Title: Global Health and Human Rights
1Global Health and Human Rights
- Hon. Carolyn Bennett, MD MP
- A Rights Based Approach to Health
- Global Efforts Addressing the Determinants of
Health - Canadas International Human Rights Commitments
- Unequal Health Outcomes
- Health Inequality in Canada
- Health Inequality Globally
- Public Health 101 Health vs Health Care
- How You Can Make a Difference
3Textbook of International Health,2nd Edition,
Oxford University Press, USA, 1999Paul F. Basch
- 1. All people have a right to health care
provided by their government.
4International Health Quiz
- 2. Peoples indigenous cultural traditions
should be respected even if known to be harmful
to their health.
5International Health Quiz
- 3. In wealthy countries most health problems are
caused by inappropriate personal behaviour.
6International Health Quiz
- 4. The most urgent health need in poor countries
is for more doctors and hospitals.
7International Health Quiz
- 5. The best medicine is the least medicine.
8International Health Quiz
- 6. Most health problems originate in the
environment and can be combated only by the whole
9International Health Quiz
- 7. Population control in the developing
countries is the worlds most urgent health
10International Health Quiz
- 8. Most of the major endemic communicable
diseases will disappear by themselves following
economic development.
11International Health Quiz
- 9. The provision of medical care to people in
poor countries is a good vehicle to promote
religious or political viewpoints.
12International Health Quiz
- 10. A persons genes basically determine his or
her health and not much can be done about it.
13International Health Quiz
- 11. If we eradicated smallpox we can do the same
for any disease if we really want to.
14International Health Quiz
- 12. People in the wealthy countries have a moral
obligation to help people in poor countries.
15International Health Quiz
- 13. The saving of lives from disease and
starvation may produce more problems than it
16International Health Quiz
- 14. Governments in most poor countries are
corrupt, so foreign aid is generally a waste of
money and effort.
17International Health Quiz
- 15. The main health problems in developing
countries are caused simply by lack of water and
18International Health Quiz
- 16. To help reduce the burden of illness in the
world one must first become a physician.
19International Health Quiz
- 17. Most people in developing countries really
do not want modern biomedical science.
20International Health Quiz
- 18. The world is running out of many important
resources so we must all learn to get by with
21International Health Quiz
- 19. The best argument to a government official
for financing health services is that it is good
economic investment.
22International Health Quiz
- 20. As soon as we learn to control one disease
another comes up look at AIDS. The whole effort
is basically useless.
23A Rights-Based Approach to Health
- The right to health means that governments must
generate conditions in which everyone can be as
healthy as possible. - Such conditions range from ensuring availability
of health services, healthy and safe working
conditions, adequate housing and nutritious
food. - Source World Health Organization, Fact Sheet
The Right to Health, www.who.int/entity/hhr/right
24Linkages Between Health and Human Rights
25Linkages Between Health and Human Rights
- Violations or lack of attention to human rights
can have serious health consequences. - Health policies and programmes can promote or
violate human rights in their design or
implementation. - Vulnerability to ill-health can be reduced by
taking steps to respect, protect and fulfil human
26Global Efforts
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights (the Covenant) - Ratified in December 1966
- 157 States have ratified the Covenant
- General Comment 14
- The Eight Millennium Development Goals
- 2005 World Summit
- Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a
Globalized World
27The Covenant
- Article 12 of the Covenant states
- The states parties to the present covenant
recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment
of the highest attainable standard of physical
and mental health - The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights (CESR), which monitors the Covenant and
issues General Comments, has rightly recognised
that the right to health is closely related to
and dependent upon the realization of other
rights, such as the rights to food, housing and
freedom of movement.
28General Comment 14
- The right to health extends not only to timely
and appropriate health care but also to the
underlying determinants of health, - Such as
- Access to safe and potable water
- Adequate sanitation
- An adequate supply of safe food
- Nutrition and housing
- Healthy occupational
- Environmental conditions
- Access to health-related education
- Information, including on sexual and reproductive
29General Comment 14
- The right to health contains four elements
- Availability
- Accessibility
- Acceptability
- Quality
30The Right to Health
31Eight Millennium Development Goals
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Reduce child mortality
- Improve maternal health
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
- Ensure environmental sustainability and
- Develop a global partnership for development.
