were caused by
the parents.
9TPR Statutory Grounds 39.806 (New Grounds)
Clear and convincing evidence exists to support a
finding that the child was conceived as the
result of a sexual battery.
10Review the Petition
11Review the TPR Petition with Team
Be sure petition contains facts alleging
- Parents informed of right to counsel
- Child dependent (if required)
12Grounds for Termination of Parental Rights
Voluntary Surrender
- Department to take custody
- Not under fraud or duress
Abandonment 39.806(1)(b)
- Marginal efforts at parenting sufficient to
evince a willful rejection of parental obligation
15Abandonment 39.806(1)(b) Continued
- Location of parent unknown
- Cannot be ascertained by diligent search
16Abandonment 39.806(1)(b) Continued
Incarceration may only be a FACTOR to consider
together with other facts including
- Long incarceration foreseeable
Conduct towards child and continued involvement
threatens life, safety, well-being despite
services 39.806(1)(c)
- Provision of services AND
- Futility no reasonable basis to believe parent
would improve
- Do not need dependency adjudication or 9 months
Incarceration 39.806(1)(d)
- Significant portion of childs minority
39.806(1)(d)1 OR
- Certain crimes 39.806(1)(d)2 OR
- Continued parent child relationship harmful to
child 39.806(1)(d)3
Incarceration 39.806(1)(d)
- Significant portion of childs minority
- Court considers childs age and the childs need
for a permanent and stable home - The period of time begins on the date that the
parent enters into incarceration
Incarceration 39.806(1)(d)
- Continued parent child relationship harmful to
child. When determining harm the court
considers - Childs age
- Parent / child relationship
- Nature of parents current and past provision for
the child (developmental, cognitive,
psychological, physical) - Parents history of criminal behavior (frequency
of incarceration etc.) - Any other factors the court deems relevant
Child continues to be abused, neglected, or
abandoned by the parents. 39.806(1)(e)
- Adjudicated dependent AND
- Failure to substantially comply OR
- Material Breach 39.806 (1)(e)2
22Failure cannot be because of
- Parents lack of financial resources
- Departments failure to make reasonable efforts
to reunify
- Sibling means another child who resides with or
is cared for by the parent regardless of whether
the child is related
- Egregious means deplorable, flagrant, or
outrageous. Can be only once if such intensity,
magnitude, or severity as to endanger the life of
the child.
Egregious conduct, or had the opportunity and
capability to prevent and knowingly failed to
prevent egregious conduct that threatens the
life, safety, or physical, mental or emotional
health of the child or the childs sibling
25Egregious Conduct
- Must have hurt the child or put the child at
imminent risk of harm
- Commit or failed to prevent
- Knew of previous abuse and did nothing
26Egregious Conduct
Failure to Protect Can be Enough
27Egregious Conduct Towards Sibling Nexus Required
Nexus is required between the abuse of one child
and the prospective abuse of a sibling
- A predictive relationship between the abuse of
one child and the prospective abuse of another
- It is also known by the phrase substantial risk
of significant harm totality of the
Must connect the dots between the bad behavior
of the parent and the effect on the child
Always be prepared to prove the nexus element
31When presenting a nexus case, emphasize
- Similarity between prior conduct and the
circumstances of the unabused child
- Similarities between the abused child and the
unabused child such as age, relationship, and
- Close proximity in time between prior conduct
and the circumstances of the unabused child
32When presenting a nexus case, emphasize
- Treatment the parent received or didnt receive
after the prior conduct and any relapses the
parent has experienced
- All circumstances that have not changed and
Aggravated child abuse sexual battery or sexual
abuse or chronic abuse 39.806(1)(g)
- Aggravated child abuse defined in 827.03
- Sexual battery or sexual abuse defined in
- Chronic abuse defined in In re D.A. D.
