Lecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase

Lecture 4Noun and Noun Phrase
Teaching Contents
  • 4.1 Classification of nouns and function of noun
  • 4.2 Number forms of nouns
  • 4.3 Partitives

4.1 Classification of nouns and function of noun
  • 1) Classification of nouns
  • a) Simple, compound and derivative nouns by
  • b) Common and proper nouns by lexical meaning
  • C) Countable noun and uncountable noun
  • This classification is based on the grammatical
    features of nouns instead of whether they are
    countable. Regarding grammatical features,
    uncountable nouns cannot have numeral before them
    (two information), have no plural forms
    (informations) and cannot be modified by how
    many but by how much

  • 2) Functions of noun phrases
  • Nouns can function as all the elements in a
    sentence except the predicative verb.
  • e.g. They elected him chairman of the board.
  • He returned last night.
  • A photo is taken each time this button is

  • The general pattern of noun phrase is
  • (determiner)(premodifier)noun(postmodifier)
  • The premodifier of noun phrase can be noun as
    well as adj. or participle.
  • e.g. a table leg, water supply, the life sciences
  • When noun is used as premodifier, it can be
    either singular, plural, or both.
  • (1) Singular noun as premodifier
  • e.g. table legs legs of a table / tables
  • a shoe store a store that sells shoes
  • a car race a race between cars

  • a kitchen sink a sink in a kitchen
  • When the plural noun in the postmidifier is
    changed into premodifier, it usually becomes
  • e.g. a cloth for dishes a dish cloth
  • decay of teeth tooth decay
  • a station for buses a bus station
  • a pocket for trousers a trouser pocket
  • a tray for ashes an ash tray
  • (2)Singular or plural noun as premodifier
    a.There is ambiguity here.
  • foreign language(s) department department of
    foreign languages

  • (foreign language department department of a
    foreign language)
  • soft drinks manufacturer manufacturer that
    produces several kinds of soft drink
  • soft drink manufacturer manufacturer that
    produces one kind of soft drink
  • b. different meanings
  • e.g. an art degree a degree in fine art
  • an Arts degree a degree in the humanities
  • (3) Only plural noun as premodifier
  • e.g. a customs officer, a goods train, clothes
    hanger, sales technique, contents bill, savings

  • It is more popular to use plural nouns as
    premodifiers in British English than in American
    English. Now it tends to increase.
  • (4) When the head of the noun phrase is
    collective noun or name of an organization, the
    plural noun as the premodifier can have two
    forms, but the same meaning.
  • e.g. Scientists() Institute for Public
  • But the singular noun is seldom used.
  • e.g. Yibin Teachers/ Teachers/ Teachers College

4.2 Number forms of nouns
  • Number is a grammatical distinction which
    determines whether a noun or determiner is
    singular or plural.
  • 1) Regular and irregular plural
  • The regular is formed by adding s or es to the
    base, while the irregular is formed by changing
    the internal vowel or by changing the ending of
    the noun.

  • Irregular plurals also include some words of
    foreign origin, borrowed from Greek, Latin or
    French. Their plural forms are known as foreign
    plurals, e.g. basisbases, criterioncriteria.
  • Some borrowed words have two plural forms a
    foreign plural and an English one.
  • e.g. mediummedia mediums
  • For some, their singular and plural number share
    the same form,

  • A) animal names
  • Singular form and regular plural coexist
    Antelope, elk, fish, flounder, herring, reindeer,
    shrimp, woodcock
  • (??,?,?,???,??,??,?,??(????)
  • e.g. He caught several fish/three little fishes.
  • They went catching shrimp/shrimps.
  • I shot two elk/elks.

  • b) Singular form is usually used bison, grouse,
    quail, salmon, swine
  • (?? , ??,??,?(????),?)
  • e.g. The farmer raises many quail/quails and
  • c) Singular form is always used cod, deer,
    mackerel, trout, sheep.(?,?,??,??)e.g. This is a
  • Those are deer.

