Title: Chapter 13 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
1Chapter 13Artificial Intelligence andExpert
2Learning Objectives
- List the basic concepts of artificial
intelligence - Give examples of how artificial intelligence
technologies have been used in business and other
fields - Explain expertise, the purpose of expert systems
in business and other professional domains, and
why expert systems are so helpful in solving
unstructured problems - Articulate the challenges involved in garnering
knowledge for the construction of knowledge bases - Explain the concept of knowledge engineering
3Artificial Intelligencein Business
4Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Attempt to emulate the human mind in machines
- Robotics
- Robots used to replace human laborers
- Artificial Vision
- Allows robots that move in space sense obstacles
- Used in machines for sorting and identification
5Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
- Natural Language Processing
- Programs that recognize human commands
- Expert Systems
- Programs that simulate human expertise
- Neural Networks
- Programs built to solve problems while learning
and refining their knowledge
6Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
7Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
- Fuzzy Logic
- Based on rules that have no discrete boundaries
- More closely mimics human problem solving
- Used in appliances, locomotives, managerial
decision making
8Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
9Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
10Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
- Genetic Algorithms
- Mathematical functions that use Darwinian
principals to improve an application - Intelligent Agents
- Automatically wade through massive amounts of
data to select and deliver the most suitable
11Artificial Intelligencein Business (Cont.)
12Contribution ofExpert Systems
- Planning
- Decision making
- Monitoring
- Diagnosis
- Training
13Contribution ofExpert Systems (Cont.)
- Incidental learning
- Replication of expertise
- Timely response
- Consistent solutions
14Development ofExpert Systems
- What is Expertise?
- Skill and knowledge whose input into a process
results in performance high above the norm - Components of Expert Systems
- The interface or dialog
- The knowledge base
- The interface engine
15Development ofExpert Systems (Cont.)
16Construction of Expert Systems
- IF-THEN Rules
- Most popular method of knowledge representation
- Also called production rules
- Systems hold facts in the form of IF-THEN
17Construction of Expert Systems (Cont.)
18Construction of Expert Systems (Cont.)
- Knowledge Engineering
- Asking experts appropriate questions and
translating into a knowledge base - Some ESs take years
- Knowledge engineer programmer who specializes in
developing ESs
19Construction of Expert Systems (Cont.)
- Expert System Shells
- Expert System that has been emptied of its
knowledge - Used to build new ES
- Forward Chaining
- Result-driven process
- Backward Chaining
- Goal-driven process
20Construction of Expert Systems (Cont.)
21Factors Justifying the Acquisition of Expert
22Expert Systems in Action
- Medical management
- Telephone network maintenance
- Credit evaluation
- Tax planning
- Detection of insider securities trading
- Detection of common metals
23Expert Systems in Action (Cont.)
- Mineral exploration
- Irrigation and pest management
- Diagnosis and prediction of mechanical failure
- Class selection for students
24Limitations of Expert Systems
- Three limitations of ESs
- Can handle only narrow domains
- Do not possess common sense
- Have a limited ability to learn
25Ethical and Societal IssuesToo Sophisticated
- Increasing dependence on machine intelligence
raises legal and ethical issues. - Who is legally responsible for advice provided by
a program? - Is expert judgment needed to interpret program
output? - Does machine expertise replace or complement the
real thing? - How do we know if the experts behind expert
systems are expert at all?
26Ethical and Societal IssuesToo Sophisticated
- Malfunctions of an ES can be caused by anyone
involved in the development - Experts who contribute knowledge
- Knowledge engineer who builds the system
- Professional who uses the ES
- The person who is affected by the decision
- Artificial intelligence has some basic concepts
- Artificial intelligence is used in business and
other fields - Expert systems are helpful in solving
unstructured problems - Knowledge gathering is important for knowledge