Gambling is a Moral Issue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gambling is a Moral Issue


Gambling is a Moral Issue Nouv Zinh Nyei Jauv Se Dorngc Zoux Horpc Nyei Sic 1 Timothy 6:6-10 1 Ti^mo^tai 6:6-10 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gambling is a Moral Issue

  • Gambling is a Moral Issue
  • Nouv Zinh Nyei Jauv Se Dorngc Zoux Horpc Nyei Sic
  • 1 Timothy 66-10
  • 1 Timotai 66-10

  • 6 Haaix dauh gan longx Tin-Hungh yaac buangv
    hnyouv ninh maaih nyei, wuov dauh za'gengh butv
  • 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.

7 Mbuo maiv duqv dorh haaix nyungc bieqc naaiv
baamh gen. Mbuo cuotv baamh gen yaac maiv haih
dorh haaix nyungc mingh. 7 For we brought
nothing into the world, and we can take nothing
out of it.
8 Hnangv naaic, da'faanh mbuo maaih nyanc maaih
hopv, maaih lui-houx zuqv, oix zuqc buangv hnyouv
aqv. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we
will be content with that.
  • 9 Mv baac mauv oix butv zoih wuov deix mienh
    zuqc nduov baamz zuiz, zuqc koux hlopv jienv.
    Ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv hanc dorh ninh mbuo ei
    camv-nyungc hngongx haic, haih hoic mienh nyei
    za'eix, ninh mbuo ziouc zuqc ndortv nzengc, qui
  • 9 People who want to get rich fall into
  • temptation and a trap and into many
  • foolish and harmful desires that plunge
  • men into ruin and destruction.

  • 10 Weic zuqc mauv zinh mauv nyaanh se
    nyungc-nyungc orqv sic nyei gorn. Laaix mauv zinh
    nyaanh maaih deix mienh leih ninh mbuo sienx nyei
    jauv ziouc zoux bun ganh zuqc nzauh camv, hnangv
    maaih nzuqc baqv jienv mba'nziu nor.
  • 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds
    of evil. Some people, eager for money, have
    wandered from the faith and pierced themselves
    with many griefs.

Mbuo Lomh Nzoih Daux Gaux
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Zinh ndaangc maaih
dauh msieqv dorn mbuox heuc Linda Selymes, ninh
jiex gorn mingh ndouv zinh ndaangc maengx i
hnyaangx nyei ziangh hoc, ninh dingh ninh zoux
bieiv gunv goux mangc cie-ndaix nyei gong. Dongh
ninh dingh gong mingh nyei ziangh hoc, ninh ziouc
maaih ziangh hoc gauh camv, ninh ziouc mingh
ndouv zinh. Ninh ndouv ndortv 500,000 ninh nyei
mienh gox nyaanh dongh ninh zoux gong nyei ziangh
hoc siou daaih wuov. Linda Selymes started
gambling two years before her retirement as an
executive at Boeing Aircraft. But after
retirement, she began gambling more often. She
went through 500,000 in retirement savings, fell
behind on house payments, and hated the person
she had become.
Mbuoqc naaic ninh corc se maiv gaengh gaux, ninh
aengx longc ninh nyei credit card zorqv 500
daaih ndouv ndortv nzengc mingh, ninh aengx
longc ninh nyei debit card zorqv 500 daaih yaac
ndouv ndortv nzengc mingh, liuz ninh aengx longc
credit card zorqv duqv 300 daaih yaac ndouv
ndortv nzengc, liuz ninh zorqv dongh ninh ndouv
duqv daaih yiem ninh nyei mbuoqc wuov deix
14,000 daaih ndouv, yaac ndortv nzengc miaqv.
Yietc zungv fungx daaih yietc muonz lungh ndiev
hnangv, ninh ndouv ndorqv 15,500. At the
height of her addiction, she would draw out 500
from her credit union account and head for the
casino. After losing that money, she would use
her debit card to get another 500, then add 300
more to credit cards. On one occasion, she had in
her purse 14,000 that she had won, but it was
all gone in three days. All together one night
she lost 15,500.00.
Nduov zinh nyei jauv se benx dorngc zoux horpc
nyei leiz-fingx jauv bun taux mbuo Giduc Mienh
Gambling is a moral issue confronting Christians
due to   Hungh jaa nqoi nzuih bun mienh nduov
zinh nyei jauv camv jienv faaux, (nyungc zeiv
hnangv lotteries lo haaix). The proliferation of
government sanctioned gambling (e.g., state
  • Ndouv zinh nyei se maaih ziex nyungc jauv daaih
    hoic mbuo nyei maengc, nyungc zeiv hnangv mienh
    maaiz lottery nyei jauv yiem hei, bingo, nduov
    zinh yiem casino.
  • The easy access to gambling (race track,
    lottery tickets in convenience stores, bingo,
    charitable gambling and casinos are going to be
    back on the ballot)