  • B). Nationality nouns
  • Some words ending in sound /z/ or /s/ use
    singular form Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese,
    Portuguese, Sinhalese, Vietnamese, Swiss
  • e.g. I am a Chinese.
  • There are four Chinese in the training
  • C) Quantitative nouns (hundred/thousand/million/bi
  • a) Cardinal numeral hundred/thousand/million/bil
    lion n.
  • e.g. two hundred / two hundred of years ago
  • Thats going to take hundreds of/hundreds years.

  • Cardinal numeral million n.
  • Cardinal numeral millions of n.
  • e.g. three millions of dollars
  • three million dollars
  • When the noun is omitted, if it is not monetary
    unit, the singular form is more often used than
    the plural form if it is, the regular plural
    form is used.
  • e.g. The population rose to four million /
  • The firm had to pay three millions.

  • b) several/many/a few singular / plural (of)
  • e.g. He has played the part several hundred times
    / several hundreds of times.
  • some regular plural n.
  • e.g. He has played the piano some hundreds of
    times / many, many times.
  • (some hundred times about a hundred times)
  • c) dozen, score
  • e.g. She bought three score (of) eggs.
  • I have been there dozens of times.
  • He has already asked me several dozens of/
    many scores of times.

  • 2) Number forms of the collective, material,
    abstract and proper nouns
  • a) Number forms of the collective noun
  • Some are countable, while some are not. Countable
    nouns behave like individual nouns. An
    uncountable one has no plural form if we want to
    count the number, we will use a kind of
    individual noun related semantically to the
    collective, e.g. poetrypoem.

  • Some collective nouns can be used in either
    singular or plural sense. The following verb is
    determined by the singular or plural sense.
  • b) Number forms of the material noun
  • Generally they are U and have no plural form.
    However, some items can be used either
    uncountably or countably.

  • Some material nouns can take plural endings to
    convey the large quantity or scope ,
  • e.g. sand/sands, snow/snows
  • Sometimes material nouns are C to express one
    type of or various types of this material.
  • e.g. I n Britain tea is usually drunk with sugar
    in it.
  • Id like to have a famous tea.

  • We hardly bought wine at lunch time.
  • We like wines and liquors.
  • Some material nouns become C to express packet
    of , cups of.
  • e.g. How many beers were you wanting?
  • How many tins of beer were you wanting?
  • When referring to the material itself, they are
    U otherwise, they are C, e.g. stone, rubber

  • c) Number forms of the abstract noun
  • Mostly they are U and cannot take such
    determiners as a/one or plural forms. A few are
    C, e.g. victoryvictories.
  • Some are not C, although they have plural
    endings, e.g. several difficulties.
  • The addition of a plural ending to some can
    change the meaning of the base, e.g.

  • Some can only use singular form with a, some
    only plural form, some both.
  • e.g. He has a dislike/dread/hatred/horror/love of
  • He had a good knowledge of mathematics.
  • Give my best regards to your parents.
  • He refused with much regret / many regrets.
  • I have a suspicion / suspicions that hes right.
  • Some abstract nouns can have indefinite article
    to express a type of or an example of.

  • a) Some can have an indefinite article only if
    modifier exists.
  • e.g. They are doing a business / a brisk
  • I attach an exaggerated importance/importance
    to regular exercise.
  • b) If modifier is implied, a/an can appear.
  • e.g. She has had an education ( a good
  • c) Some can have a/an regardless of modifier.
  • e.g. A knowledge/ A good knowledge of English is

  • d) Number forms of the proper noun
  • They have no plural forms, except for such proper
    name as the United States, the Philippines, the
    Netherlands. When one takes a plural ending, it
    takes on some characteristics of a common noun,
    e.g. the Browns

4.3 Partitives
  • They are also called unit nouns and used to
    denote a part of a whole or the quantity of an
    undifferentiated mass.
  • 1) general partitives piece, bit, item, article
  • 2) partitives related to the shape of things
    cake, bar, drop, ear, flight, grain, head, loaf,
  • 3) partitives related to volume bottle, bowl,
    pail, bucket, handful, spoonful.
  • 4) partitives related to the state of action a
    fit of anger/coughing/laughter/fever
  • 5) partitives denoting pairs, groups, flocks
    pair, herd, litter, swarm, bench, troupe, shoal.
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