322005 World Summit
- Reaffirmed the values of the UN and the
objectives of the Millennium Development Goals. - They agreed to implementing policies that would
ensure adequate investment in a sustainable
manner in - Health
- Clean water and sanitation
- Housing and education
- The provision of public goods and social safety
nets to protect vulnerable and disadvantaged
sectors of society
33The Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a
Globalized World
- The Bangkok Charter call on all governments at
all levels to tackle poor health and inequalities
as a matter of urgency. - Local, regional and national governments must
- give priority to investments in health
- within and outside the health sector
- provide sustainable financing for health
- Since World War II, Canada has played an active
role in advancing, defending, and expanding the
reach of human rights at the United Nations, and
around the world, while also providing assistance
to others to develop their human rights regimes.
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights (CESCR) May 19, 1976 - International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (CCPR) - May 19, 1976 - Optional Protocol to the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR-OP1) - May
19, 1976 - Second Optional Protocol to the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR-OP2)
aimed at abolition of the death penalty Nov.
25, 2005 - International Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Oct.
14, 1970 - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Dec. 10,
- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
(CAT) June 24 1987 - Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Dec. 13, 1991 - International Convention on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of
Their Families (MWC) - Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Mar. 30 2007 - American Convention on Human Rights
- Additional Protocol to the American Convention on
Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social, and
Cultural Rights
37Health Inequality in Canada
- UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural
Rights 2006 Concluding Observations for Canada
identified a number of subjects of concern which
are direct determinants of health, notably - The governments restrictive interpretation of
its obligations under the Covenant - The lack of legal redress available to
individuals when governments fail to implement
the Covenant - The absence of a legally enforceable right to
adequate social assistance benefits for all
persons in need on a non-discriminatory basis
38Health Inequality in Canada, Continued
- The disparities that still persist between
Aboriginal peoples and the rest of the Canadian
population. - The absence of an official poverty line.
- The insufficiency of minimum wage and social
assistance transfers to ensure the realization of
the right to an adequate standard of living for
all. - The authorization given to provinces and
territories to deduct the amount of the child
benefit under the National Child Benefit from the
amount of social assistance received by parents
on welfare.
39Health Inequality in Canada, Continued
- United Nations Special Rapporteur on adequate
housing during his visit to Canada observed that - Everywhere that I visited in Canada, I met
people who are homeless and living in inadequate
and insecure housing conditions. On this mission
I heard of hundreds of people who have died, as a
direct result of Canadas nation-wide housing
crisis. - Source United Nations Special Rapporteur on
adequate housing, Miloon Kothari, Mission to
Canada Preliminary Observations, Ottawa, 22
October 2007.
40Health Inequality in Canada, Continued
- In recent review by United Nations authorities,
including most recently the May 2006 period
review of Canadas compliance with the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, Canadas continuing failure to
incorporate these international legal standards
into Canadian domestic law has been noted with
growing concern.
41Health Inequality in Canada, Continued
- Canadians are among the healthiest people in the
world, but some Canadians are not as healthy as
others. - The following are significant factors associated
with health disparities that can cause early
deaths, disease, disability, and distress - Socio-economic status
- Aboriginal identity
- Gender
- Geographic location
42Health Inequality in Canada, Continued
43Health Status People with Disabilities
- Numerous studies have reported that the health
status of people with disabilities is
significantly worse than the general Canadian
population. - Disabled Canadians encounter more difficulties
with their health and generally score a lower
rating on their self-reported well-being
indicators. - Individuals with a disability are more likely to
report difficulties in accessing health care
services compared to the non-disabled.
44Health Status People with Disabilities contd
- An increased chronic disease prevalence and lower
life expectancy has been reported among Canadian
disabled compared to the general population. - People with disabilities have been reported to
utilize more health care services, take more
prescriptions and spend more days in hospital
compared to the non-disabled Canadian population.
45Aboriginal Health Status
- Aboriginal health inequalities in Canada are
among the starkest. - First Nations overall mortality is 45 higher
than for Canada (based on the 2000 aged
standardized rates). - Rate of First Nations youth suicide (10 to 19
years) was 4.3 times greater than that for Canada
in 2000. - Inuit suicide rate (all ages) is 11 times higher
than the Canadian rate. 83 of suicides are
male, and 83 are under 30 years of age.
46Infant Mortality Rates
47Health Inequality Globally
- The WHO Fact File highlights the reality of
global health inequalities - Poverty, social exclusion, poor housing and poor
health systems are among the main social causes
of ill health. - Differences in the quality of life within and
between countries affect how long people live. A
child born in Japan has a chance of living 43
years longer than a child born in Sierra Leone. - The probability of a man dying between the ages
of 15 and 60 is 8.2 in Sweden, 48.5 in the
Russian Federation, and 84.5 in Lesotho. - In Australia, there is a 20-year gap in life
expectancy between Australian Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the
Australian average.