  • Ndouv zinh nyei jauv se haaix nyungc? Ndouv
  • nyei jauv se benx mauv ganaaiv nyei zuiz,
    Naaiv nyungc jauv se dorngc Tin-Hungh nyei ziepc
    diuc lingc, dongh gorngv, "Maiv dungx mauv mienh
    nyei biauv. Maiv dungx mueic jieqv mienh nyei
    auv, mienh nyei nouh gauv nouh beiz, mienh nyei
    ngongh fai lorh fai ninh maaih nyei haaix nyungc
    ga'naaiv." (Cuotv Iyipv 2017).
  • What is gambling (or gaming)...? Gambling is
    sin, which is against Gods ten commandment.
    Which said, "You shall not covet your neighbor's
    house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife,
    or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or
    donkey, or anything that belongs to your
    neighbor." (Exodus 2017

  • I. Ging-Sou Gorngv Taux Mauv Ganaaiv Nyei Jauv
    (Bible Speak of Covet)
  • Mv baac mauv oix butv zoih wuov deix mienh
  • zuqc nduov baamz zuiz, zuqc koux hlopv jienv.
  • Ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv hanc dorh ninh mbuo ei
  • camv-nyungc hngongx haic, haih hoic mienh nyei
  • za'eix, ninh mbuo ziouc zuqc ndortv nzengc, qui
  • nzengc. (1 Timotai 69).
  • "But those who desire to be rich fall into
  • into a snare, into many senseless and harmful
  • that plunge people into ruin and destruction."
  • (1 Timothy 69 ESV).

  • 2. Maiv dungx bun mauv nyaanh nyei jauv gunv
    meih mbuo nyei maengc. Meih mbuo maaih nyei, oix
    zuqc buangv hnyouv weic zuqc Tin-Hungh gorngv,
    "Yie yietc liuz maiv leih meih, yietc liuz yaac
    maiv guangc meih."(Hipvlu 135).
  • "Keep your life free from love of money, and be
    content with what you have, for he has said, I
    will never leave you nor forsake you."(Hebrews
    135 ESV).

  • 3. Hnamv nyaanh nyei mienh, nyaanh yietc
    liuz maiv gaux. Hnamv zinh zoih nyei mienh, leic
    zinh yietc liuz maiv buangv hnyouv. (Gorngv Seix
    Zangc 510).
  • "He who loves money will not be satisfied with
    money, nor he who loves wealth with his income
    this also is vanity." (Ecclesiastes 510 ESV).
  • 4.Weic zuqc mauv zinh mauv nyaanh se
    nyungc-nyungc orqv sic nyei gorn. Laaix mauv zinh
    nyaanh maaih deix mienh leih ninh mbuo sienx nyei
    jauv ziouc zoux bun ganh zuqc nzauh camv, hnangv
    maaih nzuqc baqv jienv mba'nziu nor. (1
    Timotai 610).
  • For the love of money is a root of all kinds
    of evil. Some people, eager for money, have
    wandered from the faith and pierced themselves
    with many griefs. (1 Timothy 610 NIV).

  • 5. "Maiv maaih haaix dauh haih zoux duqv i
    dauh ziouv nyei bou. Hnangv naaic, ninh oix
    nzorng naaiv dauh, oix hnamv wuov dauh. Maiv zei
    aeqv, ninh oix taaih naaiv dauh, oix mangc piex
    wuov dauh. Meih mbuo maiv haih dongh dangh zoux
    Tin-Hungh nyei bou yaac zoux Nyaanh nyei bou.
    (Matvtaai 624)
  • . "No one can serve two masters, for either
    he will hate the one and love the other, or he
    will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
    You cannot serve God and money." (Matthew 624

