Chapter 13: Human and Artificial Intelligence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 13: Human and Artificial Intelligence


Title: Chapter 2 : Cognitive Neuroscience Author: Donna Dahlgren Last modified by: Laura Murray Created Date: 11/20/2004 6:50:41 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 13: Human and Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 13 Human and Artificial Intelligence
What Do You Consider Intelligence?
Intelligence Is
  • Capacity to learn from experience
  • Ability to adapt to different contexts
  • The use of metacognition to enhance learning

Implicit Theory of Intelligence
  • Unstated conceptions of intelligence
  • Note different meanings in different contexts
  • Influenced by culture

Emotional Intelligence
  • Mayer Salovey (1997)
  • The capacity to reason about emotions, and of
    emotions to enhance thinking. It includes the
    abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to
    access and generate emotions so as to assist
    thought, to understand emotions and emotional
    knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions
    so as to promote emotional and intellectual

Social Intelligence
  • Ability to get along with others
  • Knowledge of social matters
  • Insight into moods or underlying personality
    traits of others

Cultural Intelligence
  • CQ
  • Persons ability to adapt in diverse cultures

Artificial Intelligence
  • The computational part of the ability to achieve
    goals in the world

Historical Trends
  • Emphasize psychophysical abilities
  • Galton
  • Examine relationships of sensory abilities
  • Emphasize on judgment
  • Binet (1904)
  • Identify children needing special instruction
  • Compared childs abilities to what the average
    child at that age could do

Historical Trends
  • Terman (1900s)
  • Created an English version of Binets test
    (called it the Stanford-Binet)
  • Created the intelligence quotient (IQ) divide
    mental age by chronological age then multiply by
  • Became the first modern intelligence test

Types of items on the Stanford-Binet
Age Task
4 Fill in the missing word when asked, "A puppy is a dog, a kitten is a _______.
9 Answers correctly when the examiner says, Yesterday, the scientist went into the swamp to capture a dinosaur. What is foolish about that?
12 Fills in the missing words of sentences like "The rivers are flooding because."
Adult Can describe the difference between happiness and elation, and virtue and morality.
Wechsler Intelligence Scales
  • Wechsler created scales for adults, children, and
  • Yield 3 scores
  • Verbal score
  • Performance score
  • Overall score
  • Most widely used intelligence test

Types of Items on the Wechsler
Verbal Scales Performance Scales
Information Picture completion
Digit span Picture arrangement
Vocabulary Block design
Arithmetic Digit symbol
Comprehension Object assembly
Measurement or Process?
  • Measurement structure
  • Identify most relevant factors
  • Process emphasis
  • Identify and examine the speed and accuracy of
    mental manipulations

Nature, Nurture, or Both?
  • Is intelligence genetic?
  • Is intelligence acquired?
  • Is intelligence a combination of both?

Factor Analysis
  • Primary method used to describe intelligence
  • Correlations among many dependent variables are
    examined with the goal of discovering something
    about the nature of the factors that affect them
  • How many different factors are needed to explain
    the pattern of relationships among these

Factor Analysis Matrix
  Reading Numerical Visual
Paragraph comprehension 0.84 0.10 0.06
Sentence completion 0.86 -0.05 -0.01
Word meaning 0.81 0.04 -0.02
Counting dots 0.08 0.91 0.04
Identifying shapes 0.02 0.82 0.10
Multiplication -0.24 0.87 -0.02
Paper folding 0.05 0.20 0.77
Block patterns -0.03 -0.01 0.65
Series completion 0.02 0.04 0.57
Number of Factors in the Structure of Intelligence
  • Spearman says two
  • Thurstone says seven
  • Guilford says 150
  • Cattell, Vernon, and Carroll propose hierarchical

Spearmans g Factor
  • Two-factor theory of intelligence
  • All intellective functioning was due to an
    overall mental ability g
  • Accompanied by specific abilities for differing
    mental tasks

Thurstones 7 Primary Mental Abilities
  • Verbal comprehension
  • Verbal fluency
  • Inductive reasoning
  • Spatial visualization
  • Number
  • Memory
  • Perceptual speed

  • SOI Model
  • Structure of Intelligence
  • Each cube represents an intersection of
    operations, products and contents to create 150
    components of intelligence

Cattells Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
  • Fluid intelligence
  • Ability to reason and use information
  • Peaks approximately at age 20
  • Crystallized intelligence
  • Acquired skill and learned knowledge
  • Continues to increase into old age

Carrolls Three-Strata Model
Stratum III General
Stratum II Broad abilities
Auditory perception
Cognitive speed
Processing speed
Visual perception
Stratum I Narrow abilities
Perceptual speed
Word fluency
Word recognition
Historical Trends Intelligence
  • In the past, focus was on the product, identify
    aptitudes, measure, and create models based on
  • 1960s 1970s conceptualization changed
  • What are the processes involved?
  • Information processing models focus on the
    processes that are involved in intelligence

Information Processing Intelligence
  • Inspection time
  • How long a stimuli has to be viewed before an
    accurate judgment can be made
  • How quickly a person gives their answer is
    irrelevant, participants are encouraged to take
    their time

Inspection Time Demonstration

Inspection Time and IQ
  • Nettlebeck Lally (1976)
  • First to note the relationship
  • Nettlebeck (1987)
  • Inspection time accounts for 25 of IQ variance
    (r -.5)
  • The higher the IQ, the less stimulus time needed
    to accurately inspect the stimuli
  • Big issue now is direction of causation between
    the two variables