long duration or frequent occurrence always
present or encountered and being such
Committed murder or voluntary manslaughter of a
child 39.806(1)(h)
Involuntary TPR of sibling 39.806(1)(i)
- Prior involuntary TPR of sibling
- Substantial risk of significant harm
Chronic Use of Alcohol or Drugs 39.806(1)(j)
- History of Drug / Alcohol Use
- Incapable of Caring for the Child
- Refused / Failed to Complete Treatment for the 3
Years Prior to TPR petition
Mother with Prior Dependent Child Gives Birth to
Child Who Tests Positive at Birth 39.806(1)(k)
- Child Tests Positive at Birth
- Has same biological mom of another dependent
child after finding of harm due to exposure
Child placed 3 or more times in out-of-home care
- 3 Times a Child or Another Child of the Parent
Placed in Out-of-Home care
- Conditions that Led to the Childs Out-of-Home
Placement were cause by the Parents
Clear and convincing evidence exists to support a
finding that the child was conceived as the
result of a sexual battery. 39.801(m)
Guilty plea or conviction of unlawful sexual
battery is conclusive proof that the child was
conceived in this manner
40Single Parent Terminations
- Even if a two (or more) parent termination, be
sure that evidence supports a TPR as to each and
every parent
- Final order should contain findings to support
single parent termination
41Single Parent Terminations Best Practice
- Request that the court make findings under
Section 39.811(6) as to each parent in all cases,
if it can be supported by record/evidence
- Review Single Parent TPR training available on
the website
42Manifest Best Interest
43Manifest Best Interest (MBI)
- Court must make specific finding that TPR is in
the childs manifest best interest
- The final judgment is subject to reversal if no
MBI on the record
44Manifest Best Interest (MBI)
- Review MBI questions with GAL
- If consent by default still need MBI testimony
- Not a comparison between placement and parents
45Manifest Best Interest
1. The availability of a suitable relative
exists who is not willing to adopt but who is
willing to provide a permanent placement
2. The ability and disposition of the parent or
parents to provide the child with food, clothing,
medical care and other material needs of the
child 39.810(2)
46Manifest Best Interest
3. The capacity of the parent or parents to care
for the child 39.810(3)
4. The present needs of the child and future
needs 39.810(4)
5. Emotional ties harm to the child from the
termination of parental rights ... 39.810(5)
47Manifest Best Interest
6. The likelihood of an older child remaining in
long-term foster care 39.810(6)
7. Bond between child and parental substitute
8. The length of time that the child has lived in
placement and desire for continuity 39.810(8)
48Manifest Best Interest
9. The depth of the relationship existing between
the child and the present custodian 39.810(9)
10. Childs wishes 39.810(10)
11. Guardian ad Litem recommendations 39.810(11)
49Least Restrictive Means
50Least Restrictive Means Padgett Test
- Good faith effort to rehabilitate the parent
and reunite the family
- Measures short of termination should be utilized
if can permit the safe re-establishment of the
parent-child bond
51Least Restrictive Means Padgett Test
Relative Issue goes only to MBI not Least
Restrictive Means
52Most Common Reversals
Insufficient evidence of harm
- Evidence not Clear and Convincing
- GAL testimony insufficient
- Therapist testimony not provided
53Most Common Reversals
Insufficient Evidence of Provision of Services
54Common Issues
Proving Harm
- Bad acts alone are not enough
- Substance abuse without harm not enough
55Common Issues
Proving Harm (Continued)
- GAL testimony (improvements since removal)
56Common Issues
Domestic Violence
- Child is a witness of physical or verbal abuse
- May not have to show that child witnessed the D.V
only that the child was affected by D.V.
- GuardianadLitem.org for more Domestic Violence
57Common Issues
- If it is reliable and trustworthy child
testifies (subject to cross-examination), or
- If it is reliable and trustworthy child does
not testify there is other corroborating
- See Evidence Training on www.GuardianadLitem.org
for full explanation
58Post Trial Issues
- Timely submission of final judgment
- Accuracy of final judgment
- Findings as to Single Parent
Notify Appellate Team of Appeals
60TPR Training Materials
Go to the P Drive to find
- TPR Training Power Point Presentation
61TPR Training Materials
Resources By Topic
Conferences Training
- Searchable Case Summaries
- Sign up to Receive Legal Briefs Newsletter
- Review New Attorney Training for Practice Aids
- Dependency Practice Manual
64Hillary S. Kambour, Esq. Director of Legal
Training Appellate Counsel Statewide Office of
the Guardian ad Litem Program Hillary.Kambour_at_gal.
65(No Transcript)