II. Giduc Mienh Horpc Zuqc Buangv Hnyouv Dongh
Ninh Mbuo Maaih Nyei. (Christians Ought Be
Satisfied In What They Have). 1.Haaix dauh gan
longx Tin-Hungh yaac buangv hnyouv ninh maaih
nyei, wuov dauh za'gengh butv zoih. 7 Mbuo maiv
duqv dorh haaix nyungc bieqc naaiv baamh gen.
Mbuo cuotv baamh gen yaac maiv haih dorh haaix
nyungc mingh. Hnangv naaic, da'faanh mbuo maaih
nyanc maaih hopv, maaih lui-houx zuqv, oix zuqc
buangv hnyouv aqv. (1 Timotai 66-8). But
godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For
we brought nothing into the world, and we can
take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food
and clothing, we will be content with that. (1
Timothy 66-8 NIV).
2. Yesu gorngv mbuox zuangx mienh, "Oix zuqc
faix fim. Maiv dungx zoux hnyouv hlo mauv haaix
nyungc. Maiv gunv ndongc haaix butv zoih, zien
maengc maiv zeiz yiem naaiv deix ga'naaiv."
(Lugaa 1215). And he said to them, Take care,
and be on your guard against all covetousness,
for one's life does not consist in the abundance
of his possessions. (Luke 1215 ESV).
 3. Mv baac mauv oix butv zoih wuov deix mienh
zuqc nduov baamz zuiz, zuqc koux hlopv jienv.
Ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv hanc dorh ninh mbuo ei
camv-nyungc hngongx haic, haih hoic mienh nyei
za'eix, ninh mbuo ziouc zuqc ndortv nzengc, qui
nzengc. 10 Weic zuqc mauv zinh mauv nyaanh se
nyungc-nyungc orqv sic nyei gorn. Laaix mauv zinh
nyaanh maaih deix mienh leih ninh mbuo sienx nyei
jauv ziouc zoux bun ganh zuqc nzauh camv, hnangv
maaih nzuqc baqv jienv mba'nziu nor. (1
Timotai 69-10). People who want to get rich
fall into temptation and a trap and into many
foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into
ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money
is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people,
eager for money, have wandered from the faith and
pierced themselves with many griefs. (1Timothy
69-10 NIV).
4. Dauh dauh duqv zipv Tin-Hungh nyei zingh
nyeic yaac oix zuqc goux longx. Haaix dauh zipv
haaix nyungc zingh nyeic oix zuqc longc tengx
zuangx mienh. (1 Bide 410). As each has
received a gift, use it to serve one another, as
good stewards of God's varied grace. (1 Peter
410 ESV).
5.Maaih mienh oix gorngv, "Haaix nyungc yie
maaih leiz zoux duqv nyei." Zeiz nyei, mv baac
maiv zeiz nyungc-nyungc maaih lamh longc. Yie
haih gorngv, "Haaix nyungc yie maaih leiz zoux
duqv nyei," mv baac yie maiv bun haaix nyungc
hoic yie zoux nouh. (1 Kolinto 610). All
things are lawful for me, but not all things
are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but
I will not be enslaved by anything. (1
Corinthians 610 ESV).  
  III. Ndouv Zinh Nyei Jauv Se Zuiz Nyei Gorn.
Gambling Is A Foundation of Sin   1. Ndouv zinh
nyei jauv se zoux waaic Giduc Mienh nyei gong.
 Gambling violates the work ethic - Ephesians
2. Ndouv zinh nyei jauv se zoux waaic goux
Tin-Hungh nyei jaa-dingh nyei gong.
Gambling violates the stewardship ethic - 1
Chronicles 2913-14 1 Peter 410 3. Mbuo oix
zuqc ndaam dorng mbuo ziux gong jaa-dingh nyei
gong. We will have to give an account for our
SINFUL  1. Mienh nduov zinh nyei jauv se weic
maaih mauv ganaaiv nyei hnyouv. People gamble
because of greed - 1 Timothy 69-10 2. Ndouv
zinh nyei mienh se maaih mauv-jienz hnyouv.
People gamble because of covetousness - Ephesians
53-7 Colossians 35-6   3. Ndouv zinh nyei
mienh se oix butv zoih sepv yaac oix duqv mauv
zuqc kouv nyei jauv. People gamble because they
want to be rich, a desire we should flee (1
Timothy 611)
oix zorqv ganh dauh mienh nyei ganaaiv. It takes
advantage of others' weaknesses - Romans
151-2 2. Dorh mingh taux waaic nyei doic. It
leads to unsavory companions - 1 Corinthians
1533 Ephesians 511 3. Dorh mingh taux butv
inv nyei jauv. It leads to addiction - 2 Peter
4. Dorh mingh taux ganh nyungc zuiz. It leads to
other sins - Mark 721-23   5. Se hnangv qiemx
zaeqv camv jienv faaux, yaac jiex gorn mingh lorz
hungh heic duqv nyaanh sepv nyei jauv, maaic in,
zoux zaqc nyei jauv. As debts build up, people
turn to other quick sources of money (theft,
6. Aengx maaih deix daix ganh daic, leih auv
leih nqox, butv mnqorngv-famv nyei baengc.
Suicide is common, along with abuse, divorce,
other mental disorders.   7. Ndouv zinh nyei
mienh maiv hnamv taux ninh mbuo zoux nyei jauv
hoic zuqc ninh mbuo ganh yaac hoic zuqc ganh dauh
mienh. People who gamble do not consider how they
hurt themselves and others.
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion Ndouv zinh nyei jauv
se dongh haaix nyungc nyei gong gauh camv jiex?
Which is gambling more like...?   1. Aapv eix
nyei gong, fai Singx Lingh nyei biouv? The works
of the flesh, or the fruit of the
Spirit? Galatians 519-23   2. Ceix mbuo faaux,
fai mietc mbuo? Does it build us up, or destroy?
4. Giduc Mienh horpc zuqc hiuv duqv gorngv nduov
zinh nyei jauv se benx zuiz nyei jauv. Christian
ought to know that gambling is sin.   5. Ging-Sou
Gorngv Ndouv Zinh Nyei Jauv Dorngc. Bible verses
about Gambling is wrong Exodus 203, 15, 17
Proverbs 119 Proverbs 1527a Proverbs
2125-26 Proverbs 2825 Jeremiah 613 Matthew
619-21, 24 Romans 1421, 23c I Corinthians
1024, 31 Ephesians 428 Philippians 23-4
Philippians 411-13 I Thessalonians 522 II
Thessalonians 36-12 I Timothy 58.
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