48Health Inequality Globally, Continued
- Low- and middle-income countries account for 85
of the worlds road deaths. - In 2002, nearly 11 million children died before
reaching their fifth birthday 98 of these
deaths were in developing countries. - Inequality in income is increasing in countries
that account for more than 80 of the worlds
population. - Few governments have explicit policies for
tackling socially determined health inequalities.
49Health Inequality Globally, Continued
50Dr. Harry Jeene African Medical and Relief
FoundationNGO presentation WHA 2007
- Life is a right
- What we are left with is terminal disease
51Developing countries Jeene
- Investing in a number of interventions have
proven to be enormously cost effective, - eg H20 and immunization
- In developing countries there is still a huge
under-expenditure in these interventions, with a
resulting massive suffering and loss of life, and
loss of development opportunities.
52Ministries of Diseases Jeene
- Mirroring the way Northern countries are
structured, developing countries also fund health
as a set of diseases. - Communicable diseases still form the main burden
of disease in the developing world, but
non-communicable and chronic diseases are growing
fast in importance - In the richer countries AIDS, though communicable
is becoming a chronic disease. Curing or
mitigation disease - The vast majority of health expenditure goes
toward hospital treatment of chronic disease This
is certainly the case in the OECD -
- Almost all expenditure is on mitigation. Very
little money is invested in prevention
53Developing countries Jeene
- Budgets are still overwhelmed by the enormous
burden of communicable diseases - Communicable diseases have a high priority in
population perception, and thus on the ability of
policy makers to set priorities for healthy
public policies
54Chronic Diseases Jeene
- Policy makers are the lucky ones to have survived
the communicable diseases - The temptation for these mature people to spend
money on mitigating chronic diseases is therefore
irresistible - As most decision makers are male, female health
issues are particularly hard to get on the agenda
- (Some female health ministers, not enough female
finance ministers)
55Changing disease patterns Jeene
- World-wide over-nutrition has taken over
under-nutrition - Urbanization and a more sedentary lifestyle have
been major contributors - Copying a western lifestyle with intense pressure
from the commercial promotion of instant
satisfaction foodstuffs is another major factor.
- Obesity is a major cause of non-communicable
diseases - CVS, including cerebral
- diabetes, including blindness
- arthritis
- -sub-fertility
- depression, stigmatization
- The complexity of "free-choice" is increasing in
a globalizing world.
57A changing world Deene
- In a world where disease conditions are changing,
we need a changing approach to health - It is enormously expensive to treat established
hypertension, angina or diabetes - We need to pay more attention to health
promotion, going beyond prevention rather than
seeing health as curative and hospitals as key to
58Health Promotion in partnership Deene
- There is not much profit to be made in Health
Promotion, certainly not for the pharma, fast
food and entertainment industries, - neither for the donors who require quick wins,
direct attributions and an increasing preference
for commodities. - There is even little in it for the formal health
care providers, including those in primary health
care - Major shifts in thinking are required, and these
can only be driven by communities working as full
and equal partners with the formal health system,
especially at the Primary Care level.
59Dr. Deene
- Alma Ata
- We have missed our 2000 target
- We are missing our 2015 MDG targets (and where
are health promotion, chronic conditions, mental
health and trauma in these MDG's'anyway ?) - Civil Society will have to exercise much more
pressure to get health promotion on the agenda,
North and South.
60We, the people Deene
- We applaud the move towards one UN system.
- Do not forget that we, the people, elect you as
government and thus this UN - We will hold you to account for producing and
implementing legal frameworks that promote the
health of us, the people.
61Em PHA sis on the wrong syl LAB le
- Fleeing the medical model.
- Embracing the medicine wheel
63Blame Hippocrates?
64Medical Model
- Tyranny of the acute
- Repair shop
- Top-down cult of efficiency
- Central command and control
65Affirm Hygeia
HYGEIA Goddess of Health
66Public Health 101
67Right ?
68Right ?
691.Do you think we should have a
- A) strong fence at the top of the cliff
- B) state of the art fleet of ambulances and
paramedics waiting at the bottom ?
