Title: WSLL Annual General Meeting/ Parent Orientation
1WSLL Annual General Meeting/Parent Orientation
- Welcome and Introduction
- WSLL Overview
- WSLL Programs
- Current Goals
- Recent Feedback
- Budget
- Election of 2015 Board
- General Question and Answer Session
- Board Meeting
4General Responsibilities
- OBJECTIVE The objective of the WSLL shall be to
implant firmly in the children of the community
the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty,
loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so
that they may be well adjusted, stronger and
happier children and will grow to be good,
decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens. Article
II, WSLL Constitution. - http//www.wsllbaseball.org/policy.cfm
- Nonprofit Virginia Corp organized to play youth
baseball - Chartered by LL since inception
- Two leagues since 1991
- Size has ranged from 600-1200 players
- VA 12 State Champions in 1984, 1986, 2003, 2005
- VA 11 State Champs in 2004
- VA 10/11 State Champs in 2007, 2012
- Many D9 Fun Tournament Champs - recently 2007,
- 2010, 2011, and 2012
- 2014 District 9 Champions at all All-Star age
- Home complex is Byron Avenue Park. This is a
year-round baseball facility. - Off-Site field at Burke School, a.k.a Fenway, is
also a year-round baseball facility. - Most games, except for T-ball and 5T, are played
at Byron Avenue Park and Burke School. - Fairfax County provides other West Springfield
area school fields for practice based on our
registration numbers
- We are part of District 9 (the I-95 District)
- Alexandria Potomac
- Central Springfield
- Dale City
- Fort Belvoir
- Fort Hunt
- South County
- Woodbridge
- Woodlawn
8WSLL is run by a Board of Directors
- Nearly 46 BOD members and DVs, AKA Gray Hats
- 14-member BOD Executive Committee includes
- President
- Executive VP
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Player Agent
- Safety Officer
- Training Director
- Umpire-in-Chief
- VP Baseball Ops
- VP, Communications
- VP, Fields Facilities
- VP, Parents Auxiliary
- VP, Player Support
- VP, Special Ops
- VP, Technology
We always welcome new members!
9Other BOD Committees
- Manager Selection
- Tryout / Draft
- Operations
- Scheduling
- Scorekeeper
- Umpires
- Rules
- All Stars
- Fun Tournament
- Fall Baseball
- Registration
- Opening Day
- Closing Day
- Byron Fest
- Equipment
- Uniforms
- Awards / Pics
- Web
- Yearbook
- Publications
- Field Facilities
- Challenger
- Sponsors
- Volunteer
- Membership
- County Liaison
10The Board Is Not Enough (Volunteers)
- Team Parents
- Managers and Coaches
- Practice Coaches
- Banner Makers
- Field Work
- Scorekeepers
- Umpires
- Game Coordinators
- Concession Stands
- Tryout help
12WSLL Points of Emphasis
- Provide fun and enjoyable environment for the
kids. - Teach the love of baseball, sportsmanship, and
sense of community. - Provide an opportunity to join a community
activity for parents. - Be excellent in our administration and outreach.
- Earn great manager evaluations, return
enrollment, high volunteer rate, and LOTS OF
- Seven levels of regular season and Fall play.
- Fun, learning, safety and character emphasized at
all levels - 5T and T-Ball Emphasize training and
development (no standings) school/neighborhood
based. - A (Machine Pitch) Emphasis is same as 5T/TBall,
however there is an end of season tournament. - AA (Kid Pitch 1) More competitive (draft)
- AAA (Kid Pitch 2) More competitive (draft).
- Majors Most competitive (draft).
- 50/70 Fall only (challenge for experienced
players, prepare players for 60/90)
- Spring baseball season
- End of season tournament (lower levels have 2
levels of tournaments). - 3 All-Star programs (Spring) 9/10 (end at
regional level), 10/11 (end at regional level),
11/12 (ends at Williamsport, PA). - 1 Fun Tournament Spring (D9 LL teams at 8-10
and 10-12 age-level tournament). ( _at_ WSLL 6
teams) - Fall baseball season
15Equipping Outfitting
- White Pants (except at Majors), t-shirts, hats,
and socks provided to keep. - All player equipment (excluding fielding glove
and cleats), including helmets. - Trophies at every levelparticipation for 5T-A
regular season champs (first and second place)
for AA-Majors, tourney champs and runners up for
16Points of Interest
- Fields.
- Byron has fenced batting cage available between
Yankee and Ebbets and at Wrigley. This gives
WSLL 3 batting cages at Byron as well as one at
Fenway. - Scoreboard for Ebbets field working with Park
Authority - Registration.
- All 3 weekends of registration were consistent
this year. Assuming late registration trends
hold, we are looking at similar numbers compared
to last season. - Rules.
- Boundary Change (School location) in 2014
- Age changes Implemented by LL
- Bat regulations have been modified. Please see
the Little League website at www.littleleague.org
for details. - Pitching limits extended to AA and very strict
(revised in 2012). - Playing rules vary by division
- As of 2008 All 12s in majors, but may opt out.
- We continue to attempt to place children at the
level they will do best.
18Coach Selection
- Application Form.