Intelligence and Other Processes
  • The speed at which we process thought can explain
    why one individual is more intelligent than
  • Choice Reaction Time
  • Jensen
  • Lexical Access Speed
  • Hunt
  • Speed of word retrieval

Working Memory Intelligence
  • Being able to store and manipulate information in
    working memory is related to level of

Componential Analysis
  • This approach involves identifying the steps in
    complex information-processing tasks and seeing
    how each process contributes to the decision
  • Sternbergs componential analysis on solving
  • Red Stop Green ____
  • Graceful Clumsy Late _____
  • Encode - Identify each term of the problem
  • Inference - Discover rule between 1st two terms
  • Mapping - Map rule to second set of terms
  • Application - Apply relationship and generate
    final term

Sternbergs Findings
  • Measured amount of reaction time for each step
  • Found more intelligent participants took longer
    to encode, but less time to complete the
    remaining steps
  • Global versus local planning

Contextualist View of Intelligence
  • Culture and definition of intelligence are
  • Differs from one culture to another
  • Critical in one culture may be unimportant in
    another culture
  • Measurement of intelligence will be influenced by

Culture Differences
  • Western cultures view intelligence as a means for
    individuals to devise categories and to engage in
    rational debate
  • Eastern cultures see it as a way for members of a
    community to recognize contradiction and
    complexity and to play their social roles

Evidence Supporting Cultural Influences
  • Kpelle tribe in Africa
  • Prefer functional sorting
  • In Western society, seen as less intelligent
  • Westerners prefer hierarchical sorting
  • Italian Americans IQ study
  • First generation median 87
  • Ceci (1996) Italian Americans scores were
    slightly above average (above 100)
  • Cultural assimilation is the explanation

Gardners Multiple Intelligences
  • Eight types of abilities that are independent of
    one another
  • Visual / Spatial Intelligence
  • Musical Intelligence
  • Verbal Intelligence
  • Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
  • Interpersonal Intelligence
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence
  • Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence
  • Naturalist Intelligence

Gardners Theory
  • Is modular, each type is independent of another
  • Allows for existence of savants

Sternbergs Triarchic Theory
  • Emphasizes how 3 types of abilities work together
    to create intelligent behavior

Triarchic Theory
Analytical Compare, Evaluate Analyze
Creative Insights, Synthesis, Adapting in
unique situations
Practical Dealing with Everyday tasks Relating
to world
Sternbergs Triarchic Theory
  • Intelligence involves not merely adapting to
    ones environment but in some cases modifying
    the environment or selecting another
  • Intelligences are developing abilities, not fixed
    characteristics, of an individual Traditional
    definitions conceptualize intelligence to remain
    essentially constant throughout an adult life
  • Intelligence means adapting using your strengths
    and improving or compensating for your weaknesses

Improving Intelligence
  • Head Start programs
  • Enriched home enviroment
  • Abecedarian Project
  • Integration leads to equalization

Malleability of Intelligence
  • Impact of belief on Intelligence
  • Blackwell, Trzesniewski Dweck (2007)
  • If one believes intelligence is malleable, more
    likely to improve in ability than one who
    believes that intelligence is fixed

Development of Intelligence in Adults
  • Not all cognitive skills decline with age
  • STM performance declines
  • LTM and recognition memory does not

Is there Evidence for Age Decline?
  • Perhaps it is not age per se, but specific
    disorders which cause the decline
  • Age effects are confounded by disorders
  • Frequent use of cross-sectional designs tends to
    overestimate age effects

Is there Evidence for Age Decline?
  • Consensus on slowing of speed with age

Age and Wisdom
  • Insight into human development and life matters

Artificial Intelligence
  • The Turing test
  • Used to refer to a proposal made by Turing (1950)
    as a way of dealing with the question whether
    machines can think
  • Can an observer who has a conversation with a
    computer and a human figure out which
    conversationalist is the computer?
  • Computer passes Turing test if the person cannot

Computer Programs Better than Humans
  • Deep Blue and Chess
  • 1,000,000,000,000 positions/sec
  • 100 - 200 billion moves considered
  • Able to evaluate moves
  • Beat world champion Kasparov in 1997 match

Psychotherapy AI
  • Weizenbaum (1966) created this program to engage
    in a dialogue imitative of the style favored in
    Rogerian psychotherapy
  • The program can successfully emulate human
    conversation to a degree that humans often
    assumed they were communicating remotely over
    teletype with another human
  • ELIZA's technique of responding to
    keyword-matching demonstrated the plausibility of
    natural language understanding by computers
  • Colby (1963) created a computer simulation of a
    paranoid human
  • Psychologists reliably judged PARRY's interactive
    output as being paranoid schizophrenic and were
    unable to distinguish transcripts of a session
    with PARRY from that of a session originating
    from a human patient

Expert Systems
  • Telephone network maintenance
  • Credit evaluation
  • Tax planning
  • Detection of insider securities trading
  • Mineral exploration
  • Irrigation and pest management
  • Predicting failure of diesel engines
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Class selection for students

Limitations of Expert Systems
  • Can handle only narrow domains
  • Do not possess common sense/intuition
  • Have a limited ability to learn

  • To date, no computer AI can match all dimensions
    of human intelligence
  • For algorithmic problems, computers can perform
    faster, however humans still write the programming
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