702. Would you prefer
- A) Clean air
- B) Enough puffers and respirators
- for all
713. Would you prefer that wait-times were reduced
- A) a falls program to reduce preventable hip
fractures - B) private orthopaedic hospitals and more
724.Should we invest in
- A) early learning, child care, literacy, the
early identification of learning disabilities and
bullying programmes - B) increase the budget for young offenders
735.Should we
- A) assume that the 'grey tsunami' will bankrupt
our health care system - B) include our aging population in the planning
of strategies to keep them well
746. Is the best approach to food security
- A) food banks and vouchers
- B) Income security, affordable housing, community
gardens and community kitchens and a national
food policy
757. Pick the one that is NOT correct
- Pandemic Preparedness should focus on
- Tamiflu for all
- Working with the vets to keep avian flu a disease
of birds - Making sure people wash their hands especially
the doctors and nurses - Research on vaccines
- Community care plans for our most vulnerable
768.Governments should boast about
- how much they spent on the sickness care system
- the health of their citizens, leaving no-one
77teachable moments
- 2003
- Canada 44 died of SARS
- France14,000 died in the heat wave
- 2005..Katrina, Kasheshewan
78Beyond borders. SARS as a teachable moment
- Beyond silos
- Departments
- Disciplines
- Beyond jurisdictional squabbling
- Naylor report 4 Cs
- Collaboration
- cooperation,
- communication
- clarity of who does what and when
- Germs dont respect borders
- Neither do the social contagions
- Nor the humanitarian imperatives
79Social Determinants of Health vsChoose
Health(modifiable risks)
80(No Transcript)
81The Causes of the Causes
83Commission on the Social Determinants of Health
- The CSDH Interim Report illustrates
- the disparities in population health among
different regions of the world. - These differences in health occur along a number
of axes of social stratification including
socioeconomic, political, and cultural. - Exacerbating the situation is the migration of
health professionals from developing countries to
industrialized ones.
84Sir Michael Marmot
- The worst thing for a physician is to patch
people up and send them straight back into the
situation that made them sick in the first place. - Evidence is not enough. There has to be the
desire, the political will for change. Given that
will - a big given but I am an optimist - the
evidence of what works will be a great help.
- Important principles underlying all human rights,
including the right to health. - Fairness
- Respect
- Equality
- Dignity
86Ilona Kickbusch
- Health diplomacy
- Analyzing the systems that work. Leadership,
champion - Role of universities in health literacy
87Zimmerman Glouberman
- Romanow discussion paper 8
- Complex adaptive system
- Example Brazil v.s. Africa
88The mobilization of shameIrwin Cotler
Management 101 If its measured it gets
noticed, if its noticed it gets done
89Florence Nightengale
- To understand Gods thoughts we must study
statistics, for these are the measure of His
- If a picture is worth a thousand words,
- a map is worth a thousand pictures.
92The Public Health Map Generator is a secure,
web-based mapping application, accessible only to
clients registered with the GIS Infrastructure at
the Public Health Agency of Canada.
GIS User
All of the Infrastructures services, including
the Public Health Map Generator, are available at
no cost to all public health professionals in
93With the Public Health Map Generator, you can
produce high quality, detailed maps of your own
health data, in combination with extensive
geography from our spatial data warehouse
94How Can You Make a Difference!
- What needs to be done
- Fairness, Respect, Equality and Dignity (FRED)
- take immediate steps to comply with concluding
observations from UN Committee on Economic Social
and Cultural Rights - reproductive health and maternal mortality is one
potential area for focused attention. - Another area of special attention internationally
is the fight against malaria.
95Places Where You Can Get Involved to Make a
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
http//www.aidslaw.ca/EN/index.htm - Action Canada for Population and Development
http//www.acpd.ca/ - Pivot Legal Society http//www.pivotlegal.org/
- Interights http//www.interights.org/
- Childrens Rights Information Network
http//www.crin.org - Population Action International
96Leaders Working on the Right to Health
- Timothy Caulfield
- Research Director of the Health Law Institute at
the University of Alberta - Rebecca Cook
- Professor and Faculty Chair in International
Human Rights, and Co-Director of the
International Programme on Reproductive and
Sexual Health Law in the Faculty of Law at the
University of Toronto. - Jocelyn Downie
- Professor at the Faculties of Law and Medicine at
Dalhousie University - Colleen Flood
- Associate Professor of Law at the University of
Toronto - Barbara von Tigerstrom
- Assistant Professor at the University of
Saskatchewan, Faculty of Law.
97100 years ago
- Every nation that permits people to remain under
the fetters of preventable disease and permits
social conditions to exist that make it
impossible for them to be properly fed, clothed
and housed so as to maintain a high degree of
resistance and physical fitness and, who
endorses a wage that does not afford sufficient
revenue for the home, a revenue that will make
possible the development of a sound mind and
body, is trampling on a primary principle of
democracy. - Dr. Charles Hastings, Medical officer of health
for Toronto, 1907
98We are not tinkers, who patch and mend what is
broken. We must be watchmen, guardians of the
life and health of our generation, so that
stronger and more able generations may come
after. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell first woman
physician North AmericaWanless Report UK
2003commissisoned by Gordon Brown