- Selection Committee screening for Majors managers
(at least 7 members). - Review past evaluations.
- Conduct interviews
- At minor leagues, League Directors interview and
select candidates. - Volunteer Form / Background check.
- Appointment by President.
- Approval by Board.
19Coach Training and Supervision
- Orientation (administrative, leadership,
expectations, review of evaluation form and
results). - PCA (Positive Coaching Alliance)
- Technical and practice organization training
- ( i.e. high schools, local professionals).
- League director follow up for each level (rules,
hot topics, techniques). - Mid season meeting.
- 51 - 81 Manager to League Director ratio,
backed up by VP, Baseball Operations - Strict game misconduct rules and penalties.
- Parent evaluations (managers receive summaries).
20Evaluations (All Levels) Spring 2014
- Game knowledge 4.58
- Is an effective teacher 4.42
- Relates well to children 4.50
- Treats all players fairly 4.48
- Relates well with coaches and umpires 4.59
- Displays and encourages good sportsmanship 4.66
- Motivates and seeks to develop all players 4.43
- Makes the game fun 4.49
- Administrative ability 4.53
- Practice organization 4.47
- Communication with parents 4.56
- Overall made our season enjoyable 4.54
- Overall Average 4.52
21Parent Surveys
Rating Scale5 - Very satisfied 4 - Satisfied3
- Average2 - Dissatisfied1 - Very dissatisfied
Besides the numeric ratings, we also get a lot of
comments and suggestions that help us improve!
22Polling Feedback (Spring Survey)
- Scheduling
- Volunteer Fees
- Concession Stand
- Umpires
- Appreciation of youth umpires.
- Want improved coverage. (Particularly at lower
levels) - Communications
- Misc. uniforms (sizes)
- Team Formation
- Want specific managers
- Stacking teams (draft for AA since 2010)
- Annual Budget 213,000
- Where It Goes
- Direct Costs (per player)
- Uniforms/trophies County fees Yearbook
Insurance and Charter registration - Other Costs
- Baseballs baseball equipment training
umpires umpire gear , rule books costs of goods
sold (snack bar, memorabilia, fan wear). - Field building, field equipment, repair work,
maintenance field maintenance contract web
site/online registration event costs (e.g.
tryouts, registrations) awards web support
all-star /fun tournament costs. - IndirectDiscretionary
- Capital improvement Reserves.
- Revenue Sources
- Registration
- Concession Stand
- Sponsors
- Fan wear
- Forfeited volunteer fee
- All star fees stipends
- Interest
25WSLL Byron Ave Main Road
Ebbets Field
Concession Stand
BOD Reserved Parking Only
If you are not parking - Player Dropoff AREAS at
Yankee Ahead or when EXITING ONLY !
Facilities Shed
Scorers box
Wrigley Field
26WSLL Byron Ave Main Parking
(4) Left Turns Only to EXIT Parking Area
This is being Implemented by Fairfax County Park
Authority to support safety and Maximum capacity
(3) Left Turns Only for Additional Row Parking
No Parking along walkway
(2) Now youre here park STRAIGHT-IN for all
rows NOT angled
Yankee Field
(1) Left Turn Only to Enter at REAR of Parking
27What We Expect From Parents
- See Conditions of Registration handout.
- Set example through demonstrating sportsmanship
for ALL players, coaches, and umpires
before/during/after games. - Volunteer for league and team positions.
- Support the manager
- Volunteer for team positions / practice coach
- Come to the field if any doubt about rain out.
- Identify issues early.
- Do not approach manager after game about
problems. - Ask to talk to League Director if a problem.
- Pick up trash after game.
- Root for all kids and thank the game umpire.
- Support our sponsors.
- Why cant my friends child play in our league?
- When are uniforms coming out / teams formed?
- Why didnt my child make Majors/AAA?
- Why isnt my child playing more? pitching,
infield, etc. - How can I earn my volunteer fee?
- How can I help?
29- Election Board of Director Members
- Adams, Amie
- Adams, Greg
- Ager, Gene
- Anderson, Jon
- Batson, Mick
- Bolster, Evan
- Brewer, Tim
- Caracciolo, Anthony
- Cimino, Dom
- Copeland, Craig
- Dias, Scott
- Downey, Paul
- Finan, David
- Foss, Erik
- Gillingham, Steve
- Giordano, Dean
- Gowe, Larry
- Gudley, Scott
- Harris, Robert
- Hickman, Mike
- Holzemer, Bryan
- Jackson, Bridget
- James, Shawn
- Johnson, Sydney
- Judkiewicz, Allen
- Kurland, Kevin
- MacDonald, Micah
- Mills, Scott
- Moeller, Kenny
- Monaco, John
- Nelson, Mark
- Nethery, Todd
- Nutbrown, Curt
- OGrady Walsh, John
- Pedersen, George
- Pelletier, Rob
- Seiger, Ryan
- Sorensen, Robert
- Spratt, James
- Stine, Craig
- Wagner, Michael
- Williams, Mike
- Winingham, Charles
- Yates, Ralph
- Zabko, Ron
- Zerbo, Mike
- Thank You for ComingSee you at the fields!
31BOD Meeting